Little Things 262 : In Saying Good Bye

April 06, 2023


  • Ryuichi Sakamoto passed away at 71, he was an amazing musician and film composer. Here are some of my favorite songs composed by him: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence and Solitude. I use his songs to write.
  • Bookdepository is closing on the 26th of April 2023, after more than 15 years with us. This is where I bought most of my physical books online.
Both are sad news. 

With shortness of breath / I'll try to explain the infinite / And how rare and beautiful it truly is that we exist - Saturn by Sleeping at Last


I have a playlist called Wordless, which I use mostly while writing:

I guess it helps to be in a 'certain mood' because when writing I need to be in my subconscious space and songs can trigger this part of the brain. Some people meditate, some sleep on it, and some practice visualization, for me, listening to music helps me block out the noise. And caffeine definitely helps too. 


On random note :
  • I want to remember today.
  • I'm currently taking Google's UX certificate and I'm resting from doing the first sprint project (perhaps continue tomorrow morning for an uninterrupted session). I'm curious to see whether I manage to finish the course, I've finished several classes on Figma at Skillshare this week and want to try out a formal certificate. Tua2 sambung belajar ada rasa tepu sikit wotak. But can read this when you start your lesson. Before this, I used this doa whenever I start a new classic lit (sbb berpeluh2 baca classics tak paham mende) :
O Allah! There is nothing easy except what You make easy, and You make the difficult easy if it is Your Will.

 Ø§Ù„لهُÙ…َّ لا سَÙ‡ْÙ„َ إلا Ù…َا جَعَلتَÙ‡ُ سَÙ‡ْلا Ùˆَ أنتَ تَجْعَÙ„ُ الحزْÙ†َ إذا Ø´ِئْتَ سَÙ‡ْلا 

Allahumma la sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahla, wa ‘anta taj-alul hazna idha shi’ta sahla

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