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Little Things 54 : Not Yet

December 31, 2012
Your life won't stop when : you failed your exam, lost your job, got divorced, rejected, ignored, announced bankrupt, missed a date, got left on the altar, got humiliated, figured that you are a gay, or even lost one foot or eye.  It will stop when you die.  Eventually you will die, and that is when your life stops.  So for any misfortunes in life, learn to adapt and surviv...

Doodle : The Machine

December 30, 2012
* Hello ! I was asked by a client to draw on wooden mirror based on my previous star & cloud machine to be given to her friend as a birthday present. It's been awhile, I enjoyed making this ! :D It reminded me of the time when I accepted a lot of commission works.  I hardly accept commission works since I got a little busy with other things in my life. I also cancelled several...

Event : CelebrateTv Anniversary

My sister and I were lucky enough to get an invitation to celebrate CelebrateTV's first anniversary at The Bee, Publika 2 weeks ago. We arrived quite early after finishing so many last-minutes preparation before going to Beijing on the day after. We did not expected to meet and greet so many famous people in one go. I thought it was a small 'makan2' celebration. Nobody knew us, really, except...

Little Story 34 : Do'a & a Reminder

December 29, 2012
The do'a recited by my brother every morning in the bus while we were in Beijing reminded me of a story shared by our Mutawwif while I went on Umrah with my mom in 2009. * In the do'a, I remember thanking for the chance of going to new places, to see the wonders of Allah's creation and to see the places where people were punished long ago as a reminder in our life. *I shiver every time* * 2009 We...

Beijing : The Great Wall of China

*  I wished I went there during Autumn or Spring. I'd probably enjoy walking around the area , and stepping on thousands of steps much more excitedly. But it was winter, it was blisteringly cold and windy, it was icy and slippery. From one point to the other, we had to cling on a long chain, slowly hiking up, putting our feet along a small drain. If my boots were spiked, it might help...

Beijing : Modern Architecture

December 28, 2012
On the fifth day in Beijing, we finally visited their famous modern buildings , the National Stadium & the National Aquatic Center.  It was cold, windy and a bit snowy. We walked for 150 meters from where the bus parked, before stopping to take some photos in front of those buildings.   I asked my brother : What do you think of the designs? Do you like it?  I don't know....

Beijing : Niujie Mosque

We had a chance to visit the oldest Mosque in Beijing, China. "Niujie" means Cow Street. It was built in the 996 AD, during the Liao Dynasty, it was later reconstructed and enlarged during the Qing Dynasty. It is located in Xuanwu District, the biggest town inhabited by Chinese Muslim. The mosques is really big, it has the capacity of few thousands worshippers.  When I walked through...