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Run : Moving

September 30, 2024
I lied, I said I'd reintroduce moving in my life. But I not only walked, I also ran and rode a bicycle, did yoga and meditation, rope skipping, and tried weight training. Anything I could do to move my body, especially when I didn't feel like it - every time I contemplate whether I should move or not, I just turn off my mind and get ready because I don't trust my brain to choose.For self-validation,...

Little Stories 301 : School Holiday and Activities by the End of Sept •ᴗ•

September 29, 2024
It was the school holiday.I let Sofi stay with me the whole week even though daycare was still open. Sofi was sick a lot these past few months, so I wanted her to have healthy morning sessions under the sun for the whole week and more outings so she could play outside.We were at my sister's most of the time because I worked with her the whole week, so I could still do some packing, Sofi could still...

Little Stories 300 : Home-Made Nasi Lemak Luncheon

September 17, 2024
Nasi Lemak at Makcik Aja'sLast weekend, our "extra" cooking session was held at Aja's house. The theme is kampung-style, and our main food is nasi lemak. I was there to help Aja (tiny helps because I was also packing at the same time). I just suggested that we have home-made nasi lemak for lunch that weekend, and the little plan turned into an extra fun eating session - like I said before, kalau...

Little Stories 299 : Glasshopper, Physically Moving & my Secret Hideout

September 14, 2024
Beautiful Breakfast - Outing EditionThat morning, we rented and rode bicycles in Putrajaya for almost an hour (10km). Then Aja brought me to Glasshopper in Putrajaya and treated me to a beautiful breakfast. Renting a bicycle near Taman Seri Empangan is much cheaper (RM 10), but the bicycles are old and not in good condition - need to choose wisely.Look at my colorful fancy breakfast (walaupun both...

Little Stories 298 : MOSS Fest 2024

September 07, 2024
Read last year's event post here - Moss Fest 2023I got another invite from Mossery and despite fighting with a deep urge to hide in my cave - forever, I accepted the invite. The night before I woke up at 3.30 am and had been having a bad morning to start the day. But, the best day to go out is when you don't feel like going out.This time, they had the event at their HQ in PJ.It was quite far,...

Little Stories 297 : Another Garden Breakfast, More on Slow Reading September and Books

September 02, 2024
 Repeat Breakfast in the Garden:I was back at Ma's again when Sofi was off school due to the allergy episode that lasted 5 days (which might be scabies because the doctor prescribed her scabies medication, and all went well after the 12-hour treatment). Last Sunday, my sister was back, so Ma wanted to repeat the breakfast in the garden thing we did the previous weekend. But this time, she went...