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Little Things 205 : Smoothies

August 31, 2015
In trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle, I found a new delightful latest craze; smoothies !  We received 2 blenders from our wedding gifts; one for normal blender and another one for juice/smoothies. Ma mentioned that her blender just couldn't work anymore few weeks ago so I gave her one of the blender for her to make her daily morning juices *we don't really have the chance to use all...

Work Related : Final day with LGM & TRP team

August 29, 2015
* It was my final day at LGM & TRP, yesterday.  I've tried to finish up all my listed works and update all the working files. I passed those files to people who I think I can rely on. T^T We did countdowns for weeks now. It's really hard to imagine that I'm not going to be working here next month. There won't be silent morning with my green tea and the moment to wait for cranky...

Little Things 204 : Pesan-pesan

August 28, 2015
There are 3 things that my Tokmak will say every time we meet : "Kalau gaduh, bila sorang tu marah2, sorang kena senyap. Bila orang tu pula marah2, sorang lagi tu kena senyap. Jangan dua-dua nak cakap. Dengar je. Tau." "Doakan untuk ibubapa, itu yang paling penting. Hari-hari, doakan untuk dua-dua. Tau." "Solat 5 waktu, baca Al-Quran tiap-tiap hari. Satu ayat pun cukup kalau banyak sangat...

Doodle : DA x Blik Contest

August 27, 2015
Doodlers Anonymous x Blik created a contest to design a wall clock. I've been ignoring it for days until they sent the final reminder to try out for the contest several hours before it ends. I just thought "why not"- So I submitted my Little Sleepyheads, because these little guys have been sending me to the whole world since I started doodling years ago *or maybe I just don't have any other...

Books : Tsundoku

Tsundoku. It means buying books and leaving them pile up in your room, maybe waiting for the right time to read it, or the right atmosphere, or the right mood, or the right reading sofa or the right everything.  Don't you miss a long school holiday when there wasn't much to do but to read? When there wasn't console games or smart phones or Astro.  When we exchanged books on the...

Little Things 203 : Yoga

August 26, 2015
If I count the time when I first self-learned yoga stretches, that would be almost 2 years now. I learned the basics through some readings, video shared on youtube and mobile application. I used to do it almost everyday. But since I am back at my old apartment, I stopped the daily routine after work. There isn't much space for me to do any of those stretches at home anymore :( So several weeks...

Little Things 202 : Cockroach Theory

August 25, 2015
My colleague shared with me an interesting article about the Cockroach Theory by Sundar Pichais - he is the latest Google's CEO, announced few weeks ago. I really love this simple theory based on his random observation in a restaurant, I think you should read this as well.  Sundar Pichais' Theory taken from the link : “At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and...

Work Related : Begadang Backpackers 4

August 24, 2015
So they took BB beans to the top of Mount Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia :D * *...

Little Things 201 : Converse

Remember that I used to take pictures of my Converse with various backgrounds from my outing sessions? It was one of those moments that I went out ever so often to sweat out and see the nature and be more aware of those little things in my surrounding :p It was one of the best moment that I had because I was doing part-time job and was working for only half a day - daily, so time was flexible. Plus...

Work Related : Viralcham Website

August 23, 2015
This is one of my last year's project. We were asked to design a logo for a local website's branding called Viralcham. Basically it is a website that share random contents that I'm not quite sure of because I can't read it *it's in Chinese. As they mentioned, 'cham' is a mixture of everything. * So we sent our logo proposal. My moodboard consisted of research from companies that uses hand-writing/free-hand...

Work Related : First Translation Job

August 21, 2015
In 2011, I applied for an online translating job - I guess that was one of those days that I think I need extra job to gain money. But I never did receive any reply from the person who put up the ad online. So last month, someone from China replied to my 2011's email like she just received it the day before and offered me a translation task (Eng > BM). I was asked to translate 2701 words...

Little Stories 98 : Those Crows

August 20, 2015
During that time we were searching for scarves for our wedding.  We were walking from Jalan TAR towards Dataran Merdeka. It was almost 6-7pm, the sky was blue. Then I heard a gunshot. I've never really heard one, so I couldn't be sure. We were walking along an alley, so I was getting paranoid and imagining several scenes with gangsters and all. And I heard it again, AF did too. So it wasn't...

Work Related : Begadang Backpackers 3

August 19, 2015
It would be another 8 days before my final day at LGM and I'll be taking my short holiday for a few weeks before starting a new job. Life at work has been so busy because I am finishing off all the list of works that my boss passed to me. Everyday when I go back home at night I'll be exhausted beyond words and all I want to do is to sleep :F *or watch AF watches his videos. I've began to wonder...

Random : You

August 18, 2015
I taught him a little bit of basic yoga stretches and he taught me a little bit of basic parkour. We ended our outing session with jogging up and down the stairs, reaching from one point to another. I guess that's how people adapt to each other's liking, by opening up to those things that makes them happy, by trying and learning these new things.   As he would read my books, as I would...

Little Things 200 : AF and his Games

August 17, 2015
I often wondered how people can spend hours playing video games.  Until I've come to know AF and we bought a PS4 as one of our wedding hantaran. I knew he's a big fan of digital games on consoles plus he's been watching Pewdiepie and Marki Plier for years. He even watches those youtubers almost everyday after work just to watch the game-play *I still can't process this =,= * Since...

Book : Pinball/Wind

August 16, 2015
As one of Murakami's big fan, I knew about his latest *but not so latest book that just came out. I went to MPH yesterday to check it out because the last time Tsukuru Tazaki came out, I got the book right-away at the same MPH. There were no long lines awaiting for the book like in Japan, I guess here in Malaysia, we aren't that craaaazy over him :D Thank God for that. We went to the "Latest"...

Little Stories 97 : Perfect Strangers Project

August 15, 2015
Last June I participated in The Perfect Strangers project by Oh Comely magazine.  The idea is to sign-up our names, pay 1 pound for the registration fees and wait until the closing date. By the 15th June, they randomly gave you a partner to swap gifts + letters with. We were to send our parcel in several weeks time. There was hundreds of participant from all over the world :D I love...

Excerpt 15 : Der Steppenwolf

August 13, 2015
Image from Pinterest * From this book, I wrote down these texts in my little book. These excerpts came from the Harry Heller also known as the Steppenwolf's records | 1927  : How foolish to wear oneself out in vain longing for warmth! Solitude is independence. It had been my wish and with the years I had attained it. It was cold. Oh, cold enough! But it was also still, wonderfully...

Little Things 199 : USD

August 12, 2015
I wouldn't know this if I didn't come across this letter from Goh Wei Liang on the Malaysian Ringgit here. Because people keep on bashing the government for the RM4.00 over a dollar thingy, I keep on asking myself, as a Malaysian who won't even go to the States or use their currency any time soon, will I be affected? * Taken from the letter : " Of course, when you have a narrow, myopic...

Event : Post - My 22nd

Not only it marked my 22nd event, it was also my shortest stay on an event. I managed to stay a whole day for yesterday - not planning on going back until Friday *because I am workaholic and work has been too great to be missed for this. It was the feeling of familiarity, of going back to where I've been for 4 years of my life, of looking at people I can still recognize. Yet, everything is different....

Event : My 22nd

August 10, 2015
It's been more than a year since my last booth.  This would be my 22nd booth. I'm not sure what I was thinking, I decided to apply for a free booth in Uniten's pre-convo bazaar this week and I got in! It's happening during the weekdays and I still got 6 annual days to use before my last day at LGM so might as well do something out of the norm before I start at the new office.  One...

Book : Hello Sandwich - Tokyo Guide

August 09, 2015
Other than Memento Bento and Tokyo on Foot, I pre-ordered Hello Sandwich's latest Tokyo Guide zine last month. I even forgotten all about it until I saw she posted it on Instagram, telling all of us that it is ready to be posted. The zine arrived early this week :D Several years back, I found her blog and I came across the previous edition of her sold out Tokyo Guide. So I've been waiting for...

Random : Song from the past

August 07, 2015
Maybe I'm just too affected by the story, that even half a year after I watched this, I still feel like something is crushing in my heart when I listen to this song. T^T Maybe it's the idea of not having enough time to be around with someone you love for long and you'll promise to meet again in the next life. Or the thought of having to repeat it all over again, just for another one of those countless...

Book : Meditation

August 06, 2015
Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.  Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. Marcus Aurelius, Meditation * * It's this little joy in life that I'm holding up to. I found a new hard-cover book with a beautiful cover called Meditation (1909) by Marcus Aurelius printed by Penguin Classics. I'm not sure why 1/3 upper part of the book is black and 2/3 of...

Little Things 198 : Sampul Duit Raya

August 04, 2015
Having a designer as a husband means  I'm getting random hand-made items as a gift every now and then ❤ What's not to love? * * and this is for those who still believes in love : ...

Work Related : 634 days with LGM & TRP team - Part 1

August 03, 2015
I received another great offer from a local start-up company about a month ago. It has been 6 months since they approached and offered me a job but that was the time when I was too busy with the Hello Kitty Cafe project so I had to decline.  Surprisingly, they approached me again and after a week of consideration I think it's time for me to go and spread my wings to new challenges...