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Little Things 197 : Big

July 31, 2015
Even after 28 years, I am still surprise by : how open people can be in judging and putting labels on someone else like we have the right to do so, how no one seems to see this so called nationalism and individualism are making us arrogant and dividing us human into as much divisions as we can create, how rude and blatant people can be in spreading rumours and negativity through social media, how...

Work Related : Begadang Backpackers 2

July 30, 2015
Usually it takes several attempts to have a task approved by my boss. Take for example this little poster of "Keep Calm", I tried around 10 times of having it improved or rejected. Certain design even took several days or weeks T^T She taught me a lot about doing research and keeping inspiration moodboards on Pinterest so that we keep on refreshing our mind with designs from all over the world....

Little Things 196 : Believe

July 29, 2015
I believe in the small things I randomly write in my book, in the unfinished stories, in those drafted posts, in those repetitive shots in my mind that still waiting to be written down. I believed in the whole process of reading and more reading, and buying books that I don't have enough time to read. I believe in being surrounded by people who write for a living. I believe in those short moments...

Doodle : Le Petit Chef Sticker

July 28, 2015
Remember this post? Well I printed these stickers along with the Kuro Neko sticker pack and put it up on my Etsy. Too bad for us Malaysians, the Ringgit rate is quite low nowadays so the converted price is a bit expensive! T^T To make up with this, you can just request to buy these sticker packs via email : and I'll give you special price for all the stickers on Etsy...

Little House : Buying your first property

July 27, 2015
I bought my first apartment in 2012. During that time, my salary was RM 2,000 and the apartment I bought was RM 150,000. The apartment is a low-density type, around 1080 sq ft, corner unit with extra windows, located on the first floor, fully tiled and grilled. Other than helping my mom, I love the apartment and it's a nice investment. So even though I was single, 25 and was not ready - I bought...

Escapism : Tokiyo Trip 1

I'm going to share some information about our next escapism to Tokyo.  This would be the planning and information post. Return flight ticket : I bought 2 tickets to Tokyo on February this year before we got married. It wasn't from the famous AirAsia promotion, but it was from normal several days of ticket hunting. I managed to buy return tickets for around RM 900 each *not including...

Work Related : Hello Kitty Cafe 2

July 26, 2015
Last weekend after work, we went to Sunway Pyramid to see the "Hello Kitty Gourmet Cafe" in making. This second baby of mine will be due end of August 2015, we will be having a soft launch and later a grand opening :D It is located right in front of the Sunway entrance door *I noticed there are a lot of entrance door, this would be one of it.  PS : Images are a bit pixelated and dark due...

Work Related : Begadang Backpackers

July 25, 2015
I discussed with my boss and she told me that I can share this project online now. We've been working for this project since early this year. Personally, this would be my most favorite project while I'm working with LGM. This is my baby ❤  This is a little hostel in Gilis Island, Lombok, Indonesia. Links : Website, Facebook It should be a place where things are nice, friendly...

Doodle : Bookaholic

July 24, 2015
I found a nice picture of a girl reading and it reminds me of myself :D  So I illustrated this for fun : * I finished reading Amityville Horror Part 2 while we were stuck in the car during Raya. Thanks to the technology, I have several more books in my iPhone to kill some time :D I have the classic "Neverending Story" by Michael Ende (1979). I've never read the book, but...

Work Related : Hello Kitty Cafe

July 21, 2015
It's no longer a secret!  We've been working on this project for almost a year and as much as I wanted to share, I had to keep it as P&C project until it is ready for public. But it is almost near to the launching date and they've put up some teaser stickers last week : ( These images were taken from my boss's ) * This would be my final and biggest project while...

Little Things 195 : This Eid

Eid isn't days that I usually look forward to. We all have our stories, and for us, this particular festive season was always about little arguments, hassles and drama. We play our role as someone responsible enough to make these days work for those people that cherish Eid in their lives. As much as I want to feel it, I do still feel those bitterness in my mouth, the taste of things that were...

Little Stories 96 : Awan's New Enemy Part 3

July 20, 2015
Last week, I found a decent cat flea's comb at a pet shop for RM 14.  I bought one, I wanted to try it on Awan.  By this time I've tried it 4 times, as many times as I can without having to annoy Awan so much - because she isn't use to petting and she doesn't like physical contact much.  As I read from Google, it should be advisable to put a little plastic container with water...

Doodle : Moonrise Kingdom 2

July 19, 2015
Ages ago, I did a fan-art of Moonrise Kingdom, here I just updated the digital version of it in my Behance : Moonrise Kingdom. Behance is improving, they changed their interface setting for user's portfolio - now we can use preview it for full version. Imagine looking at awesome people's portfolio on iMac, with all the detailing that can make me cry :F   I've been asking my colleagues...

Little Things 194 : Control

July 13, 2015
On our verandah, there are plants in various sizes pots. The thing is Ma loves to buy new plants, but she isn't quite good in handling them and most of people in the house never really cared. So the only one person in the house who actually think about those plants is me.  Last weekend I had to do something for those dying aloe vera. After several years, they consumed most of the space...

Mini Escapism : Penang

July 12, 2015
We arrived at the bus stop at 3 am, somehow I miscalculated the time and we were there too early. I brought my little comforter out from my bag pack and slept at one of the chair. AF was awake the whole time I was sleeping. There were people like us sleeping on all the benches. It was outdoor, lighted, guarded and fairly safe. I am not a night owl, so I didn't pretend like I can stay awake. I...

Little Stories 95 : Awan's New Enemy Part 2

Not a happy story *for Awan. It started 2 weeks ago, when we decided to do something with Awan's fight with cat's flea. Sunday morning, Azmi woke up and told me that he's going to shower Awan with Machiko Flea Control Shampoo again. Yeay! - for the initiative without having to plead him to do so :D  We aren't sure about the effectiveness compared to all other brands - but for now, we...

Wedding Story : The Card

July 11, 2015
Several months before the wedding, we discussed about our wedding card.  AF and I are both a graphic designer so we decided to design our own card. But from our Tumblr inspiration posts and previous collaborations, we are both quite aware of how different our styles are. Designing a card together will lead to arguments *I'm sure of this. His idea of proportions, colours combos, styles and...

Books : Amityville Horror Part 2

July 09, 2015
I read The Amityville Horror by Jay Anson last Ramadhan last year, the one that I bought from depository books. I particularly remember this because I don't read horror books during other months *ridiculous superstition of mine. The book is quite rare, I tried to find it in every bookstore I went to but I never found it. Yesterday we went to Reader's Paradise in Ampang Point while waiting for...

Little Stories 94 : Domain Names

I bought 2 domain names via blogspot (Google Apps Administrator) few years back for $10usd per year. I realized one day while as I was checking my domain name, that my personal contact was publicly listed as the owner of the domain with full address, email and phone number. I can simply Google it and it is listed there for public. I was outraged ! If I didn't think about checking, I wouldn't know....

Little Things 193 : Beryls'

On every year's national public celebrations, Beryl's factory in Seri Kembangan opens for public. It is not new for our family, we've been hunting chocolates every year during this time. Although Beryls doesn't sell for cheap - 'cheap', they do give at least 20-30% off for all chocolates compared to commercial price in supermarket and half price for rejected chocolates *they are slightly senget...

Little Stories 93 : Tooth War Part 2

July 08, 2015
Part 2 : E. She cleaned up those remaining temporary fillings. It took some time. She said the tooth is halfway broken and I need to take an extra care of it now, because it can no longer be used like before - half of the tooth's natural wall is now man-made resin with no natural support. My previous filling lasted for almost 10 years, not sure how long this one will survive. Pain level : 2/10,...

Little Stories 92 : Awan's New Enemy

July 06, 2015
I think about 2 months ago, our family was attacked by some kind of little insects. We got spots on our bodies and those spots itch twice as bad compared to mosquito bites. At first, we thought it was red small ants' bites. But we never found those little ants. Until we finally figured that it all came from Awan, probably cat's fleas or ticks. We always see her scratching, but we never really...

Little Stories 91 : Tooth War Part 1

Other than slightly protruding lower jaw compared to other people, I have a nicely structured jaw with all teeth naturally in line. Even with 2 wisdom teeth back in my lower jaw making its way since several years ago, everything else is still in its place - so I don't think there's a need of meeting a dentist to take both my wisdom teeth out. I think there will be several more years before they...

Little Things 192 : Eyes

July 03, 2015
Have you ever wondered, why is it that when you put one finger in front of you, you can see it clearly. But when you put the finger closer and closer till it stop right in front of your eye, you can only see something blocking your view. It no longer looks like a finger, it only looks like a blurry undefined thing.  Maybe in life, we should see things accordingly in the right length, which...