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Doodle : Pencil Colour

January 31, 2013
It is like a never ending long journey of patience. * My experiment on pencil colours : * PS : I don't know how my mom did it. I am pretty much bored easily with pencil colours. Zzz....

Writing : Niche

On writing topic : I read twice from writing articles about 'finding your niche' in blogging. Roughly, the idea is to write your blog specifically only on topic/s that you chose to write about. You can have a fashion blog and talk about all the latest fashion, what people wear, what you should not wear, which colours suit you, how to combine patterns, and so on. You can write a travel blog...

Little Things 62 : Questions & Writing

The more I learn about life, the more questions pops-up.  No one said it will be an easy ride.   I took an online class on the Introduction of Philosophy from University of Edinburg to challenge my critical mind. I am very much interested in it ever since I was in high school : to understand about life and human in particular.  Never-ending questions. In the course, it...

Exhibition : 6 x 6 Art Geng 2013 - 3

January 28, 2013
Last weekend, we went to MaTiC, Kuala Lumpur again for the closing ceremony. I met several artists : Fai Zakaria & Dzul Afiq , for the first time. Not as many participants came as anticipated, but it was enough to fully make use of the stage for the photography session.  * For the event, I brought 7. The Life of Pi, by Yann Martel. I loved the movie so much I had to...

Little Things 61 : Carpe Librum

January 23, 2013
What is it in books that I love so much?  Is it the possibilities and stories? The hopes and faith ? The connection to the author as a resemblance to learning about other human along the way ? The art of written words or the beautiful intricate cover page? The soft smell of papers or the thickness of it packed with its own world? The beautiful quotations that reach...

Little Things 60 : Be Thankful

In life, we can't satisfy everyone. So choose carefully. Imagine it's your last day on earth, ask yourself who matters to you. Who do you want to say thank you and good bye. You will probably be surprised by what your heart tells you.  And those people you'd thought about, call them, text them, meet them.  Tell them that they matters to you, and having them is the best thing that...

Little Stories 37 : Taxi Driver 3

January 22, 2013
Morning story with uncle abang taxi : It was a silent morning, I took a taxi ride like usual. I sat in the front seat, like most morning when I feel it's rude to seat at the back. My eyes routinely wandered towards the cross sign hanging at the mirror, slowly towards his taxi identification card. Moses. A devoted Christian Indian named Moses. Nice one. If he is Muslim, he'd probably named...

Books : Updates

January 21, 2013
For my 26 books aimed this year : I am so happy to announced that I enjoyed reading 4. Reckless by Cornelia Funke. The last Inkheart trilogy was an interesting journey for me *throughout my teenage - early adulthood years.  I took Reckless from the table on the previous BigBadWolf days, thinking :  Hey, I might enjoy my teenage year once again. And I was right ! Briefly speaking,...

Little Things 59 : Choices

January 20, 2013
People said, we choose. We make the decision. We are given choices. And we decide. No, I want to disagree. This is not my story, things have been written from the start. Maktub. *...

Exhibition : 6 x 6 Art Geng 2013 - 2

At last, I went to the MaTic Art Gallery with my mom & siblings today. There was indeed thousands of little artworks from many people ! If the air-cond was not broken, I may enjoyed it fully-heartedly. But, we came on the day the air-cond was not working and it was sweatily hot. Anyhow, the exhibition is almost over. Do come to visit ! * Some of artworks that I liked : This is so...

Exhibition : 6 x 6 Art Geng 2013

January 19, 2013
* 6 x 6 Art Geng Exhibition from the 1st - 25th January 2013 daily , 9 am - 9 pm, free admission, at MaTiC Art Gallery, Kuala Lumpur (next to Saloma Bistro). A compilation of thousands artwork from artists all over Malaysia. I sent several artworks that I managed to do last month, along with my super awesome mother & sister. * Mom's Artworks : * And this one mom did...

Little Stories 36 : Taxi Driver 2

January 15, 2013
Morning story with Uncle taxi. *  Uncle : It's near Raya, everyone is so busy.  Me : Ya la Uncle. Are you taking some days off?  Uncle : I don't celebrate Raya much nowadays. No difference. Got children feels like no children. No one wants to come back home. I makan cincai2 on Raya.  Me : Why so? It's Raya, Uncle.  Uncle : Children don't want to come back ma....

Doodle : Cat Sticker Pack

January 14, 2013
Despite the unfortunate event of my Mac's unretrievable data caused by the broken hard drive, I am still going to continue living without my past. As it might seems, it has been all wiped clean, as clean as a new empty house up for sale. Void and empty.  Although there might be a possibility of retrieving any data in the future, by sending the broken hard drive to other doctors, I don't...

Doodle : Post post

The stickers flew across the world in these two weeks, several to the United States, some to Australia, also to the UK , Canada, Greece, Sabah, Sarawak and the Peninsular. Thank you for giving me a chance to spread my love of little colourful doodle stickers to everyone. *...

Send your Apple Product In T^T

January 11, 2013
My Mac went into a coma since a week ago,  and is hospitalized, until the Apple doctor finds out what is wrong with him. It has been 3 wonderful years, and I am so thankful for all the things he had done. Let's pray for all the good things in the world, because I can't afford to buy a new one better than what I already have now.  * For any problems with your Apple product, just...

Doodle : While in Beijing

January 08, 2013
* While in Beijing, I managed to take note on things that happened daily. At night, after our long days exploring the city, my brother and I will sit at our bed and scribble away things for the day. It's a bit different from my travelogue ; which became a book that keeps all my little trinkets from those amazing places. This book was more like a visual diary.  It's a bit of a long...

Event : Doodle's Day

January 07, 2013
Last weekend, zamzammee and I were invited to share our experiences and stories about our doodling business in a small event : Doodle's Day by at the Canvas, Damansara. Other participants : PTSNetMedia, Basheer Graphic Books, Gorilla Ink, The Kufi Art, Kevin (Doodles Iphone App) n TheCanvasMy. * On the Event : I met Mr. Imran, the man behind, and dearest Juliana that...

Little Things 58 : Faith

January 04, 2013
I personally think quantity does not equal to the truth, as well as a status,  an attire, a qualification, an outward appearance, and such.  I hope to see beyond those words shared by people.  A man wearing a 'kopiah', with long beard and gives Islamic talks thousand times does not make him any more Muslim than someone who feed famished street dogs, IF he does not utilize and...

Little Stories 35 : Childhood Memory

January 03, 2013
My earliest childhood memory is when I was having my 3rd birthday. I know it was at our rented little house in Japan because I saw the old photo of the little event later. We were celebrating my birthday. I remember the cake in front of me. I remember the little Tv behind me, because I remember glancing several times to watch 'The Land before Time' that was on aired. Next thing I knew, someone...

Little Things 57 : Books Rambling

January 02, 2013
When I only read 27 books, when I had to find time to cram reading in my tight schedule, when I read all the way to work and back home, this young girl read 150 books, last year ! Not 50, not 100, but 150 books and more. The last time I read that much books was when I was 9. I proudly won Projek Nilam and my mom took a photo of me holding the highest trophy I've ever held. 150 books was all...

Little Things 56 : New Year

January 01, 2013
In life,  I asked for several things. Make me happy,and make people around me happy. I said to myself that I'll learn about life, I'll learn to accept, to understand, to open my mind towards possibilities, risks, choices, decisions, and outcomes.  I learned many things in my life last year. 2012 was by far a bit challenging. Yet, I survived, we all did. There is no point in...