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Little Stories 265 : Walking in the City with My Pikmin Scout

November 29, 2023


Walking with my Pikmin scout:

Since I started walking again, I searched for any walking/step count/game-related app and then I found Pikmin. They are like little elves creatures that are following me around. So basically I will find seeds along my path, I planted them and they will become little Pikmin. These Pikmin will help me collect more seeds, plant more flowers, and go on their own adventures. 

Apparently, it was launched in 2001 by Nintendo but I just found it this month. The more I walk, the more flowers I plant, and the more creatures I adopt. Or something like that lah. But it still needs some kind of engagement - I need to send them to mission, or plant the seed, or give them nectars to eat. It is not an app that can just simply be ignored on the phone. 

But I can track my walking steps, so it fits the purpose for now. They are not even that cute (yet). 

So yesterday I walked with them to the city, I wanted to return the books that I borrowed almost 2 weeks ago and replace them with more from the Tsubasa Chronicles. I planted flowers and found some new Pikmins in the city like the Rock Pikmins. I reached the 10k steps!


I spent some time at the library browsing books, continued the group puzzle for 15 minutes, selected some books (that I already decided on long beforehand), and then I spent my time reading + having lunch at Sekalf in the Pasar Seni area, then I walked some more. Need to try the National Library next.

In case you are wondering why I'm not working, I am currently waiting for my client's feedback. I woke up early to send all drafts that morning, and then it was my rest day off so that I could focus solely on walking after being in quarantine for almost 2 weeks kan. 

Note: It is always a hot day in the city, so need to bring an umbrella + shades. 

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