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Little Stories 262 : The Glasses, the Fever, the Works and New IC

October 31, 2023
More stories by the end of October:Blood Donation:I arrived, had lunch, registered, and I was stuck during the health checkup process: blood count was 'just enough', I was supposed to get my period that day, and if I donated my blood, I would get anemic symptoms later so the doctor suggested me to not make a donation that day. Also, my blood pressure was low, below 100 (as per usual). So she asked...

Little Stories 261 : Story Time, Half-Marathon Update, and New Work Schedule

October 27, 2023
Some stories collected since last week:Sleep Time:Sofi and I started a new routine: story time before sleep after we turned off the lights. Usually, our routine would be me reading 1-3 books to her then we go to sleep, but because I'm already too bored with repeating the same books repeatedly, I started the story-telling time. For me, creating a simple short story is easy, and I didn't even know...

Little Stories 260 : The Fall, the Rain and Oct in General

October 20, 2023
Some stories collected since last week:The fall:Early last week, it was raining when we were walking back after I picked up Sofi from kindergarten. Then we walked past the shop's corridor, and because it was raining heavily, 3 dogs were resting along the corridor so we couldn't pass through - they conquered the space. I stepped back in the rain while holding Sofi's hand, umbrella, and her bags. Then...

Little Thing 273 : Passive Income

October 12, 2023
If you are curious about selling ebooks on Etsy as a passive income, let me share this with you. To be fair, they do all the charging and tax paying and fees and segala benda for you lah so you don't have to worry about the messy part. -Here goes:I am selling the ebook for $6, that's around RM 30.39 last week.processing fees (4.5% + RM 2.00) = - RM 3.37VAT (remitted to tax...

Run - Some Running Accessories

October 10, 2023
It's been more than 5 years since my last running event, so I had to buy some stuff to prepare for my half-marathon. The ShoesLate-late-late.I ordered new shoes to replace my overworn shoes 6-weeks before my half marathon. I chose *almost the same shoes as before but a more recent version, from Al-Ikhsan. It was posted the next day, and I received it within 3 days. It's the Nike...

Books : Bittersweet, Book on Sorrow & Longing

October 07, 2023
For the past few months, I've slowly read Bittersweet: How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole by Susan Cain. I consumed many books this year, but this is one of my favorites so far (maybe because I read it slowly, bit by bit only when I have time). Susan Cain wrote Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking about 10 years ago and it started the Quiet Revolution....

Little Thing 272 : On Duality and the In-Between

October 04, 2023
"Duality" usually refers to having a contrast between two concepts, an opposite: dark and light, positive and negative, man and woman, death and rebirth, conscious and unconscious, stillness and movement, good and evil, peace and war, love and hate, up and down, mind and body, etc. On the physical level, it is easy to make this comparison because we can see the obvious.In life, when we mention...

Little Thing 271 : Creating A Habit, Sofi's Sports Day and Books I Read in September

October 01, 2023
So far I've been experimenting with the 2 posts every week and I have managed to maintain a good number since Feb (except in May, when I was struggling to think, let alone write). 8 is good, 2 posts each week is good. Sometimes I even write scheduled posts early on because I want to or I can, and I am proud of myself for having the discipline to sit and write something. Sometimes I just want to crawl...