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Little Things 237 : Paying PTPTN using KWSP 2 (updated)

August 24, 2017
I currently have a remaining balance of RM 22,730 for my PTPTN loan from my full loan of RM 40k in 2010. I graduated almost 7 years ago from Uniten and I've been paying my PTPTN religiously. Some of my friends finished paying off their loan, some (like my brother) still shamelessly refusing to pay it.Image by Michelle Henderson  So Af and I discussed about our education loan, and decided...

Little Things 237 : Family & Friends

August 23, 2017
I suddenly remembered the first open house that we did during Eid, after such a long time of living in shadows of broken past. I was excited, the whole family was excited, because we don't really invite people to our house. It was a rare occasion, a feast, a celebration. It was the first house my mom felt comfortable for social gathering after the divorce (more than 10 years ago). After so much...

Work Related : All Things New + Shiny

August 15, 2017
I think I've been super productive these couple of months. I love making and creating things without anyone telling me what-I-should do or not-do. I think there is something about being an artist, you kinda choose to follow your instinct and passion.  As a designer, I had to follow all the designer's rules and requirements made by clients. Although it is good (in a way), I always thought...

Work Related : First Self-published Travelogue 2

August 12, 2017
My love for far-off places started when I was 14, after my first Fukuoka homestay program in 2000. I decided then, to collect as much money as I can, to distant myself from my friends (so I wouldn't feel bad when I need to say goodbye) and to love being alone (in case I never meet any like-minded life partner) in order to fully commit to the idea of travelling in my whole adult life.  When...

Little Things 236 : Wedding/Event Videos

August 09, 2017
* As some of you might have guessed from our various #sirieskapi videos, my husband, Af is a videographer & video editor - if you guys are planning on getting married soon and is currently searching for an event's videographer, you can contact him at : ♥ I am his loyal assistant 😀 Sample of his works : Vimeo  *2017's Price Offer ...

Mini Escapism : Days in Melaka

August 08, 2017
We needed a short break from work. I wanted to go to Ipoh but we only had 3 days because we had to attend my cousin's wedding on the weekend, so we decided to go to Melaka again (it is one of the nearest anyway). But I went to Melaka so many times and just several months back, I stayed in Melaka for almost a week for the Melaka travelogue project. During that time, I tried so many stuffs, I...

Event : CAFKL & Food Poisoning

August 02, 2017
Last weekend's event was a success ! A lot of my stuffs that I brought and prepared for the event were sold out (sticker packs & enamel pins), people also came to pre-order the Eskapi travelogue and I saw a lot of talented illustrators and comic artists all around. There were a lot of self-published comics and zines. I think I spent around RM 100 just for buying other people's works. Look,...