Doodles Projects

May 14, 2013


Hello !

I was inspired - I am still ! 
Movies and movies and movies and books later, I tracked my rhythm back again. For the whole 2 weeks I managed to doodle something for the little cancer : charity project, rapid doodle on huge cotton-fabric for my brother's friend, digitized 3 new camera stickers and several more doodles on my little book. 

It's been rather fun weeks. 
Thank you.
Yes, I mean YOU ! 


Here is a doodle for the charity project.
Please don't ask me how I digitize it, because I have no idea how to explain, except by doodling on my old Bamboo tablet and outdated Photoshop. No magic tricks, no vectors, just scratchy free-hand strokes. I am no digital artist - no I am not. Just a doodler.

Fast doodle on my doodle book
Late night with old Bamboo and outdated Photoshop


Next, here is the rapid doodle on the large fabric, I managed to ruin my artline for this. My brother's friend requested me to draw something - anything and I can't think of anything fast enough for me to doodle except machines. Because I am that fast :p


and lastly, here is for the next stickers collection :


I am too latzy to post pictures of my other random doodles,
you can just check it out from my instagram : azreenchan.

2 comments on "Doodles Projects"
  1. What would you say to those who are inspired to doodle and sell stickers like you?

    1. Just start with what you have.
      Be it an old 5 years old Bamboo tablet,
      or an outdated licensed Photoshop,
      or rough doodle skill.

      Just start and improve from there.
