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Hello Doodle.

December 30, 2011
* * Let me tell you this : if you meet a loner, no matter what they tell you, it's not because they enjoy solitude. It's because they have tried to blend into the world before, and people continue to disappoint them. by Jodi Picoult , My Sister's Keeper. ...

Daily Doodle : Almost New Year!

Hello, Hey, it's near 2012!  I've been super productive lately. Since I've stopped accepting freelance & commission order, I'm still in holiday mood.  What do you guys do at night after school or work?  Other than reading and surfing the net , I only do doodle for fun.  I've been rethinking the purpose of my doodle habits. Indirectly saying that I'm in therapy...

Little Things 5 : Hand made card

On my last graduation celebration with my mom & siblings, I received a handmade card from my sister.  She's a wonderful paper art maker. Tell you the truth, I don't have the patient to work like she does. For that, kudos for her. By the way, she receives commission order, so you can contact her via facebook or email : for any enquiries.*Each page was dedicated...

DIY : Shrink Plastic Tutorial

December 28, 2011
Hello!  Tutorial on making your own charms using shrink plastic :D ( I DO NOT sell shrink plastic ) I've been wanting to share this tips & techniques with everyone.  Making your own shrink plastic charms!  Things Needed : Shrink plastic Permanent Marker  Wooden board Plier Small Rings Knife Cooking Oven Acrylic Clear Spray  * 1....

End of Year Doodle

December 27, 2011
Hello. Another 5 days before 2012. It's almost 2 years since I officially started sharing my doodles. I learned a lot from doing such a simple mindless thing for fun, and for that, thank you all for supporting :) Previous Weekend's Doodle : * Nerdy side of azreenchan. Get latest updates by following my facebook....

Little Things 4 : Our Playground

December 26, 2011
*Can you see me? :D*We LOVE our own playground. Every time we found bumper car rides or even hovercraft rides *in Bandung, we will definitely try it. We will usually drag some victims along the ride. We = my siblings. And because four persons are already a big group and then including the victim probably another 2-3 people, so it will be like our own private playground. The latest rides in Bandung,...

My Weekend Updates !

I love long weekend! I finished my freelance works, and currently resting. *Waiting for reality to knock on my door. Another several days before new years, be ready for 2012.1. Finished up 2 doodles on canvas :One was the large doodle that I've started several months ago and I was too lazy to continue because I was bored and it seemed like never-ending process.And the second one was...

Direct Translation : Bruno Mars, It will Rain.

December 23, 2011
Why is it important to learn and keep on learning? Because you won't be the victim easily.Because you won't misunderstood something just by what others are saying.Learning English is just as important as learning other language. Most people take the easy way to just directly translate it.Here is one example I extracted from several posts on Facebook wall :Song : It will Rain by Bruno Mars There's...

Things I learned from Books 1

I learned about Osteogenesis Imperfecta from one of Jodi Picoult's book : Handle with Care.It is also called 'brittle-bone disease'. It causes your bone to crack so often, even if you just sneeze in wrong way. You bone will be so fragile, you can't do any active activity. Major symptom would be multiple bone fractures from young age *compared to osteoporosis that usually attacking elderly. Not...

What you should know : Fresh Graduates

December 22, 2011
Hey, fresh graduates!One thing you should take note before you accept job offers is your salary. Although I am sure as fresh graduates, you are lack of skills & experience, but you shouldn't be too naive too long. There are fishes in the sea, grab one and it will tell different stories. Can you imagine, currently to buy a semi-D house in Sri Kembangan area, it will cost roughly RM 500k+,...

Inspiration : No Choice

No Choice by Seth Godin :"I had no choice, I just couldn't get out of bed.""I had no choice, it was the best program I could get into.""I had no choice, he told me to do it..."Really?It's probably more accurate to say, "the short-term benefit/satisfaction/risk avoidance was a lot higher than anything else, so I chose to do what I did."Remarkable work often comes from making choices when everyone else...

Music Video.

December 21, 2011
Oh, I love Ingrid. Ingrid is an awesome song writer & singer.She just posted this song on YouTube and it reminds me of somebody that I used to know, exactly like the song's title. Although I usually feel pointless to post a video clip on my blog. Here goes a song that reminds me of somebody that I used to know. *Update :I love how the lyric speaks my mi...


My cat, Awan is now 22 weeks old.While we've been away to Bandung for 5 days, we left Awan at my dad's house with Bibik. I don't know  if she is just straight-forwardly a coward or just because of the new environment. But I found out that for days that we've been away, Awan stayed in our room at my dad's all day and hardly explored the house. I thought Awan would be as curious as a cat?...

Little Things 3 : Mix Tape

A mixtape is a compilation of songs recorded in specific order. I love receiving mixtape. It is so rare, and so personal. It is like sharing your thoughts to someone, because for me, music sings the song of our unconscious mind. When you create a mixtape, you will think thoroughly about which kind of musics should you share, what makes you share it, why you love it, your current thought and all...

Travel : Bandung 3 : The Art

December 18, 2011
* * There were arts everywhere! Hotels, streets, airports, malls, walls etc. It's obvious that they appreciate arts much better than us. I was quite shocked to see everything seems to have some artistic values. Meeting local artist was a bonus for me too.  I had limited time to really explore this side of Bandung. Most places I went to was either malls...

Travel : Bandung 2 : The Food

* * The foods were nice & heavy. I guess that's one thing I didn't like being in a tour. We just had to finish up everything on the table. I'm not used to eating a LOT of foods for days.  PS : Eat carefully. I'm the only one affected by the food. The only thing that differs between what they ate & what I ate was just Hot Latte from J'Co with empty...