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Little Things 49 : Television

November 30, 2012
I hardly watch TV. I can't remember when was the last time I really watch it. I did watch TV for 5 minutes last week when my colleague was aired for a slot in a program. That was it.  * When I was out-stationed to Kuantan, I stayed in a hotel. Usually the first thing I do when entering a room are give salam and turn-on the TV. Just to leave the creepy silence. But that one time, the...

Little Things 48 : Believe

It's becoming a habit, waking up so early in the morning. I stared at bunk bed above me, I felt lost, and I thought, "What happened?". Those several minutes of mild sleepiness and exhaustion, I tried to recall my dream but most of the time I failed.  I questioned things that matter to me the most at that time, and I reasoned to that. I felt closer to myself during this particular moment...

Writing : 750words - 2

November 28, 2012
* Does 750words a day improve my writing? I've participated in 20 daily pages. I've completed 17 daily pages. I've written 14,432 words in 26 days. Maybe my writing is still the same. But I learned about myself more than I usually do. When I need to write 3 pages long daily, I had to put extra efforts in thinking of ideas. I had to ask myself daily, somehow it pushes me towards my...

Place : Morocco Pavilion

I love finding new places to explore. This was taken at Morocco Pavilion , Botanical Garden, Putrajaya quite a while ago. I've been to Botanical Garden many years before but I never knew the existence of such place.  * Back then when I was young and just finished high school, with my big optimistic mind, I applied for a scholarship in architecture. But I never got any reply back from...

Little Things 48 : Short Inspiration

November 26, 2012
*   * A video posted by Sarah Joan on her Facebook wall today put me in deep thought. If money didn't matter, I want to travel and write and read all the time. I want to spend my waking time creating life that matters to me. But money matte...

Doodle : Come Back

November 25, 2012
* Hello ! Like all any other people who draw and write for a living, I don't like " artist's block ". It is when I can't produce any other work, or trying to do so when end up with crumpled papers. Usually it happens when I finished a big project. In this case, my previous big project was Pipit Creative Market.  It is very common and there is nothing to worry about. What I usually do...

Doodle : Hello Today ❤

November 24, 2012
* I opened my eyes to those faintest dissolving memories,  and it slowly disappeared like all my other dreams. ❤ Hello new day ❤ ...

Doodle : Selamat Pagi

November 23, 2012
* Waking up from endless translucent dreams of the unknown.  ❤ Selamat pagi ❤ ...


November 22, 2012
* Hello ! It's been 1 year and 4 months since we adopted Awan.  The original story of why I adopted Awan was this.  Last year, when I was 24 years old, I felt the urge to have children - this is due to the normal effect of comparing my life with my married friends : the famous peer pressure effect. But I wasn't married or even in a stable relationship, so I asked my mom and...

Inspiration : Haruki Murakami

November 21, 2012
Haruki Murakami's on Writing : When I’m in writing mode for a novel, I get up at 4:00 am and work for five to six hours. In the afternoon, I run for 10km or swim for 1500m (or do both), then I read a bit and listen to some music. I go to bed at 9:00 pm. I keep to this routine every day without variation.  The repetition itself becomes the important thing; it’s a form of mesmerism. I mesmerize...

Sticker : Individuals

November 20, 2012
* Hello ! * The sticker sizes vary. * Other sticker sets : Cakes Sticker Pack Vintage Camera Pack Astronaut Sticker Pack All other Sticker Pack * PS : All stickers were illustrated by me and owned by me, please don't copy, reprint or reproduce them in any ways. Thank you for your understanding. ...

Little Things 47 : Weakness

There is a question on my Proust account that I answered 15 months ago : What is your biggest weakness? And my answer was just in one word :  Insecurity. And after more than one year later, if I ask myself again the same question, I will give the same answer. How can after a year passed, I am still dealing with the same weakness?  Will it ever be better? Will I ever find...

Event : Big Bad Wolf 2012

November 16, 2012
* Hello ! I am so glad to find out that the next Big Bad Wolf Super Awesome Book Sale is held before my next trip ! I was a bit worried before they notify the event's date and venue on the Facebook. So this time it will be much longer with more books on stock : imagine having 3,000,000 books !  But apparently all my extra money was & will be used for my next trip, so it leaves...

Little Thing 46 : Reset Button

November 15, 2012
It's a new year.  A new start.  A new beginning.  Like an invisible reset button I can push,  giving a psychological refresh on my 25 years of my life.  Goals should be made.  Spirits should be burned.  If it is not today, then when will it be ?  Life is what you are today, not what you say your life going to be someday. It is a hard blow...

Doodle : Astronaut

* Hello ! Here are new stickers from my doodle partner, zamzammee.  There are 4 astronauts to choose from : Printed on glossy sticker paper, hand-cut and packaged.  ...

Little Stories 24 : Grey's

November 14, 2012
Why did I even watch Grey's Anatomy in the first place? Last night I watched the 'current' season 9 and ended up crying through the whole 2 series. I can't blame it on my hormones because I think they are perfectly fine. Those series became too hard for me to handle. After been knowing all casts for year, I've wrapped sentimental values towards them. Even as fiction, the series did a great job...

Little Things 45 : Photographic Memory

November 13, 2012
I really wish I have a photographic memory like Lexie Grey.  What I have is a feeble visual memory with the ability to recognize and imagine certain things in my head. Like roads and maps, also certain coordination of things when I look at it. I usually can remember roads pretty fast, I know which road I've used and I can imagine my location in my head - according to how complicated...

DIY : Epoxy Sticker

Hello ! Tutorial on making Do-It-Yourself Epoxy Sticker :D * Things Needed : Sticker Paper Printer Epoxy Sticker Scissor * 1. Get things ready. In this tutorial, I used Simili Sticker Paper I bought from Popular Bookstore ancient time ago. * 2. Get it printed. In this tutorial, I used HP Deskjet 2000. * 3. Get the epoxy sticker ready. * 4. Take...

Post Pipit Day

November 12, 2012
* Hello ! Here is my doodle on my Pipit day in my personal travelogue : Click to get a bigger view. * * Hope you enjoy it as much as I did :)...