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Review : TheBookDepository to Malaysia *Updated 2023*

January 14, 2023
NOTE: Book Depository closed down in 2023, so Amazon bought it, then decided to close it down - perhaps to remove one of its biggest competitors. I hate you, Amazon. TheBookDepository, there is nothing like you T^T


Hey guys,
I think I need to update this post, it's been 8 years since I wrote this original post about The Book Depository review and people keep coming to this particular post when they are having problems with TBD or thinking about buying books there + worried about the shipping all the way to Malaysia.  
  • I first started to buy books from TBD in 2011
  • I ordered >30 books from them (18 orders)
  • 1 parcel was missing and I got a full refund (in 2011)
  • Other books arrived safe and sound
  • I also ordered a book during Covid19 pandemic in Sept 2020 and got the book a month later in Oct 2020
  • I ordered again during the pandemic on the 23rd of April 2021, and I received the books on the 25th of May 2021. This time the postman left it right in front of my apartment door (anyone can actually take it - but thankfully another postman was sending another parcel and we noticed the parcel). I ordered 3 books by Beatrice Blue from the same publisher, they were bigger than A4 size but quite thin, so they were packed together in 1 parcel.
  • I ordered the last Carlos Ruiz Zafon book on the 30th Jan 2022 and received my book on the 15th of Feb (around 2 weeks later)
  • I preordered Hanya Yanagihara's To Paradise in Nov '22, it was released and posted on the 1st of Jan 2023 and arrived in my letterbox less than 3 weeks later.

These are some of the books that I bought from TBD in 2 different orders :

So let me update this posts : 
  • Shipping: Yes, they are still sending books without any shipping fees. From what I can see, whenever I bought 3 books, 3 different individual parcels would arrive, they were never packed into one parcel. I think that's how they manage to send parcels for free (I'm assuming). So don't worry about the postman can't send your parcel safely when you are not at home. As long as you have a 'locked mailbox', those parcels will be safe. Pos Malaysia will deliver it to your home.
  • It is safe to send it to your uni/office? : Reminder, anyone can take your parcels. No one will have to sign anything, so if you trust your co-workers or people from your mailing centre, please do so. But you can't blame anyone when it goes missing. 
  • Book quality: They are all new books, I don't think they are selling second-hand books. 
  • Tax: No tax fees. You just have to pay for the book.
  • How long it will take? : I once received a book 2 weeks after I bought it, and I once received a book 2 months after I bought it. So it depends on the shipping situation I guess.  
  • How to pay for the books: Credit/debit card (default) + Paypal (You can change to Paypal payment after you set the currency setting to USD$ )
  • Lost/missing parcels: Please write to their support centre after 2 months of the order. I'm not sure how they deal with this problem nowadays. In the older day (several years ago), I once lost one order and I asked the support centre. They gave me a full refund. I double-checked my address and my mailbox was locked, so I genuinely didn't receive any parcels. No lost parcels afterwards.

For me, TBD is still the best place to buy books online.
They are way cheaper (with sales) and have free shipping. Cheaper than books sold in bookstores in Malaysia. Plus, you can find books that are not sold here / hard to find locally (especially graphic novels and visual books). I don't mind waiting longer ❤


The old post was written on the 23rd of March 2012 :

Yay! 2 weeks ago I ordered this book from Depositorybooks and it arrived last weekend from the UK.

With :
1. Free shipping
2. Fast delivery
3. Discount


This is my second attempt with The Book Depository. I've been searching for online websites that sell books and offer free shipping, and this caught my eye. Several months ago, I ordered 2 discounted graphic books from the web but they never arrived. After 2 months of waiting, I reported to them about my books and got a full refund in a week. Pretty neat. No fuss.

Email I received :
Dear Azreen,
I am very sorry to hear that your order has not yet arrived; As this is clearly overdue we are happy to offer you a refund or a replacement whichever you prefer? 
Kind Regards,
Customer Advisor


2 weeks ago, I decided to try it again. I was not convinced that their management is bad because I've read several good reviews about this website *and they offer free shipping! Who would refuse that? So I ordered again anyway.  I was willing to give a second chance to answer my curiosity! :E

The payment was made via PayPal and credited to maybank2u, which was super easy. 
Postage fees = free. Ordered, confirmed and waited. It arrived home after 2 weeks. Satisfied :)


Anyhow, I did read some bad comments on Depositorybooks. So, it depends on your luck! Just be patient, they offer a full refund, you won't lose anything and you'll gain experience. Try to take from the good side of everything :)

163 comments on "Review : TheBookDepository to Malaysia *Updated 2023*"
  1. Azreen, do you mean ? Or is this another website?

    (I've only had experience with the site ordering from the UK. And found them to be excellent. :D)

  2. Yes Aneesah, that's the one!


  3. Hi Azreen,

    I've never bought from bookdepository. but i have bought from mphonline a few times, and I got my Hunger Games trilogy from there at a discounted price, plus some other items, and the total plus shipment is more cost-saving than buying them off the rack. I usually will buy a few items so that I'll only pay for the shipping fee once.

    For mphonline, if you buy more than RM180 worth of items, they will waive the shipping fee of RM7, so if you wanna get something worth at least that much, go for it :)

  4. how about the currency? ringgit to pound i presume? how is that possible? mind to share?

    1. Just use to check on the pricing in Ringgit.
      They also use USD, but most books got discounts,
      so it is cheaper than what you have here, locally (*sbb no shipping fees+discount).

  5. How is the book quality ?

    1. Book's quality?
      The same as those books in the bookstores - they are same books after all.

  6. hi �� i kinda need help here. i know it offers a free delivery but is there any additional fee like tax from malaysia or sth ??? thanks ��

    1. No, no extra fee or tax. Just pay for the book <3

  7. hi..recently i brought book from them. Nearly 1 month ,i still not received the book.They ask me to check local sorting to check?

    1. No, usually if the postman came and can't give the parcel to you, they will leave a note saying that you need to pick it up at the nearest local official postoffice where they keep things, not the small-small post offices.

      And usually it might take 2 weeks to more than a month to arrive from UK.
      I wrote a complain after 2 months overdue and got the refund. So maybe you need to wait several more weeks, perhaps? :)

    2. what do you mean by official post office and small-small post offices???

    3. Hi mengmeng,
      I'm not sure what it is called - where they keep all the parcels and letters (the official sorting centre in your area) ? Sorting centre is the big one.

      Not the small post office that you go to send your parcel / pay bills only - that's the small ones, they don't keep unclaimed parcels.

  8. I've only started using TBD and I'm still waiting for my parcel to arrive, although it has already been 2 weeks (but I hear some goes up to 3 weeks, so I'll wait a little more :P ).

    As for MPHonline, this is my second time using their service and I really liked it, once you become a MoRewards member (you have to buy up to RM 120 books and you are automatically signed up as member in your next purchase that lasts for a year), the shipping fee is waived and plus their discounts, I would say it's pretty worth it too. The only downside is their limited book titles, but other than that, their service is great!!

    1. I used TBD so many times by now I lost count :D
      Their books are always on offer, shipping is forever free.
      It takes time for them for the shipping process, but I don't mind waiting :D

      I just bought 3 more illustrated children books last month and it arrived safely.
      Hope you received yours !

  9. hai. book depository ni pakai pos apa ye kat malaysia?

    1. Pos Malaysia akan hantar kan ke rumah, tp international post dr UK.

    2. Hi kalau kat rumah tu take Peti Surat dorang akan taru kat mana?

  10. Replies
    1. My version = "Payment made via Paypal and credited to maybank2u, which was super easy."

  11. Hai Azreen macam mana nak check buku TBD sbb dah x sampai dalam 2 months gak? N dah email dah they told me to check Kat nearest local sorting office? Kat mana local sorting office ni? Kalau Saya duduk Kat Sungai buloh, so kena check dekat pos malaysia Sungai buloh? N how to tell them to find our parcel if parcel kita ni xde tracking number ye??? Please help me 😢

    1. Hi Azizi,
      1. Mmg buku2 dari TBD tiada tracking, sebab tu free shipping. Dorg akan post satu per satu individually, mcm hantar surat biasa. Jadi kalau tak sampai mmg tak boleh track buku nya. Jd tiada note dr Pos Malaysia, dan tiada tracking.

      2. Biasa nya local sorting ni ikut location delivery kita. Kalau biasa surat2/parcel2 dr PosLaju tak dpt dihantar ke rumah, dia hantar ke mana? Then situ lah nearest sorting office. Tapi, even kalau pergi sana pun, mcm susah utk dorg detect kan, sbb tiada tracking ID. Tp boleh cuba ke sana tanya juga.

      3. Sy pernah hilang satu buku yg minta deliver, tak sampai2, jd sy report dan kemudian sy dpt full refund. Mmg buku tu tak tiba sampai ke sudah. Tp tu beberapa tahun lepas, sy tak pasti mcmana dorg selesai kan issue hilang buku skrg. Mungkin bila dah ramai sgt duk report hilang buku, susah dorg nk percaya dan pulangkan duit setiap report (sbb mungkin scam). Mungkin boleh try pergi sorting office dulu tanya, dan kalau takda juga, baru boleh tulis email customer service utk follow-up report semula.
      Tapi, kalau mailbox tak dikunci, ada possibility buku hilang, bukan salah delivery services/TBD.

      4. Apa yg boleh buat utk next time order : double check alamat pastikan betul dan mailbox kena kunci supaya barang tak dicuri.


    2. salam saya nak tanya, saya duduk condo, jadi barang2 pos semua amik kat guard sbb covid. so poslaju/pos malaysia akan call saya ke kalau buku yg saya order dah smpai?

    3. Waalaikumusalam..
      Tak, takda siapa akan call. Biasa nya dia letak dlm mailbox, kalau tak muat mailbox, dia tinggalkan notis suruh pickup kat pos office hq dalam area.
      Basically delivery macam pos surat biasa.

  12. Also if betul org tu ada tinggalkan note, knp Saya X dpt pun :(

  13. Interesting! Tq for your review for Book Depository sgt berguna.

  14. hi ive ordered a couple of books from TBD and i'm wondering if the books you bought from TBD were delivered using Royal Mail or some other mailing company. i'm just trying to make sure because i set my UNI's Mailing center as the mailing address and since the parcel will not be having any tracking number, i need to be sure with the name of the mailing company. besides, ive been told that any parcel from the UK is delivered using Royal Mail. Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi Azra,

      I dunno, whichever shipping company they use in the UK, when they reach Malaysia, Pos Malaysia will deliver it to the location. So I think they just use normal international shipping, not under any private shipping companies.

      To be safe, just send it to your house, because anyone can take the parcel when it arrive at your UNI, no one need to sign anything (and you can't blame the postman/the receiver if it goes missing).

      I used TBD over 5 times since I first started to use it, and parcels were inserted into my locked mailbox safely :)

  15. Tried it for the first time with 5 books...none arrived and they have no tracking number whatsoever and they insisted that i check with my local post office. Without any reference / tracking number, as expected, Pos Malaysia couldn't help. So they have to re-order and resend the books which i will have to wait another 15 days minimum. Will see if any of the books arrive this time. Will update.

    1. Soo... have you received your books yet ? :)

  16. Hi Azreen, yes the books have arrived finally!! The second replacement shipment that they sent arrived one week after the first shipment...which meant that I got two copies of all the books I bought. Informed Book Depository on this and they told me to just keep the extra sent it to the community library. So they do deliver your books but after this experience, will have to say that you have to be prepared to wait for at least 3 weeks to more than a month...which is a bargain considering the price you get.

    1. Oh yes, I suggest to wait from 2 weeks to 2 months before contacting their Customer Service because they are using normal international postage and it can take awhile.

      What's the rush :D I don't mind waiting, they offered free shipping and I know international parcels can take awhile.

  17. Thank you for the review.
    I haven't try BD before however I'd like to share my experience with AmazonUS on books purchase recently.
    Ordered & paid on 9th Aug & the package safely arrive on 20th Aug. Take note that I'm using AmazonGlobal Expedite Shipping, one of their 3 options (Standard, Expedite & Priority courier shipping.

  18. Thank you for this post! I ordered a book from them and it's been a month yet I still haven't received it. I'll wait for another month before I email them about this issue :)

  19. how do you track down your parcel since they do not provide it and they did not ask for your phone number?

    1. You don't.
      Just like basic shipping with stamp, you can't track the parcel. That's why the shipping is free. You just wait like the old days. The postman will put in your letter box, that's all.

  20. Assalam.. Dia ada print nombor telefon kita tak sekali dengan alamat? Ke nama dan alamat sahaja?

    1. Biasanya nama dgn alamat saja.
      Takde contact by phone. Pos biasa.

  21. Thank You. Your review about TBD really helped me to clear all the doubts. Very informative content.

  22. Hi Azreen, I have used PopBox address in Subang Jaya for collection and I just realised that I'll not be notified because they didn't have my contact number. Postman could have tried to contact me if my contact was there T_T Their FAQ page mentioned that there'll be tracking number for high value items using DHL etc, but how much is high value?

    1. Hello Mei, I just noticed this comment.
      No, the postman won't notify you. They will just put the parcel (book) in your mailbox, if it's too big, they will put a notice to let you know about where to pickup the parcel.
      I don't know about high value items tho.
      Hope you've already received it !

  23. Hye boleh tk bagi contoh email untuk contact customer service dia tu untuk complain tentang buku yg tk smpi lgi.

  24. Hi Azreen,since I'm staying in a condo and my mail box is kinda small for books to be pushed through the hole. What will happen to my order if the postman can't place the parcel into my mailbox?

    1. I think they will leave a pickup notice for you to pick up the book at the post office in your area.

  25. Hi Azreen. I just made my first order from book depository on 6 May 2020 and the parcel was dispatched from UK on 13 May. The parcel is expected to reach me in 10-20 days. However, after almost a month waiting, the parcel still has not arrived, so I contacted their customer service. They reply promptly and asking me to give 5-10 extra days for the parcel to arrive since this Covid 19 thing is affecting the delivery period. The parcel still has not arrived. Perhaps I should give it one more month before contacting their customer service again.

    1. did you received your book already??

    2. May i know have you received yours? Because my book dispatched on the 29May and i have yet to receive mine till today.

    3. Hi, I order my books on june 19 too, and its august now,still no news on my parcel :(

    4. hi, to anonymous wrote on 22 august, have u receive your book? Now is November already.

  26. The poslaju in our area doesn't really do delivery so without the tracking number how do i know if my book arrived? And does BD free shipping include east malaysia?

    1. Why would Pos Malaysia doesn't do delivery without tracking ? I'm not sure about this, but I sent Patreon rewards to people all over Malaysia (still using stamps and normal small parcel, it all arrives).

      Bookdepository offers free shipping all over the world probably because they use normal shipping with no tracking (like the old days). It takes super long time, and we wouldn't know when it will arrive, but eventually it does :)

  27. Hi, I just nak share yg sekarang TBD akan beri order number and we can check the status order online. So, xde masalah utk track buku yg kita order skrg ni.

    1. That is wrong. The book is still untracked. It will just update where they have sent out or still in processing.

      Once dispatched, no tracking at all. I have ordered 4 books a month ago. 1 dah sampai 2 minggu lepas. 3 dah hilang.

  28. Ouh.... So dptla tracking dri masa ke semasa mana buku tu, camtu ke?

  29. Thank for the info. Waiting for mine. 20 days already.

  30. Hi azreen, they don't send it to the house directly? They just place it in the mailbox? 😱 I have a bunch of questions

    What if it's stolen? What if it can't fit in my small mailbox? What if they lose it 😭😭😭 anyway they said mine would come by the first which is today but haven't seen any mailmen around sadly .

    1. Yes, just like normal letter/parcel. They will send it directly in your letterbox. Just make sure it is locked/safe from the rain.

      If the book is big/thick and they can't put inside your letterbox, they will leave a pick-up notice and ask you to come to the post office to pick it up (I had one of that once).

      I live in an apartment, so I always receive it normally in my letterbox. Never had any experience where postman just leave my books at gate/door.

      During covid phase it will take longer time. Just add 1-2 months.

    2. Thanks for replying azreen 😭 I wanna buy more books but my mom will kill me if I bought more before one even arrived haha

  31. Hi azreen , I'm back! I wanted to ask if you've ever ordered anything once and then ordered another book, but got the newer books you ordered first? Because I just placed another order on books before I received my previous order. Btw do they pack evrybook seperately? Not in a single box if I order more than 1?

    1. Yes, they will send all books separately, depending on where the nearest stockist available. That's how they provide a free shipping because it is cheaper for them to send individual books.

      If your latest order came from the nearest stockist, you might receive them before the previous order, so yes !

  32. I request not to purchase the book in book depository its better to purchase in any other website rather going for this. They can't even provide the order status and updates. They can't provide a single book even after 1 month from the day you purchase.
    Don't waste your money and time by purchasing in Book Depository

    1. 1) If you aren't patient enough to wait, then yes, please don't buy from Book Depository.
      2) If you don't have a secure letter box, please don't buy from Book Depository.
      3) If you need to track every single purchase, please don't buy from Book Depository.

      The reason they can send books for free is because they use the old school way to ship the order, like the normal stamp posts. It might takes 1-2 months, but it will arrive eventually. It is not waste of time if you aren't rushing it. They are not Amazon.

  33. Just wanna say yours is the single most useful post about buying on BD, aaaand this thread is on fire! Wish I'd thought about researching and reading this before I impulse-bought a bunch of books, order despatched on 17 Nov so I suppose I will have to wait till 2021�� wish me luck! And strength...

    1. Yes, I noticed that people keep on visiting this blog for this post alone and this was originally written in 2012 ! :F

      I think mostly because of the shipping issue.
      But trust me, just chill and wait for the books like the old days, they will surely come just a bit too slow for people in this days lah.

      It will be fun when you keep on receiving random books that you ordered when you check your letter box. Wish you all the patience in the world <3

    2. Omg you are the first person I had to tell, guess what arrived in the mail today!!!!!!!! (Or maybe yesterday when I didn't check my letter box...) Thanks to your blog, it's my BD good luck charm =D

    3. Yeaaaay, best kan ? Random books that you ordered will keep on popping up in the mailbox and it feels like the mailbox had its great function back (other than bills and more bills).

  34. Macam mana nak buat aduan kalau buku belum sampai?


    1. If dah check semua di FAQ : , boleh try isi form di sini :

      Delivery boleh amik masa 10 hari - up to 2 months yaaa (sbb covid19).

  35. Okay, thanks, kalau ikutkan tarikh penghantaran buku saya sepatutnya dah sampai kemarin, tp still x sampai, so I decided tunggu until 1 months baru buat aduan, saya just harap buku tu sampai dlm bulan ni, It's really important book for my thesis🤧

  36. Just want to share my experience with TBD so far. Usually it'll take about a month, more or less for the books I purchased to arrive. Since I don't really mind waiting, I'm more than happy when the books arrives at my home. I've lost count on how many books that I bought, so many lah! Most of them are light novels which are really difficult to find in any Malaysian bookstore. The best thing about TBD is they also sometimes offer occasional discounts on top of those already low priced books! Absolutely love it. I had no complains. Sincerely from a happy and loyal customer ;)

    1. Omygod, thanks for leaving a positive feedback !

      I completely agree <3 I'm not their spokesperson, but TBD has always been my go-to book store when I want something hard to find (esp graphic novels and special edition).

  37. Hello, Azreen. So, there's this book that I've been wanting to buy for the longest time but the book is so foreign in malaysia that I can't find it anywhere at all except for TBD. What I'm curious is about how the book will get to me. I've read on some other sites that books are delivered by Pos Malaysia, not Poslaju. So does this mean that if I were to buy a book, a postmen, like the ones designated only for mails, will deliver my books? To my home mail box? And is there any way to know if the book has arrived in malaysia or even to my local post office? Sorry if this is a dumb question. This is about to be my first purchase from there and it totally freaks me out. I want to at least get my money and time's worth. I'd appreciate it if you can take the time to answer. Thanks!

    1. Hello Am.ha,

      Yes, it will be delivered by our national postal system (which is Pos Malaysia), by a normal postman to you home's mail box.

      No tracking system, because they will send it with basic shipping (I guess that's why they offer free shipping). I think it can take from 2 weeks to 2 months (it is hard to predict due to Covid).

      My parcel from the US took a month even tho they said it will only take 2 weeks (no tracking, normal international shipping, put in my locked mail box).

      So, yes, longer time, no tracking, free delivery.
      If you are patient enough, TBD is for you :)

  38. Hi Azreen, i found this website helpful though. I already ordered 4 books last december until now they have not yet arrived.I already contacted their customer service and they said that the books estimated to be arrive on 9 february 2021.Do i need to wait or ask for refund? (would be helpful if you answer because its my first purchase and i'm worry about the books and my money)

    1. Hello, I suggest you to wait for awhile. Some of my orders took longer than 2 months to arrive, and yes, covid do affect the delivery.

      One of my order took extra 2 weeks than the estimation date. I'm glad I waited. As long as you have a secure mailbox, I think it will arrive safety eventually.

  39. I wanted to ask if they already send us notice about refund through email but i still want to wait for my books to arrive eventhough its not yet arrive for about 2 months what to do?

    1. You can probably reply a bit late, maybe if you want to wait for another 1-2 weeks, and if the parcel still didn't arrived, you can just inform them that you've added several more weeks and the parcel is still missing.

  40. Your writing about TBD are so helpful. I ordered my book and keep asking why it didn't arrived yet and its been more than 2 weeks. Seems like i have to wait for more. I dont mind waiting though. Thank you for this. It helps to ease my anxiousness about my books

    1. Don't worry too much about it. Some of my international parcel took 4 weeks, even though they said it will take only 2 weeks. But due to Covid, everything is unpredictable.

    2. Yes, true. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences. It's really so helpful. Have a good day ahead :]

  41. Hi Azreen, your post is very helpful when I first started buying with TBD.
    Now, I frequently ordered books from TBD as well. I have many books purchased from TBD and they usually arrived within a month safely.
    However I faced an unusual case with my recent orders made after mid-March, for example I have several books dispatched out on the same date from the UK, majority of the books dispatched on the same day has arrived more than a week ago. But there are few that did not arrive until today. I find it weird because usually books dispatched on the same day, I usually received within the same week.
    Does this ever happened to you? What would you suggest, should I wait another month? It's been a month since the book was dispatched. Just would like to hear your opinion :) Thank you for reading and responding to this in advanced.

    1. Hi Syaza,
      Yes, I think that happened to me before. I was worried too and I checked my letterbox every day - the parcel eventually arrived 2 weeks later than all the other books. I don't know where it travelled to before sampai.

      I also suggest for you to wait for 2 months before contacting their customer service, because we all know that they can't do anything, there is no tracking kan. So usually my last resort is contact the customer service for a refund (and usually I don't want to get a refund then suddenly the book arrive a month late). So let's wait and hope that it will arrive soon.. :)

    2. Thanks Azreen for the feedback. True, I would feel bad if they give me refund and suddenly the book did turn up in my mailbox haha I guess I will wait after Raya then to be safe.
      Have a great day :D

    3. Just would like to update here in case anyone found it helpful. I finally receive my book that was ordered way back in March 2021. And today is June 11, 2021. However I am not sure if this is the replacement that they sent or actually the original order. There is no indication that the book received was a replacement so I guess it is the original book ordered in March. I guess you need to wait for 3 months to be really sure that your book is delivered :D

    4. Thanks for the update Syaza.
      Did you emailed them about not getting the book? You might have received a replacement and I didn't know that they do that.

    5. Hi Azreen, sorry for the overdue reply. Yes, I did emailed them requesting for replacement. There's a possibility that the book is the replacement actually. But since there's no indication, I am also unsure hahaha but to date, I only receive one book of the same title, I guess the one that I received is most likely the replacement instead of the original. 😄

  42. Hello,
    I have a question.. I want to use debit card for payment and my debit card does not have 'name on card'/card holder name.

    So what should I type on 'name on card' so that I could proceed the order?? . Sorry to disturb you and, this is my first time want to buy books from book depository.

    1. Hello Seki,

      I think you can try your full name (if the card is registered under you) ? I'm not sure about this.

  43. Hi, Azreen! Your post is very helpful indeed! I planned on buying this particular book but it was sold out in Kinokuniya.

    1. Hello, yes, I'm glad that this post could help :)
      It might take a while to arrive tho, stay patient !

  44. Amazed you still replying to this thread, Azreen :O. But I have a question if you don't mind. My house doesn't have a mailbox. Will the postman just leave it on my front door?

    1. Yeah, I think this is the only post that is still active online (people keep on coming to this post to ask question).

      Regarding to your question, no, I don't think the postman will leave your book in front of your house, I think the postman will leave the 'pick-up later notice' on your door and you'll need to go to your nearest post office in your area to pick it up.

  45. Hi. I want to buy some books from TBD but I have some problem with the payment. Where can I change the payment mode so that I can use Paypal to pay. Thank you

    1. Hello,

      There is this note under the 'Checkout' button :
      "Check out with PayPal is also available. Please change your currency to display this payment option."

      You need to change your currency system to USD first then you can checkout using Paypal.

      Hope it helps !

  46. This gave me a little bit of assurance, im dying to read the books ive ordered on 5th of may 2021, it has been a month but maybe i just need to wait a little longer TT_TT

    1. So how was it ? Did you finally received your book ? :D

  47. Hi Azreen. Your blog really helps me a lot and actually Ive bought three times with book depo and all arrived safely. But this time I want to buy 9 books at the same time. Should I buy it in one order and how it will be delivered? I really need to hear some experiences about buying lot of books at once. :(

    1. Hello Shahidatun,
      I think it's okay to buy in one order, but I think you'll be receiving several parcels, at different times. They will be sending the books by publisher / availability based on its location. So maybe 9 books = 9 parcels, or 4 parcels, etc (I don't know).

      I ordered 4 books before and it came in 2 parcels because they were from different publishers.

      But be patient, because some of it can take up to 3 months (during Covid), so maybe some books will arrive early, some will arrive really late.

  48. Hi sis. I'm just wondering, once the order status is Dispatched, will there be any other status? Or the status stay the same until the parcel arrive?

    1. Hello Sukma, no, I don't think there's any other status afterwards. You won't be able to track it down.

  49. Hi. This is my first time using book depo to purchase eng novel . I purchased five feet apart n all this time but it is still “processing” after 3 days . I got anxious because this is my first time 😭 and I live in condo, idk where will the postmen put my parcel. i hope that he put it in front of my door or in my mailbox.

    1. Hello,
      Yes, usually it is in the mailbox or if it is bigger than maybe in front of your door (but you are living in a condo, I doubt postman got an access to go to people's front door)?

      So maybe in your mailbox then :) If it is too big, the postman will leave a note asking you to pick up your parcel at the post office.

      Don't worry, they are just books :) And books are supposed to make you happy :D

  50. I was searching for how to check live tracking from Book Depository then found your blog. I ordered 6 books from BD, two safely arrived last Monday. But really curious the status for other remaining 4 books lol. I assume they didn't provide us tracking number. Really hope nothing gonna happen. Thanks for sharing your experience btw.

  51. HI, Can you explain or give the steps on how to use maybank2u to buy books from book depository. I would appreciate it. Thank you.

    1. Hello Tarmizi, you can only use credit/debit card or Paypal, I don't think you'll be needing to use maybank2u, you can use your bank card instead.

  52. hye, just want to ask how long did it takes to get money refund from BD? because it says that I need to wait for 2-3 days working days but I didn't receive the refund after 3 days. Maybe there are some problems due to pandemic or etc?

    1. I am not sure about this, because I can't remember (it happened almost 10 years back), but I think you can give around 7 working days before contacting their customer service back ?

    2. Hi, I would like to add to this, I had lots of order which is cancelled and refunded. Usually it comes to my bank statement within 3 business days, even if I'm using credit card, it is super quick. So I never had any problem with their refund. Recently they sent me refund email on Jul 7, and I received my refund on Jul 9 (based on the transaction date but it appears on the web on Jul 10). Maybe give it a few more days, and you will see it in the account. If not, you can always email their customer service, their customer service is very good and super helpful too.

  53. Hi azreen, selalunya email confirm order dia hantar bila? Masa saya tengok order history dia kata you currently have no orders. btw this is my first time buying from TBD so im kinda anxious about it

    1. Hi Adam, biasanya lepas purchase akan dpt confirmation email, cuba check spam dan tgk if the payment went through ke tak.

  54. Found your blog when i Googled book depository. I think covid-19 affected the delivery. I haven't received my books I ordered in May 2021, & now is mid July 2021. But I'm still waiting

    1. Yes, all shippings from Bookdepository are severely affected by the Covid and Brexit, they stated in their website that it may take up to a month, but from my experience, it may take up to 2 months.

  55. Hi just nak tanya , saya order 3 buah buku dari Book Depository pada 19 June dan lagi satu buku tu dia pre order book dan akan release pada 24 June. Buku yg pertama dia dah dispatch dalam 20 atau 21 Jun macam tula dan alhamdulillah 11 or 12 Julai haritu dah sampai. But lagi 2 buku tu belum sampai. 2 buah buku lagi tu dispatch pada tarikh yang sama dalam 25 June macam tula sekali dengan buku yg pre order tu , so skang dah lebih dari 30 hari belum sampai jugak buku tu. so persoalannya kat sini nak tanya , adakah saya perlu tunggu selama 2 bulan ? 😳

    1. eh tersilap kira pulak 😂 baru 20 hari lebih skang ni. takpe im still waiting 😂 harap2 sampai dalam masa yang ditentukan 🥺

    2. Haha, baru 20+ hari plus, boleh tggu lagi tu. Sy biasanya tggu up to 2 months, lagi pulak musim2 covid ni beli kat bookxcess pun kadang2 boleh amik 2 minggu tak sampai2, apatah lagi buku dari luar ni kan.
      Kita tunggu dulu :)

  56. Hi azreen ! ive several questions,, my order is already confirmed by TBD but why hasnt my bank account been deducted yet ? is my payment successful or not? it should be when ive made my purchase, right ? I used a debit card btw ,,, sorry if this sounds stupid im still new to this ;;

    1. Hello, if successful I supposed you will get a confirmation email, did you received any confirmation email on your order ?

    2. yes, its just they havent taken my money yet and I wonder why

  57. Hello Azreen,I purchased 4 books on book depository on the 23rd July. And I just wanted to know normally how long does your books take to dispatch? Because mine still hasn't dispatch until now so I'm a bit worried.
    Also,I wanted to ask what was the longest time it took for your books to arrive as I'm worried about my books not coming.
    And may Ik what should I do if my books don't arrive? And how long should I wait?
    I hope you can reply to this as this is my first time purchasing from book depository. Tysm if you reply to this :)

    1. Hello Stellar,
      I'm not sure how long it would take for them to prepare the books, it might take awhile perhaps due to the book's availability ?
      Normally it would take around 1-2 months to arrive. I would usually wait until 3 months before contacting their customer service (during covid).
      Don't worry I hope it will arrive soon :)

  58. hi nak tanya, time kita letak shipping details tu memang tak boleh include no phone ke?

    1. Hi, ya, tidak boleh. Takda siapa akan call, dorg post mcm post surat biasa tu. Postman biasa akan hantar letak dlm letterbox.

  59. Hi, my bookdepository parcel tak sampai2 and saya ada email diaorang. Diaorang suggestkan supaya tengok2 dekat post office. Macam mana ya nak cari parcel tu dekat post office? Sebab biasanya kan kalau nak amik barang dari situ kena ada tracking number. Since bookdepository doesn't have any tracking number so i'm not quite sure how the process. Anyone can help me? Dah nak dekat 2bulan menunggu bukunya huhu nak sangat baca buku tu so i hope anyone yang tahu boleh tolong jawabkan :)

    1. Hi, biasanya kalau ada parcel kena ambil di post office, postman akan tinggalkan kertas notis suruh pickup buku.

      Memang takda tracking, tapi begitu lah, sama ada dia letak buku dlm letterbox atau kalau kena pickup, postman akan tinggalkan notis. Kalau tiada notis, maknanya tiada parcel kena pickup.

      Memang musim covid ni parcel byk stuck dan lambat sampai, especially sebab dorg guna method snail mail je utk hantar :(

  60. Hai there, I wanna ask, does book depository accept payment through debit card like Maybank for example? If yes, can you tell me how? Thanks in advance! I really hope that you will reply this!

    1. Hello, at this moment, they only accept credit cards and Paypal :( Sorry !

    2. I made payment using Maybank debit no problem

  61. Hi Azreen.
    Saw your post about u got full refund once.
    How long they take to refund it to you?

  62. To the person about debit card payment: Yes, you can make payment with debit card Maybank or any bank. Just fill in the form that is for Credit Card. As for your name on card, just put your full name and fill in the rest of the info. Made 3 successful payments with my debit card on TBD over the past two years.

    1. Does that mean i can use my Bank Rakyat debit card to pay? Because I don't have a credit card or paypal

  63. I Want To Buy 17 Book And Total Of The Price Is RM3000 Will The Parcel Will Stuck If I Make The Payment

    1. I'm not sure, but it is highly unadvisable.
      I think you should make a smaller purchases instead of one huge purchase.

  64. Hi, so i ordered a book on July 15 2021, and it dispatched the next day from UK, and it’s been a month, i need it for my college, and my college is starting soon, is it possible if i can cancel the order and get a refund from it?

    1. Hello Yen, no, I don't think you should because the book will arrive eventually.

      It can take up to 2-3 months sometimes for the book to arrive during a pandemic.

  65. Hey Guys, I am here to share with you about my exciting experience with book depo.

    I bought 6 books which dispatched on 24 June 2021.
    I received a notice from post office and claimed 2 books from post office on 29 July 2021.
    Then I kept waiting until I fedback to book depo customer service and they dispatched another 4 books as replacement to me on 25 August 2021.
    Then I bought another new books which dispatched on 3rd September 2021.

    Then I received a notice from post office on 22 September 2021 and claimed 9 books!!! 4 original books which was clearly printed dispatched on 24 June, 4 replacement books printed 25 August and 1 book which i bought on 3rd September!!!

    On the package of the 4 original books, they were stamped "Detoured", I don't really know what happened to them, maybe they arrived at local post office but the notice was sent to wrong address and did not reach me, or during the first time when I claimed my 2 books on 22 September, the post officer missed out another 4 books instead of giving me all the 6 books.

    I do not know how does POS Malaysia system work, anyhow the original detoured books were able to gather with the new replacement books and the latest bought book, I was given a notice to collect all of them at one time.

    For those that are worried and anxious, maybe you can go to the correct nearby post office to ask/check for your books. I was lucky to know my parcel/books are from which post office since the 1st 2 books were claimed from there.

  66. Hi, greetings. So basically, I just ordered a book around 2 weeks ago. I put the wrong address. How do we know if the books arrived? and can I still get a refund of it? I'm kind of scared because my mum paid for it. Thanks for your help

    1. Hi, we normally wouldn't know whether the books arrived or not. Is it possible for you to drop a note to the wrong address to inform you when the books arrive to them so you can pick it up ?

      Or if the address is wrong and nonexistent, the books will probably be returned to them back, in that case, you can contact their customer service informing about that.

  67. hello! do you know if the box set from book depository will be wrapped with bubble wrap first before they ship it in a box or it will be wrapped with bubble wrap only before the shipping process?

    1. I ordered a box set with 8 books. Didn't bubble wrap but they send using UPS only took 5 days. A box bit dented but books where alright

    2. None of my books were wrapped in bubble wrap, everything was in cardboard envelope. Hope they don't ever use bubble wrap to wrap books tho..

      All of my books arrived fine without bubble wrap, but be sure to prepare a place for the postman to put your parcel away from the rain.

  68. I just wanted to share my experience. Ordered a box set with 8 books and another large hardcover book. They sent the box set with UPS and shipping only took 5 days. I guess for big set they will use courier. The hardcover they sent using normal mail and took 39 days to arrive. Can't fit into my mailbox so they did call to deliver. Paid using Maybank visa debit no problem.

  69. i ordered 4 books at the same time on 29 june and then i ask for replacement on 13 Aug bc i still haven't received it yet and until now i still haven't receive the original and the replacement,so what should i do

    1. Try contact their customer service and ask inform about the situation. Books ordered in June, it is quite awhile back, I don't think you'll be receiving it.

      Oh yes, have you double checked your address ?

    2. Same with me i ordered books from tbd at September but still until now 2022 i didn't receive my books 😌

  70. Hi there, got a bizarre questions
    here, since this is my first time bought it from TBD and also haven't experienced using PayPal before.

    Does using PayPal for payment is cheaper than direct bank card payment?

    1. you can google and do the currency exchange and from there you can assess yourself if its cheaper paying using direct debit (using RM) or using Paypal .

    2. Yeap, you can check the currency exchange on Paypal / while using your bank card (because it is constantly changing) so we aren't sure. But I think it is more or less almost the same.

  71. Hello, I've just bought books from book depository for the first time, and I wonder if the book depository gives us kind of notification of tracking like if my parcel just got dispatched/ in transit or my parcel just got arrived or etc.? Kindly to answer my question 🥺

    1. Hello, they will only update you via email/website status when the book is dispatched. You you can wait around 3 weeks+ for it to arrive , no other notification.

  72. Haii actually i want to ask saya beli buku dari bulan 9 2021 but its not arrived .. i also email book depository and diorang dah send copy but the copy also tidak sampai .. do you know why what the cause? Actually this is my first time beli buku kat situ but sampai sekarang 2022 its still not arrived .. saya guna alamat yang lengkap and betul but still tidak sampai .. betul ker pos laju yang hantar 😌

    1. omg lamanya. sy pun 1st time test beli di BD. dispatched early jan 2022. tgk estimated days 25-35 days. skg sdh 14/2/2022. risau btl klu tdk smpai2 😞

  73. hi, which type of courier sending the BD parcel?

  74. Hi. How long does it take for a cancellation & refund process? Because I wanted to change my order from paperback version into hardback version. Thank you in advance.

    1. Hi, I think it takes awhile to get the refund back (maybe more than 2 weeks?).
      You need to do it fast if you really want it because Book Depository will be closing on 26 April 2023 :F

  75. Hi this is my first time buying from TBD before they close. I already inform them I didn’t get my book & should inform them tomorrow if I still didn’t get the book. So I wanna know your opinion whether I should wait for a little bit more or just update them about not receiving it yet? Will they ignore my complain if I report it few weeks later than the date they gave me?

    1. Hello, how long it has been already ? I remember I waited for at least 2 months before informing them that I didn't receive my parcel.

  76. haiii... i also facing the same problem.. first time purchased from TBD. my parcel dispatched on 12 April. and wait till now still not yet receive.. should i just continue to wait coz nothing can do ady. i ady email them and they replied ady over 14days from the estimated delivery date.. they cant do anything.

  77. Commenting here as I wanted to share an amusing news. I placed an order with book depository in January 2022, and hadn't received the parcel so I kinda gave up and forgot about it. Until today when I checked my mailbox; surprise, surprise, the parcels FINALLY arrived!! 😆 I am beyond am elated and also amused because it arrives after 2 years 7 months. The date on the parcel showed it was sent out on 17 January 2022, so the delay must have been on the delivery or customs. Anyway guys, I'm sharing this news to help with the anxiety of anyone still waiting for the parcel to arrive. Stay strong brothers and sisters, it is out there somewhere..making it's way slowly but surely to your arms❤️

    1. Oh my god, what great news. 2 years and 7 months !!!!!
