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Last Weekend was Super Awesome.

October 31, 2011
* Random doodle : My Colleague's Gameboy Micro * Last weekend's Pipit was a success! Thanks everyone :) I'll post the details on the weekend tonight, ya. Feel free to tag your photos in my facebook page's event pictures. And another exciting thing is my little babushka  will fly all the way to Greece. Thanks for adopting them. You can also adopt them, they are here...

Handling Copycats & Imitation.

There was a time when I feel threatened by imitation and copycats. It was several years back, when my doodling career just started and I found a lot of my artworks were imitated by several sites.  To be honest,  just like any other normal newbies, I feel threatened and insecure. I was afraid of being pointed as a copycat myself. So, I might handled it the clumsy-whoopsy way.But several years...

Pipit Tomorrow !

October 28, 2011
*  Hello! I hope I'm going to meet you at  Pipit Wonderful Market tomorrow, at Annexe Gallery, CM :) It was super hard for me to get a place in the event (*at first), so I'm still excited with this whole Pipit stuffs :) Unfortunately, I only managed to do some : phone straps, stickers, badges & brooches. And also some original illustrations on canvas & wood blocks. My...


October 26, 2011
* Hello,I ❤love❤ holiday!Holiday activity : * Why I feel comfortable using photoshop compared to illustrator?Just the same reason as why I feel comfortable doodle freehand compared to doodle them digitally.The feel of being in control.But then, they are just a tool.Explore everything, and find what fits you :) * Happy Deepaval...


October 25, 2011
**and I'm beginning to hate ...


* * That's my super big drawing on large canvas,and I took longer hours!Because of the detailing.>.< No, I didn't use any ruler or sketch anything beforehand.A fun way to doodle is by giving no limitation at all,just follow where your hand leads you.Super odd hand indeed...

Official : Paris :D

Let's get official.I'm going to Paris next year :DAll those money I've been working on, those hard works, sleepless nights, weekends at home, limited food consumption, old handphone (4years), strained muscles, freelance works, countless events, running puking and starting all over again, are all for Paris.Yes, the city of light, old civilization, great arts, magnifique buildings. The Paris.Why Paris?...

Pipit.Again :D

October 24, 2011
* Hello! Barang-barang sudah hampir siap.Lagi 4 hari saja untuk "Pipit Wonderful Market 7" !Kita jumpa di Annexe Gallery, CM ya :) * Along with Art by Azah Azrina & Doodles by Zamzammee :D * And I just bought zamzammee tee last week!Buy yours today by sending an email to : ...

My.Inspiration.2 : Oliver Jeffers & Oct gift-away (*update)

Hello!❤Here's some pictures for the Oct gift-away : * Aren't they adorable? :) How to WIN this?Here's the link! ❤All the best ...


October 21, 2011
* It's October and we can almost smell 2012!Other than being super busy with jobs at work,I'm having sleepless nights because of freelance worksand also getting ready for Pipit next week.  * Here is an example of my current freelance project : I've been experimenting with vibrant colors for children. Other updates : I've just graduated last week! (*after 11 months since my last class)My mom...


October 19, 2011
It's been almost a year since I finished my studies in Uniten.4 years of freedom as a student.Both my younger sis & bro (*in the picture) just started their degree in MMU.All the best!:D*What I've learned from my 4 years of university life? 1. One of the useful learning process in graphic field is by learning from someone else's design. You imitate, you improve and you learn. If you learn...

Event : Big Bad Wolf

October 15, 2011
It's 8th day for Big Bad Wolf at MAEPS, with 1.5 million books, 15000 graphic novels & comics, every bookaholics should probably went here at least once! I went here 3 times already, bought 23 books. Spent about the same price of one graphic novel in Borders. How cheap! 23 books from Big Bad Wolf = 1 graphic book from Borders ***Currently reading 2nd book :DBought any books lately?*Update...

What I do for money ?

Post taken from my old travel blog.I know it's really hard to save money. Especially when you are young and you are relying on your parents for life expenses. When you start working, you will start paying off your education debts, car loan, house rent and the list will go on.Here I will share with you my ways of saving money :1. I started youngI first had a premonition that I will go far beyond Asia...

Random Updates.

October 14, 2011
It's October! It's my busiest month in 2011 *excluding Nov & Dec. So many things happened and about to happen. The convocation, the freelance, the work, the business, the hajj, the next event, the ShangHai, the 4th meeting, the iPhone 4s, the death of Steve Jobs, the big bad wolf, the rehearsal, the reunion, the scary dream, the birthday. It's overwhelming. Super busy.I bought 25 books at the...

My.Inspiration.2 : Oliver Jeffers & Oct gift-away.

October 13, 2011
Hello ❤  Do you love children books? ❤ I do! ❤ Other than my graphic novels, the art & making of, & visual travelogue,I'm also a a children book collector. * Here is one of my favorite children book illustrator : Oliver Jeffers I've collected several children books by him.I love his simple illustration & color mixture.I love his storyline, I love the fact...


October 07, 2011
Hello, Here is another piece of my work, using pencil on a wooden block, sprayed with clear acrylic, as mini paintings  ( got magnets & wall hanger at the back ) * WIP : * * I took a long hours playing with the flowers, and finally, finished drawing the whole block! * A girl in Flowers * Still available : Super Mario & Giant...

"Stay hungry, stay foolish", Steve Jobs.

October 06, 2011
It's hard to imagine how one person can change how the whole world operates.It deeply saddened me to know that Steve Jobs died today. He changed our world. He put chances in our lives by his inventions. He was an inspiration. He was our da Vinci. He taught us so many things, he opened our eyes. I've been admiring all this while, on his creations, on how he saw the world, how the littlest things...

Work Related : Mini Phone Strap 2

October 03, 2011
* Last weekend's activity : * Tada ! * * So, there goes my weekend. Sitting at my messy desk with lots of new little charms. I'm hoping for new adventures next year. I hope I don't have to stay at home on every weekend like this anymore. Wish me the best on this....

How should you write for online reader?

Readable vs too-long-too-much-too-many-things-in-one-line :How should you write something on screen?This is how I like, this is how I prefer it to be. It's just so hard to read a long paragraphs on screen. So I'm going to share with you some tips on online writing for bloggers and pray to God, article writers. Some of my job in my office are to do research, read and share review/findings daily, so...