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May 31, 2013
I just finished reading Conversations with God by Neale Donald and Ring by Koji Suzuki. I failed in reading Neil Gaiman's American Gods because of the vulgar language that reminded me so much of Stephen King's old books. I'll probably ignore the book for another several months before giving it another try. It's odd what time can do to my interest in books.  For now, I need something refreshing...

Doodle : Dreams

"In dreams you don’t need to make any distinctions between things.Not at all.Boundaries don’t exist.So in dreams there are hardly ever collisions.Even if there are, they don’t hurt.Reality is different.Reality bites. - Sputnik Sweetheart by Haruki Murakami ...

Little Stories 55 : Leather

May 29, 2013
While snuffing my leather key wrapper,  I said to Aja : "Aja, smell this, I love the smell, Did you ever think this way, that the smell I love so much is actually a smell of dead animal's skin ?". "Why do you have to put it that way, Reen? ". ...

Little Things 83 : Our Lives

May 28, 2013
Life is always about other people. You study and excel to make your parents proud. You work for your family. You put your dreams aside to what's more important. You want to fall in love, you let yourself fall in love, despite the risk of hurting yourself. You help people when you see them in need. It is about family, partners, friends, society, the world. It is not for you alone. You make other...

Event : Karnival Belia

May 27, 2013
Last weekend I joined Standard Chartered Run, along with the conjunction of Karnival Belia in Putrajaya. I registered for the 4km run because I refused to try out for the 8km run, thank God I made the right decision. Halfway through the run, I had the massive stomach cramps and I just walked to the finish line. *Ha. See, you should listen to your instinct. 28 minutes taken for the 4km walk. This...

Little Project : Cancer

May 25, 2013
Hello, Our family friend is diagnosed with brain cancer several months ago. So I really wanted to help lessen his burden in paying his medical fees. I figured that I should do something that closest to me, and that is doodling. I also asked other doodlers, illustrators, designers, artists and cartoonists whether they wanted to contribute something as well, and here is the name of all the people...

Doodle : Instax Sticker

* Hello, I made a set of Instax Fujifilm sticker set : the instant camera. I had this camera for 2 years now, and I'm still using it for special occasion : mini travel / event / for my travelogue. So, I doodled this for myself, and now I'm selling it too ! * PM me thru my facebook to buy this,  or my etsy. Thank you ! ...

Mini Escapism : Genting Highlands 3

In this short escapism, I decided to take the scariest rides *for me. I wanted to fight it, I wanted to taste it and I wanted to shout like a winner. This was an easy pick, I avoided this particular ride in all the theme parks I've ever visited : Space Shot. On this ride, we were seated on a 3x4 seats, each facing the public. They asked us to put the bag down, take out the glasses and enjoy...

Mini Escapism : Genting Highlands 2

The last time I went to Genting Theme Park was after we had our PMR exam, when I was 15. That is around 10 years ago. There were two rides that I remember the most from the my previous visit with my friends. * First is Spinner, the first ride most people take because it is located right in front of the main gate. As to give us the soft warning for our next rides. It was fast and high and...

Mini Escapism - Genting Highland 1

May 24, 2013
I am not much of a theme-park person.  But the day before yesterday, on a short notice, I had an idea of bringing my little siblings' to Genting Highlands for our short escapism. My brother and sister is going to start on a new semester next week and I know they need something to ease their mind from the normalcy. So I asked my siblings to get ready and I applied for a day-off from work.  We...

Little Things 82 : My Oxford

May 21, 2013
I grew up several years in quarters Mardi inside of UPM, Serdang. I remember the place as being almost heavily clouded with nature and it was also located in the outskirt of town. Our house was reachable after a short ride along durian farms - it was even called as Jalan Durian.  When I was small the road to my house was quite scary, houses were scattered apart from one another, there were...

Event : Milo Breakfast Run

May 20, 2013
Yesterday, I went to my first 7km run ! Along with my brother and his friend, Ridir, I also met my high school friends : Tasya & Din. The event was held in UPM. We arrived around 6.40am, and started running at 7.15am. I forgot what happened most of the time while I was running, maybe because I expected it to be a lot tougher than my previous run so I focused on keeping track of my pace. I gave...

Little Stories 54 : Thrift Shop

May 17, 2013
Lately I keep on playing a song called - Thrift Shop : Macklemore & Ryan Lewis. This happened ever since Ellen invited them on stage, and I love Ellen. So I came to love this odd song - not my usual genre but ridiculously catchy anyway. My sister and brother know this song too, considering it is one of current hits on the radio, *I think.  So two nights ago, my brother and I sprawled...

Little Things 81 : Childhood pictures

When I was in high school, I was a bit of a collector.  I collect things, they vary from normal stuffs like books, badges, postcards, cards, wooden pencils, stickers, pictures of artists : Alexis Bledel & Jeremy Sumpter , a file of printed pictures and articles on Aurora - the Northern Lights, comics, Card Captor Sakura's stuffs, printed plasters, letters, other people's artwork, to...

Little Things 80 : What You Have is Enough

May 16, 2013
Mom bought a pair of new sport shoes. After I repeatedly asked her out with me for my late afternoon's walks. That I usually do alone - she seemed to give a lot of excuses, ditto my sisters. But I know changes need to be polished slowly, so I asked them all the time.  Mr. Prakash said, to start something, what you have is already enough. Old sport shoes, not even meant for constant running,...

Review : Webby Awards 2013

You can now check the new list of The 2013 Webby Awards winners and nominees !  This year I see a lot of Tumblr,  Nike+ Fuelband, McDonald's Campaign, and Pinterest. * I really like the winner of Experimental & Innovation category : The Silent History.  This is what we can call as a great innovation! An interactive novel, written and designed for iPhone and...

Little Things 79 : Death

May 15, 2013
“So live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart.  Trouble no one about their religion; respect others in their view, and demand that they respect yours.  Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life.  Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people.  Prepare a noble death song for the day when you...

Doodles Projects

May 14, 2013
* Hello ! I was inspired - I am still !  Movies and movies and movies and books later, I tracked my rhythm back again. For the whole 2 weeks I managed to doodle something for the little cancer : charity project, rapid doodle on huge cotton-fabric for my brother's friend, digitized 3 new camera stickers and several more doodles on my little book.  It's been rather fun weeks.  Thank...

Short Notice.

May 11, 2013
Due to some problem, my blog can't be accessed by the previous address : , so I'm using my old main blog link. I've notice some of other blogs are also affected by this - I am not sure why. SO for any subscriber, I hope you can still find me here and add me back, if you want.  My domain name will expire soon and it may be used for my future website instead. This would...

Little Things 78 : Summary of the Current Affair

May 08, 2013
Here is an ode to our current nation's affair. I feel dishearten by so many negative energy all around our nation through social network, newspaper and television. Be strong people, open your eyes widely and spread the love. At time like this, we should lower down our egos and unite. Do what you want to do.  Do what reflects you, what represents you as a grander version of yourself.  If...

Doodle : Moonrise Kingdom

May 07, 2013
In my previous post, I mentioned about how inspired I was while watching the Moonrise Kingdom, so I doodle things that I saw in the film. I love the vintage items in the movie like the water flask, lamp, suitcase and record player. I also love the raccoon logo on each item that Sam wore because it was designed specially made for the movie.  I also read from an article about how Wes specifically...

Movie : Moonrise Kingdom

I watched another movie by Wes Anderson, The Moonrise Kingdom (2012) last week. The movie was written by Wes Anderson and Roman Coppola, remember my post on the Coppola's family ? Or read my previous post on the Darjeeling Limited. Well, this time the main characters were lead by two kids : Jared Gilman & Kara Hayward, both were pretty new in the film industry.  It's an innocent love...

Little Things 77 : Two Lies

May 06, 2013
“ Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is that to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” — Rick Warren Summary : 1. I can be super odd and you can still try to be my friend. 2. You can be...

Case Study : Sofia Coppola

May 05, 2013
Why I have never heard of any female movie director, I wonder ? For that, I've come across Sofia Coppola, and did a little research on her. Made a list of all her movies and asked my sister to find it for me and spent the whole week watching one movie per night before sleeping. It's a great twisted finding, I have't done this since the Life of Pi.  List of her movie : The Virgin Suicide...

Little Stories 53 : My Bookcase

May 03, 2013
" Are you going to do anything with your bookcase? ", my brother asked. " No. I want to let it be like that. I want to see it falling apart. " So dramatic. ...

Event : Walk & Run 2013 *update*

Read updates on my Walk & Run event list : ...

Oh Hello Etsy !

May 02, 2013
Hello May ! Check out my ETSY shop and enjoy a 10% discount ! Coupon Code : HEYITSMAY . * Have I ever told you that Etsy is the best online shop platform available, so far? If it's not for Etsy, I wouldn't dream of sending countless stickers to all over the world. By far most stickers went to the US and UK. Others went to France, Greece, Singapore, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark and...

Little Stories 52 : My Morning

I love early morning. I love the silence it brings. It's the only moment that I can feel the serene coldness of what a new day can offer. So that leads me to become very protective over my morning. I wake up, I do my stuffs, I take shower, I eat my breakfast, I kiss my mom goodbye and I go out for work. No fuss.  You don't have to talk much in the morning. Only important things, only beautiful...