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Work Related : First 30 days in Reckless Life 2.0 as a Freelancer

March 31, 2016
I started as a doodler several years ago in 2010. I worked myself up to be a self-learned graphic designer and a freelance illustrator since I was still in the university - majoring in IT. I love the fact that I learned so many things along the way, and I explored paths in the creative world as much as I could possibly take while working permanently with companies.  So it's time for an...

Mini Escapism : Kemaman + Kuantan - Video

March 21, 2016
Af compiled the videos he took on our last mini escapism to Kemaman. It's another month before our next escapism, so we have to be a little more patient and finish up all the freelance works before the trip. I'm a bit busy lately, I'm curating things in a long go at this moment.  I thought being a freelancer means more time, I was wrong - it means being able to learn and adapt to the flexible...

Little Things 217 : 26 + 32

March 18, 2016
My brother turned 26 and my older sister turned 32 ! Another addition to the number we are counting ourselves. What it is about being adult that people keep on pestering us on how to be the 'right' adult? How we should spend our lives, where we should work at, how much money we should make, which partner we should be with, how big the house we should be living in. Who are we anyway, to make...

Tokiyo Trip : Post-Tokiyo Videos

March 14, 2016
Af finally-finally finished editing the 1st video compilation for our Tokiyo trip last September. I've been waiting for months. Ha. The song taken from The Album Leaf - Window. I remember I found this song and immediate thought of our next escapism video T^T The song is really beautiful, kan?  * ESCAPISM #6 Tokiyo from Farikarim on Vimeo. * Here's the second video from...

Work Related : Reckless Life Version 2.0

March 08, 2016
Written in mid Feb : At this point, I could even say that I don't care about not coming back. Every day was a struggle and I keep on telling myself that I can actually do it.  Of course I can, it was just a set of mind, the way we taught our mind to believe in what we want to believe in.  I tried, I really did. But the thing is for the whole couple of months, I was depressed, my mind...

Mini Escapism : Kemaman + Kuantan - Part 2

March 04, 2016
The sunrise hunters : Af woke me up around 6 am as planned. It wasn't that hard to wake up because we all slept early the night before. So I woke Aja and Aja tried to wake Wati but failed :D Ma sarcastically said that it was way too easy for me to wake up for sunrise hunting than Subuh prayer :p Mihmihmih. So only the 3 of us then.  At first, we went to the Cherating Beach. When we arrived,...

Little Things 217 : Basic Japanese Food

March 03, 2016
The Miso : I've been searching for Miso soup paste for awhile now. Since I've been spending a lot of my money on eating sushi and miso soup with rice at restaurants, I figured that I might teach myself to make it myself. I found a local reseller that sells halal Miso paste from Japan with non-GMO soy for RM 10/500g. So I ordered the pack with extra wakame (dried seaweed) from her as well. The...

Work Related : All the nerdy stuffs as designer & illustrator

March 02, 2016
* Stickers : Here are my latest sticker packs that I manages to illustrate, print, cut, pack and put up for sale up in my Etsy. I personally like the geeky light bulbs and also the mini ESKP by Af *because it is square and mini and so cute. I managed to cut and pack these stickers during Af's game play of 'Until Dawn'. Look at these geeky light bulbs ! :D * Spotted : I'm...