Online Tracking Issue

December 05, 2012

Here is a video by Gary Kovacs, the CEO of Mozilla Corporation on Online Tracking Issue. Behavioral tracking is something that is not quite known for most Internet users. 

I am quite aware of it maybe because I majored in Information Technology and I used to have a paranoid friend that shared to me stuffs about internet security and my interest in learning human's behavior via the net ; mirroring me back to how other people can actually track and analyze me the same way. 

So I am pretty much aware of it, but I didn't feel like doing anything with the fact that there are people that keep tracking everything I do and keeping all the data.

I once said to my sister that loves to share and pour everything online and she said, " So? I don't mind really. There's nothing interesting much about me. "

Well, probably true. But with all the data collected about you, they are breaching your privacy and probably taking advantages over it. But we will never know for real.

Why those side advertisement in my Facebook wall usually about Travel & Books. Or why I keep on getting spam emails on art supplies & travel deals. 

When I'm rich enough, I'll be off from the net and live my slow life away from it and read good stuffs from books and meet inspirational people all around.  Right now, I just have to take advantage of it, my business and works relied on it, big time. 


3 comments on "Online Tracking Issue"
  1. salam azreen . blh tumpang blog x ?
    ade giveaway dr OAL :)

    Nak DUA handmade keychain free dari Owh Ai Loike ? Mudah je. SHARE PIC ni + sila settingkan PUBLIC di FB anda bagi memudahkan kami mengenalpasti BAKAL PEMENANG BERTUAH bagi KEYCHAIN FREE ni.
    Tarikh tutup peraduan : 7hb Disember 2012 - Jumaat
    p/s : untuk warganegara MALAYSIA SAHAJA :)
    Step 1 : LIKE , Step 2 : Share Pic , Step 3 : picture setting >PUBLIC
    + kami akan menghubungi pemenang melalui PM utk mdapatkn Nama, alamat , no fon :)

