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Run - Running Again after Almost 5 Years (but during Ramadhan + heatwave)

April 28, 2023
Personally, I don't suggest anyone starts running for the first time during Ramadhan (plus during one of the hottest seasons in Malaysia)  - it's demotivating. But I'm not new to running and I used to run during the fasting season, so I hope, this would be okay for my body.This is what my training calendar looked like in April :-First week :I started my first week of training based on my female...

Little Things 263 : Decided to Formally Study UX

April 19, 2023
In conjunction with my depressive phase, I decided to put myself on a challenge to formally learn UX. I've taken a basic 1-semester course in UI/UX during my degree. I've done some UI projects with startups in my previous jobs but all based on learning by experience and current projects during those times. I mostly referred to all available products in the market (directly or indirectly), did comparisons,...

Little Things 263 : Depressive Mode On

April 17, 2023
 I'm usually quite a productive person.It's one thing that held on to, that I assume is linked to who I am as a person, one of my traits maybe. But I've been spiraling down for the past 3 months - I can't create, I can't read (as much), and I spent a lot of time being stuck in this weird limbo.-So what should you do when you are in a challenging phase? When you are depressed, when you can't do...

Series - Beef by Lee Sung Jin (on Netflix)

April 13, 2023
 *Beef is a 10-episode dark comedy-drama miniseries created by Lee Sung Jin and it is just out on Netflix. I don't always want to write reviews about series because, in the era of consumption, there is just too much movie/series content to share. So I only share when something really 'flicked' my heart. It doesn't feel like the usual dark comedy, or rom-com, or crime series, I don't even know...

Kids : Sofi and her Arts/Craft Activities

April 11, 2023
As an artist, I have many sponsored art materials, and I know I don't really make as many artworks so I shared most of my art materials with Sofi. For the past 2 years, she's been playing a lot with various colour materials: pencil colour, water colour, crayons, markers, highlighters, acrylic paints, poster markers, poster paint, etc.I know it's a bit too much for a 4-year-old, but most of the art...

Little Things 262 : In Saying Good Bye

April 06, 2023
 Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away at 71, he was an amazing musician and film composer. Here are some of my favorite songs composed by him: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence and Solitude. I use his songs to write.Bookdepository is closing on the 26th of April 2023, after more than 15 years with us. This is where I bought most of my physical books online.Both are sad news. With shortness of breath...

Run : Running Phase 2

April 05, 2023
I'm jumping on a running track again after 5 years of running hiatus. I started running in 2012 and I stopped running in 2018 (after I got pregnant). There was a phase when I ran so much in a year and there was a phase when I slow down on running because I can't get pregnant. I don't know whether it was scientifically related, but I finally got pregnant with Sofi in 2018. (Yelah, tukang urut...

Little Things 261 : Acupressure Mats

April 03, 2023
 What's the deal with acupressure mats?I got my acupressure mat around 2 years ago as my birthday present from my little sister. I requested it. I asked for the one that Anzen sold, it was the one that I found that is visually appealing but it was a bit more expensive than other acupressure mats in the market. Acupressure mat therapy involves stimulating pressure points on the body, it got...