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Little Things 30 : Paper Birds

June 29, 2012
Do you know the feeling when you are so annoyed with everything and you can't understand your current mood swings and you search for loud song to bury those noises around you and you probably come across this and you click on the play button and scroll the youtube page to read the first comment and you read this :I hate to ruin the mood but... those are paper pterodactyls. And those 179...

Hello Again Doodle !

June 27, 2012
Hello ! I've been hibernating for months ! Hardly done anything serious much these past few months. I've been actively writing in my other blog tho. There are many unfinished artworks and projects. There are many postponed little jobs here and there. I can't quite understand my artsy mood swings too. Little did I notice, half a year passed like humming bird flapping its wings, so fast, almost...

Little Things 29 : Smell

June 26, 2012
Scent critic Chandler Burr & Frédéric Malle, Perfume Publisher.Chandler : Do you think perfume is as much an art as painting & sculptures?Frédéric : I'd say design or photography. I think great perfumery generates emotion similarly to certain abstract arts. I don't think it is as powerful as great music. Great perfumery touches a sensuous chord but not always a spiritual one. When I smell...

Little Stories 13 : Call in Sick

June 25, 2012
I always feel ashamed when I have to call in sick. My dad used to say that he hardly take a day off from work. My parents were workaholics, I never saw both of them lazying off that much. Even on Sunday. Perfect Sunday where people wake up late, watch TV and I don't know what else people do on Sunday. Because we used to wake up as early as 8 am in the morning, had quick breakfast and were forced...

Little Stories 12 : Paint

June 24, 2012
I spent several hours yesterday and today, painting the bathroom wall back to white, its original colour. And spent several more hours to do touch-ups on sloppy paints on each door. Muscle burning, I fell asleep after late lunch and short shower. Waking up to orange sky and the smell of dusk. Slight dizziness for those odd sleeping hours that I am not used to. I haven't been talking the whole...

Little Stories 11 : In Numbers . 2

June 21, 2012
2.4km, that's how far I walked back home today. If I go on with the same routine, I'll be reaching my goal in a week.  *again using RunKeeper application to keep track.Have I ever mentioned that I am quite obsessed with numbers? Although I don't like calculations, I do like to keep track, in numbers! Random example :I count books that I've read since 2003, that is 292 books...

Save the Turtles!

June 19, 2012
Let's pledge to not consume turtle parts or eggs, and support amending Malaysian laws to fully ban the sale and consumption of all turtle eggs. In Malaysia, we got 4 species of marine turtle : Green, Hawksbill, Leatherback and Olive Ridley Turtles. Even though turtles lay hundreds of eggs each season, only few of them survive :( Nowadays turtles are near extinction. How sad :( Let's...

Little Things 28 : Train

My first train ride that I can remember is back when I was in elementary school. I am not sure if there are any other earlier encounter with train rides, but this is what I remember the most. Maybe because I took the experience personally. I remember my dad excitedly said we will take a train ride to KL that afternoon. We have never done that, usually he drove the car to places. So we parked...

Little Stories 10 : In Numbers

June 18, 2012
I walked for 2km today to the nearest train station from the lab, in almost 20 minutes, burned about 30 calories *using an app called RunKeeper to track it. My iPod said "Low battery" twice while I was walking before it turned itself off.I was thirsty for walking a bit too fast because I thought I'll take longer time to arrive to the destination. I was wrong, it was just 20 minutes and thank...

Random doodles

* I hope this blockage is only temporary.  I've been randomly doodling in my little notebook for awhile now.  ...


June 17, 2012
Awan eats a lot. Awan sleeps a lot. Awan bites strangers. Awan hops like a grasshopper. Awan loves to lay on me for 5 minutes every morning. Awan's favorite victim is cockroaches. Awan eats popcorn and cheese. Awan loves to lick my chin. Awan answers my call by wiggling her crooked tail. Awan shouts behind the door if she wants to come in. Awan saw other cat once in her life. Awan survived major surgery....

Works : Pahang Tourism

*Alhamdulillah, the website is on the net last week! This is what we've been working on since February 2012, along with my other team members. This is my second full involvement with a project since the previous Petronas Pitstop Apps. Check out the new website for Tourism Pahang ! Feel free to leave feedbacks & comments to improve the websit...

Little Stories 9 : Chewing Gum

This man loves to stick used chewing gum under random table. Every time he does that I felt a little annoyed.He asked me :Why does it matters? It is so small, no one cares.I do. I tried to explain about why small things matter to everyone. IF we put 1,000,00 people with the same attitude together, the small problem will eventually turns into much bigger problem. Imagining much bigger picture will...

Apps : Young Kids & Mobile Apps

June 15, 2012
* Although I don't quite agree with kids under 12 to be engaged with game consoles and other devices, I am very much interested in how kids interact with those devices. I got curious over how their brain processes it, how they familiarize certain patterns and steps, how they explore it. The fact that they can interact with those games even though they can't read, always fascinates me.  Good...

What matters to you?

June 12, 2012
I stared at the wall in front of me while listening to this. All these instax photos on my wall, the people that matters, the people that I love, the people that I care about. I can count them using my fingers.We tend to hope too much for other people. We want the best for them. We have expectations.Give and take. To cultivate the sacredness of each day, live to give. - Robin Sharma Sometimes...

For Sale : Sleepyheads Pencil Case

June 10, 2012
* Hello! Hand-drawn Sleepyhead Pencil Case 1 Price : RM 28 * Hand-drawn Sleepyhead Pencil Case 2 Price : RM 28 * Postage : Normal - RM 2 Express : RM 4 Email me :

Apps : Whale Trail

I found this game : Whale Trail early this week and have been addicted by it. Bubbly-gummy colourful interface and stages to unlock after you have collected certain points, for free. What's not to love? Still hoping for Locoroco on iPhone. *extra geeky note : in the game Locoroco, they specially created a fictional language for foreign players, combining Japanese music and altering little bit...

Updates updates.

June 09, 2012
* I met Johan & Hani from kidsfeelgood@NTV7  ♥ In front of m apartment  ♥  ...

Little Things 27 : Alone

1. When you are alone, you can see all the details on your surrounding. Like how two friends accidentally saw each other at the train station and got excited over that unplanned meeting, or how all the machines at the train station were broken and I don't see the point of giving away those paper tickets, or how the 1Malaysia train is still shiny and on-time, or how a polite girl offered her seat to...

Travel : Perhentian Island 2

June 08, 2012
* * * Song for beautiful early morning :  I'll try anything once ...

Travel : Perhentian Island 1

* At last, after a month of keeping this in my box of paranoia, I'm ready to write about my trip to Perhentian Island! Despite all the things that happened, I can only conclude that in life, it won't be always sweet and learn from mistakes and don't judge, and remember that you are human and oh my, I learned so many things here in this trip, but I rather keep this to myself. Fair enough. * Things...

Rant 1 : Passive aggressive

June 07, 2012
Personal thoughts : I think most of the time I am being passive aggressive. I don't shout or curse when I am mad. I deny it and say it is okay. But I do show it on my behavior, it's so obvious I can even roll my eyes at myself for acting that childish. *PS : You need to tell me what's wrong,or I'll be clueless and you will abuse me with the feeling of gui...

Inspiration : Neil Gaiman

June 06, 2012
This is really good! Be wise because the world needs more wisdom.And if you cannot be wise, pretend to be someone who is wise and just behave like they would.Go and make interesting mistakes. Make amazing mistakes. Make glorious and fantastic mistakes.Break rules. Make good art. - Neil Gaiman&nbs...

Little Things 26 : Japan

*Guess what? I was throwing old things last night and I found something from my past in a big old box. I found letters, postcards, little things that I bought and got from Japan! It's been 12 years since my last visit to Japan and it's been a couple of months since I last heard about them. Let's reminiscing my childhood in pictures! :D*Fun looking stamps, envelopes & letters :*I remember this...

Travel : Lipis

I was on the track again for work, this time my destination was Lipis. I think this is my first visit here. Lipis is one of a town in Pahang with local heritage and ancient buildings. I've visited all 14 old buildings that were built on early 1900s and snapped some pictures for me along the way.   It was a very hot day and I think I've never been sweating this bad that fast. I walked around...