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December 26, 2010



When I'm working, I need ;

music (my workstation gives me the best music)
stationaries (so they will usually line up next to me)
fun things when i'm tired (psp, hand grip? & internet)
sweets (eclipse@mentos)


10 comments on "My.Work.Space"
  1. excuse me
    what kind of music do you hear everyday,
    just asking..:P

  2. Ooooh Macbook Pro! *jealous

    My workspace is my bed... I think it's about time I have a proper workspace <___<"

  3. Well, I listen to various songs.
    From oldies to latest one..
    A mixture of Rod Steward & Neil Sedaka to Marie Digby, Eliza Doolittle, Bruno Mars etc.

    Nothing fancy :)

  4. Kiwa, I can't possible draw straight lines on my bed! Haha.. Well, I determined to have my own table and no one can touch it! (>o<)

  5. hey~ i also have those silver pakai menda tu..tapi its such a shame that i cant manipulate it as good as u do(with the gold one)..baru buat 1 artwork pakai tu, pastu dah discouraged..:| aiya hahahah

  6. *that

    btw, what kind of pens do u use, azreen...?i have some trouble finding a substitute for what i've been using (staedtler pigment liners;coz they're really hard to find here).and artline pigment inks are a bit difficult to handle as they often 'kembang' on paper.huhu any suggestions?..

  7. Those colors are really nice to use. I love them, Waz! You should keep on trying!

    Pens? Well on paper, I prefer to use Unipin. I think it's the easiest one to find in stationary shop. It won't smear and got ink size from 0.1 to 0.8 :D

  8. your workplace looks very cool miss azreen! :)

  9. Cute workspace azreen, very you, besar2 nye work space tak syok :) yg penting everything you need in doodling ada kat depan mata dan senang dicapai...Beli meja besar sikit better so will have more drawing space...Keep up the good work! Love it!

  10. nice workspace! :D mine is a tooootal messssss -_-"
