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Avoid Flabbiness . Random Gibberish

November 30, 2011
Hello.I'm going to share with you some tricks to maintain body weight. I'm not aiming for toned up muscle, just to avoid flabbiness. I know I may look skinny and it's a bonus for me to go for toning up session *easier due to lack of fats. And for people who thought I'm all skin and bones, well they are just wrong. *This works for small-framed Asian woman.Do this daily :100 x star jump20 x sits...

Cream Puffs & Si Kuning

Cream Puffs!I love them to the bits. One day, I should learn how to make them. I read the recipe to make one, it seems easy. But I've never bake anything by myself other than shrink plastic *and that does not counts. I love the cold custard in the crispy choux pastry ball sprinkled with powdery sugar. Definitely going to try it someday!*Not mouth watering enough. This looked like a bun :Sugary...

Work Related : Hello Babushka Phone Strap

November 29, 2011
* Hello! I've introduced you to Babushka before! It's a Russian nesting doll. The one that opens up to the little version of itself every time and when you line it up together, it seems like a whole family gathered in a line. I love them dearly. I've made my version of little Babushka and it is up for sale. And since I just love to give presents, every purchase will receive a version of...

Book : Confetti

November 26, 2011
Another guilty pleasure : Confetti by Brittney Lee Bought this book from her etsy shop 2 weeks ago. It arrived yesterday ! She is one of the artist for Tangled : Rapunzel. My favorite ever Disney animation. * Here goes : * Doodle spotted! * Digital illustrations & sketches : * She is a really great Paper Cut artist :  * A little...

My Weekend

November 23, 2011
Will definitely do something totally different this weekend.**Weekend Update :1. Saturday snap shot :2. Big Bad Wolf Aftermath SaleBought 2 books.Met Emila Yusof and said 'hello' !Brand new books :3. Bus ride Rapid only serves people with Touch & Go card.Metro is a lousy service bus.4. Dinner with dad & tokmakSuper full.5. Eat Tart Nanas - My favorite.Once, I ate the whole 'balang'...

Instant Photo Experience

November 19, 2011
Fun things called instant camera.I learned this when I visited Japan, usually the Japanese love to take instant photos.They usually stop by at a photo booth, or use their polaroid @ instax.Innocently, I've become accustomed to their habit too.:D❤Here is some collection with Ohta family.I was the darkest one among them, the only Malay.* can you find me in those pictures? :D*Found a photo...

Ghibli Animation Film

I grew up with Hayao's animated film. I remember watching Kiki's Delivery Service when I was very young. I can remember the tape from our parents' friend in Japan and we watched it over and over again using my dad's VCR player. Although we hardly understood what they were saying, due to some lack of exposure in maintaining our Japanese language knowledge, we can understand the storyline just fine....

My Travel Memory

Hello, Let me share my visual travel memory and some little things  that I've collected over these few years. * Singapore  2010 Those are some stickers,  tickets, postcards, rubber stamp *quite expensive (>.<)" and photo booth's pictures. * Melaka  2010 & 2011 Took the pictures at the same place, but different years.  * Pipit...