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Little Stories 97 : Perfect Strangers Project

August 15, 2015

Last June I participated in The Perfect Strangers project by Oh Comely magazine. 
The idea is to sign-up our names, pay 1 pound for the registration fees and wait until the closing date. By the 15th June, they randomly gave you a partner to swap gifts + letters with. We were to send our parcel in several weeks time. There was hundreds of participant from all over the world :D I love sending people stuffs, so I thought, of course I'll participate! 

We can actually send anything from inspiring quotes, favorite books, or even those little things that you picked up. The idea is to gift something to someone that you don't know. I saw so many interesting and beautiful gifts tagged for the project, all for strangers. It makes me believe that there are still a lot of nice people out there willing to make some strangers happy - just because. 

My partner is Nicola from the United Kingdom and I received a parcel early this week :D


I received items from Burt's Bees, the company that she works with. Several nice illustrated postcards and a picture of Manchester Wheel taken by her friend. Wooden stuffs, fluffy pen, love-shaped stone from her mother and a piece of A+N wood cut from her wedding last September :D


I gave her my illustration stuffs that I did, here a picture of it that she posted in her IG :

I can't think of anything much when I was preparing for this gifts, except for stuffs that I do *I really hope she liked it. But I think I got some nice ideas from other people's post, maybe next time?


The next gift swapping project will be in October, I think I'll be joining in again :D

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