Run : Moving

September 30, 2024

I lied, I said I'd reintroduce moving in my life. 

But I not only walked, I also ran and rode a bicycle, did yoga and meditation, rope skipping, and tried weight training. Anything I could do to move my body, especially when I didn't feel like it - every time I contemplate whether I should move or not, I just turn off my mind and get ready because I don't trust my brain to choose.

For self-validation, I screenshot my awards from Fitness because they are beautifully designed, and I closed so many rings this month (+ you can turn the 3D medal back and forth to see the engraved date you when achieved it) :


In September:
  • Walk - 5,000 steps in a day 
  • Walk - 5 km 
  • Walk - 10,000 steps in a day 
  • Walk - 10 km 
  • Walk - 16,000 steps in a day 
  • Run - 3 km 
  • Run - 5 km 
  • Run - 7 km 
  • Ride bicycle - 10km 
  • Rope Skipping - 100x 
  • Practice Yoga - 15 mins 
  • Practice Yoga - 30 mins 
  • Meditation - 10 mins 
  • Meditation - 20 mins 
Accumulated steps192,750 steps


Physical Body:

I used the 'fancy' weighing scale at my sister's house and found out details about my body - I am practically underweight, with only 5% fat - that's around 2kg of fat in my body (can you imagine how flat I am without fats as a woman? ok don't imagine it then). No wonder I was always cold and feeble and fragile. 

My skeletal muscle is in perfect condition, but my muscle percentage is quite low - so I need to focus on getting physically stronger because I'm done with people forcing me to eat. I'm not anorexic, I'm just a bit too mellow in the heart, it will get better one day when it is ready, but I can't force it to not feel, kan? It is just something that comes in a package. At this point, it is just an annoyance when people only ask me whether I eat. So I focus on getting stronger and fitter, the healthy weight gain will come slowly as I workout. In the past, I did gain weight when I started to actively run. 


The gym is less than 100 steps from my house, so I have no excuse not to go, even on rainy days. Even on school holidays when I can't walk as much, I tried other methods to move. I only rested when I got my period because I was often light-headed during this phase and needed some TLC, good food, and rest. I even surprised myself by running a 5k non-stop (but on a treadmill). I didn't think I could do it, but my body seems to remember how it works. And the physical pain of running is what I crave. The body remembers. The good thing is I had no other option but to refuel for energy and recovery. I was constantly hungry, so I had to eat.

And I realized this maybe the route I had to take to heal. 
I did this before, and it worked the last time. Hopefully, it will work this time, too.
I'll take as much time as needed and build as much muscle as needed.
So, cheers to that.


I'll move as much as God gives me the will and good health to continue.
So, let's pray for that, in abundance.
Plus, I needed a new playlist, this feels too last year. 


That's to wrap up this year's post, and I'll be on hiatus now.
Take care and have a nice end of 2024, see you next year. 

Keep reading and stay moving.

1 comment on "Run : Moving"
  1. Gonna miss your writing for the next 3 months. But I'll keep on praying for your health and happiness. Have a nice holiday from blog writing. :) A
