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December 30, 2010
* Latest product after several experiments :Fridge Magnet & Stickers  * Do come at Lorong Seni @ Putrajaya ( Menara KBS )31 December 2010 & 1 January 2011  * Along with my partner : azah chan & zamzammeeand our special guest :  KayuApi ...

Sneak.Peek: Nutcracker&Ballerina

December 28, 2010
*In making : *I asked several artists to draw their own version of Nutcracker & Ballerina. Still waiting for them *excited* Received one already!Can't wait to share with all of you :...


December 27, 2010
* * 2010 It has been a great yearA start of so many things, and new year is coming soon.Even my birthday is coming pretty soon :DI'm becoming older.Hopefully next year will be greater than what it has been this year.Amin~  * PS - Doodled in my Tulila! ...


December 26, 2010
* * When I'm working, I need ; music (my workstation gives me the best music)stationaries (so they will usually line up next to me)fun things when i'm tired (psp, hand grip? & internet)sweets (eclipse@mentos) ...


* * It's my artwork collectionAll the illustrations are quite big!♥ ...


December 25, 2010
* I have a dream.The biggest one in my life.To travel to various places, meet people, learn languages, enjoy their historical buildings.The dream keeps on nagging me,years after years. *  *...


December 24, 2010
* Just a quick doodle : * People around the world that celebrating christmas :Merry Christmas s :)...


December 22, 2010
* Let's share some stuff today :Simple coloring using Adobe Photoshop :) * Aaa, for me, I don't use 'fill' bucket tool, I color it layer by layer using brush tool,graphic tablet plays a big role in digital coloring :)That's all! ...


December 21, 2010
* * Do you owned a twitter account?I designed this little twitter logo just for fun.Feel free to download & use it to link it in your blog :) * ...


December 20, 2010
* Hello ,I'm experimenting with fridge magnets,I got these 4 fridge magnets below : * If any of you are interested in having one ( one for each person )Just relink my blog at your blog & inform me :)Lucky person will receive free fridge magnet ! * Thanks! * PS - I sent all fridge magnets already! Don't forget to send me your name & address :) *...


December 19, 2010
* Hello!New stickers restocked ! :D * | Doodle Me - TV |You can write or doodle inside the TV as I did on my sticker (right)RM2 each * | Lomo Stickers Set |4 lomo stickers in a packetRM 3 each packet| PS - a little bigger than before | * * | Cikipiki Set |5 cikipikis in a packetRM 2 each packet * * | Mixed Box Set |2 stickers in a packet :(yellow&pink) or (blue&green)RM 2 each packet * Postage...


December 18, 2010
* Hello !Even though I've started my working life, I tried my best to keep on continuing my little hobby as well.This is my new project for future art market :D * * * Those stickers were printed at the printing shop and cut by me ( every each one of them! )Imagine me sitting sleepily late at night, cutting those little stickers (>,<)...


* This is my very first Tulila :DIt is so cool, I can now use a planner with the flexibility to doodle. * * I use my own sticker :)...


December 17, 2010
* * Here are the series of a girl with golden hair.I'm selling the original artwork. The detailing part can be seen in the previous post, these are the scanned version so the golden hair seems yellowish.There are also video sneak peak in my facebook page. * Size : A5, will be framed with black wooden frame size A4 Material :  A5 sized , 230g/m² quality paper  Inked...

December 15, 2010
* After a month since I started this series, finally it's ready :D * There are 8 pieces of girl with golden hair illustration.Each with different hair style & personality. * * Each illustration was painted with golden-metallic paint( So, it does shine :D ) * * Material : A5 sized , 230g/m² quality paper * * It will be open for sale tomorrow night if you are interested to buy the...


December 14, 2010
* Original Illustration for SaleSize : A4-framedPrice : RM50 * Material : Glossy art paper + ArtlineStatus : Available  * * * Email :


December 13, 2010
Hello, these are the remaining of the doodle on envelopes :| Only 2 designs left |RM4 each  *Design 1 :  Train  *Status : Available ( 4 pieces ) *The back of the envelope : *Design 2 : Television * Status : Available ( 4 pieces ) * The back of the envelope : * Interested to buy?Email me :
December 12, 2010
* Last week, I went to Tulila's Soft Launch at Paper & Toast , Kuala Lumpur.What is Tulila?Click here : Tulila Visual Log * A visual log, to maximize efficiency and enhance time management in planning your schedule daily, monthly and annually. (copied from their page) * I've been given a chance to design for their slip cover.The real launching will come very soon, updates...


* * I did a lot of doodle on frames this couple of weeks after my final presentation.And I had limited internet connection at home, so that's why I've been so quite :D Doodle on frame order is CLOSED now.I don't have any wooden frame in stock at this moment.I'm sorry. * Will update more ...


November 15, 2010
* Currently accepting doodle on frame orderContact me at Status : 3 frames   1 more!  FULL! Please don't give me short notice and want it by 2-3 days! It's almost impossible because I draw it by request. Huhu.. * Those big bad wolf book sale makes my tummy starves (T^T)Bought 10 books last Friday & planning to buy more. Come on, help me! * Updates...


November 09, 2010
 *  * Doodle on paper doilies Size : 10 cmHand-drawn Material : Doily paper Status : Available ( 5 pieces )Price : RM5 - not including postage * * Put the doily on the table and put table plastic on top of it.Or just pin it on your notice board like i did :D * * Email me : azreen_31@hotmail.c...


November 01, 2010
* * I posted a video of me doodling this bird on my facebook.It's not a serious work.It's just for fun :) * Material : 300 g/m² ( postcard paper ) - acid freeSize : A6 * Will trade it with garisgarishalus doodle. She's an awesome doodler.Check it out :...


October 31, 2010
* * I want to reach the skyand I don't want to stop here ...


October 30, 2010
* * Random doodle :" When I'm with you "found scrap paper on my desk while revising for Image Processing exam tomorrow :( ...


October 28, 2010
*  Title : Our JourneyMaterial : 300 g/m² ( watercolor paper ) - acid freeSize : 10 x 10 inches for each paper *  Exhibited in HIMPUN exhibition from 16 - 30 Oct 2010 at Balai Seni Lukis Negara  * * * It can be combined from both left side or right side * It's not a doodle, it's an illustration.Why does it differs ?Although I drawn it spontaneously using the artline, I've...