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Little Stories 66 : University Studios

December 31, 2013
While riding a bus to work in the morning, an Indonesian conductor bus came to me for a ticket. I took time counting the money to give to him and at the same time he waited. He saw my black tote bag next to me with "Universal Studios, Singapore" printed on the bag.  He slowly read,  "U-ni-ver-si-ty Stu-dios", and whistled, *impressed. "You studied there?", he asked. I managed...

Review : The Great Gatsby (2013)

December 30, 2013
Top 3 movie list this year : 1. Life of Pi 2. Darjeeling Limited 3. The Great Gatsby I am glad that among over 30 movies I watched this year, I came across these 3 powerful movies; Life of Pi, in early this year, Darjeeling Limited in the middle of this year and The Great Gatsby by the end of 2013.  I was speechless when I first finished watching The Great Gatsby and had taken time...

Little Stories 65 : What is in a Name?

December 24, 2013
On the first day of my new work in Damansara, my supervisor asked me to create a fake Facebook account for us to communicate among our team members. I asked him, "I shouldn't use my real name?" and he said "Just create anything-lah. Make it fast." I didn't know creating a fake account with a fake name and a fake picture profile would take time. I was left staring at the monitor for awhile and...

Little Things 104 : Imbalance

December 22, 2013
At one point when you can't focus, because of whatever reasons, don't think. Take out your earphone, go to 8tracks , choose a track and listen. While doing so, continue with your works, or go out for a run, or do stretches. And only focus on the sound of the song instead of those jumbled up sounds of your unstable emotions.  Create your own diversion.  Distract your attention. Sometimes...

Books : On Rumi & Poetry

I personally love Rumi's work, I have two of his translated book :  Rumi - the Book of Love translated by Coleman Barks &  Selected Poems of Rumi, the Dover Thrift edition.  * In my personal opinion, I like the classic Dover's version that was translated by Professor R.A.Nicholson - he died in August 1945 and left the manuscript of the book, and later the book was...

Little Stories 64 : Time Well Spent

December 21, 2013
"Kak, you just finished working?", an Indian girl asked me in the bus.  The watch stated around 10 pm, and the bus was half empty. "Yes, you too?". She nodded. These days, it is not a norm for our people to greet and make a conversation with strangers. It's either staring blankly at nothing, reading, sleeping or holding your smartphones pretending to make a decent connection with the...

Event : Art for Grabs Dec 2013

December 20, 2013
It took time, sweat, awkward hellos, and little glances for this. For two days of meeting people and selling things that we made out of love and inspiration. It was less crowdy than the previous AFG in Sept. I was silently begging for people to come, at one point, there was almost just us - people who opened booths. Or maybe I was just exaggerating :D A bit calmer.  But thanks...

Movie : Juno (2007)

December 13, 2013
I watched Juno last night and instead on focusing on the main storyline, I keep on bugging my thoughts on different side issues. 1. It is not fair to ask a man to grow up, as much as it is not fair to ask a woman to wait for him to grow up. The level of maturity is something that is subjective, and it is different for each one of us. Two person that grew up together in the same environment might...

Little Things 103 : For Things Unseen

I woke up quite early this morning, something that rarely happen these days.  I went to the toilet to take wudu' and did my Subuh prayer.  I felt restless lately, and there's a feeling of lost and misguidedness in my heart. Oddly enough, I always know where I should go to, but I did not do anything about it.  Being aware of something but choose to let it be. How often do...

Event : Art for Grabs, Dec 2013

December 12, 2013
Come meet us at Art for Grabs this coming weekend ( 14th & 15th ) December, my last booth for the year 2013. Here is the official facebook page. The event will be located at Annexe Gallery, Central Market, Kuala Lumpur. There will be around 50 booths mixed with art & crafts, and many other booth with different interesting projects. This time around, Art for Grabs bringing a theme : " Righting...

This Week's Findings 02

December 08, 2013
1) Mnmlist : live more, need less , being OK with things as they are. I know every people has opinion on how they want to live, but this works for me. 2) Paulo Coelho : Renouncing or working hard - Either we feel that we are renouncing life too much because of God, or else we feel that we are renouncing God too much because of life.  This apparent double law is a fantasy...

Excerpt 01 : IQ84

December 07, 2013
You’re still young and healthy. Maybe that’s why you don’t understand what I am saying. Let me give you an example. Once you pass a certain age, life becomes nothing more than a process of continual loss. Things that are important to your life begin to slip out of your grasp, one after another, like a comb losing teeth. And the only things that come to take their place are worthless imitations. Your...

Little Things 102 : Royals & Kina

By far, this is the best cover for Royals. Yeay for Kina !  ...

Little Things 101 : Freelancing

December 06, 2013
Best things about freelancing at home are : boleh masak nasi goreng at lunch and eat while doing works, wear anything I want and guling2 when I feel tired.  The worst thing about freelancing at home is : people thought I am not working so they will give me so many tasks at home. Trying to work while completing tasks is quite hard. No one is taking my job seriously. It's either pulling up...

Little Stories 63 : Run Forest, Run

December 03, 2013
I signed up for my first 10km run last weekend. Despite my unwillingness to run that far in one go, after my last 7 km run several months back. I said "no more", thinking I'll lose the main purpose of having fun in a big running event if I can't run along with everyone. But I fought back, I wanted to know the feeling of outrunning my own self-claimed limitation.  I just wanted to know...