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Little House 5 : Door & Security

February 28, 2015
THINGS YOU SHOULD CONSIDER FOR YOUR HOME : * 1. Change to deadbolt lock, don't use only basic grill & bolt provided by the house, it is possible to unlock them using a master key. You must have at least 2 locks on the main door and 2 locks on the grill. Buy grade 1 deadbolt lock, with longer throw-bolt (at least 1 inch) and no exposed screws on the exterior. Deadbolt lock...

Little Things 168 : Macbookpro

I almost lost my MacBookPro two weeks ago. In another few months, it will mark my fifth year with it. I remember the time I decided to buy it during my final year project in the uni to replace my desktop computer. It felt so long ago.  In 5 years,  I've replaced the charging wire for free because it was still on warranty and I've replaced the internal hard drive because it went...

Movie : Character - Hannibal Lecter

February 22, 2015
I just watched 1991's Silence of the Lamb yesterday directed by Jonathan Demme, the one with Anthony Hopkin as notorious Dr. Hannibal Lecter. I've been wanting to read the book since high school when I saw the book in my dad's library - *you know, the age when everything is amusingly interesting, even a story about a serial-killer. But I never had the chance. One of my short story's character during...

Doodle : Busy

February 21, 2015
I am the queen of procrastination : I am forever busy but never busy enough to finish up all the works. I got long-dreaded work from Ma, new freelance illustration job and logo design. But I'm currently busy drawing random comics, yeay! Btw, it's my brother's 25th birthday, but he is still in Germany - and will be home next Monday! Yeaaaaaay, finally after 5 months ! Ps : He hates all...

Doodle : Books with Original Drawings on the Cover

February 20, 2015
Well, hello doodlers of the world,  I'm selling these small books for you to doodle via my Etsy. It has been doodled on the cover and clear-sticker wrapped so it won't smear - you can even write your name using permanent marker. I only got 3 different copies, I guess I won't be doing this for awhile after this :) So if you want it, this is your chance. Hah.  Any local buyer will...

Illustration : Hotaru Tomoe

February 19, 2015
* I grew up reading a lot of Manga. I could even say that I learned how to draw by imitating a lot of drawing from those Manga. Sailormoon, Akira Toriyama's, XXXHolic, Bleach, Junji Ito's, Hunter x Hunter, Oh Dewi!, Chobits, and so much more. Us siblings even have several boxes of comics & mangas collected during our teenage years.  I remember one of my earliest manga : Sailormoon....

Doodle : Breathe In

February 18, 2015
* Still traumatized. ...

Things : Things I Love to Love

February 14, 2015
Links : Vintage Folded Binocular from Raffello Vintage Silver Pinecone Necklace from Julie Garland Little Critter from Coffee Morning Wooden Feather Brooch from The Twenty Fingers Kaonashi Miniature from Green in HK Vintage Magnifier by Nautical Place Agate Gemstone from Oliki ...

Plant Project : Succulents 2

Update from this post : Remember this succulent leaf I picked up from Ma's little garden like a month ago? This was after 2 weeks, with tiny little new roots dangling for a new life : * Well this is how it looks today, with super tiny new baby succulent near the root. I am a happy mommy :D I've been watching really closely every-single-day, spraying some mists of water with love on the...

Game : Two Dots

February 13, 2015
I think I downloaded Two Dots several months back. Probably when I just started living alone. Perhaps to occupy my extra free time. I finished Fieldrunners and Fieldrunners 2, so I need a new challenging level-based with decent graphic game. I found Dots before but I wasn't really hooked with the game because : 1. It's a repetitive 2. No level, it's not getting any harder 3....

River Island

February 12, 2015
River Island is a well-known brand which offers a wide range of clothing and accessories based on the latest trends for women. Women who stumbled upon the River Island collections offers amazing designs of clothes at high quality and best price. There are three different River Island looks which women can pull off with style and character : * If you are wondering where you can grab...

Little Things 167 : Engagement

February 10, 2015
I didn't quite want any big events for me. I told my family earlier that I wanted to do a small engagement event, like super-close-family-and-friends only. But it turned out to be quite big, Ma & Aja got excited preparing for the day. Suddenly I had to find proper clothes and hantaran. There were 4 cars from Pekan, they did the catering, other than another 3 cars from AF's side & Aja's...

Movie : I, Origins (2014)

February 09, 2015
* I, Origins (2014) Writer & Director : Mike Cahill This post contains spoiler. You should watch his movies before reading this post ...

Little House 4 : 4 months

February 08, 2015
* Pets : I gave Minka the ferret back to my boss after 2 weeks + another 3 days. Taking care of a ferret needs a lot of patience. Even writing about her needs one whole dedicated post. So I went back to my stinky home, changed to proper clothing, mixed some detergent with Dettol multi-cleaner, and started to clean the whole apartment. That took around 2 hours. I put back all things...

Movie : Little Miss Sunshine (2006)

* * In this world no matter what happens, if you try to be good or be better at anything, there will be things that will pull you down. If you live passionately and you want people to see how better you can possibly be, and you want to share because you care enough to give the glimpse of what happiness can mean to someone else as it does to you, well don't. Don't share because you care...

Doodle : Ros

February 07, 2015
After 419 days, I'm still at the office on the weekend. Can't wait for outing days. Here is a quick random doodlymoodly : ...

Run : Moderate

February 06, 2015
I encourage people around me to run. If you don't know yet, Malaysia has the highest rate of obesity in Asia. Based on this report, 49% of women and 44% of men in Malaysia are likely to be obese, that's like almost half of the population? Even when we are complaining about the rising costs of everything, we managed to spend so much on unhealthy foods. Pretty ironic, kan? * I believe in living...

Doodle : Food Illustration *update*

Other than little plants' illustrations,  I'm having fun doing colourful foods illustration :D It started with illustrating perfect sandwich for lunch : 2 slices of bread, cheese, fried egg, Kewpie mayo, and slices of left-over chicken. And then somehow those colourful fruit pies, pudding, napkin, and coffee came into the illustration as well.  Eye-straining weekend, I'm going...

Plant Project : Things I Learned About Planting 2

February 05, 2015
* From my personal view, I learned about patience. I love how therapeutic planting can be for me. Learning each and every plant need time, and it pushes me to read and experience more just to understand what is what. This is something I can't learn just by listening to people's tips & tricks.   I killed many plants and seeds, and I always feel bad for this. But I'll keep...

Plant Project : Things I Learned About Planting 1

Useful basic things I learned about planting : 1. Watering plants - Each plants need different amount of water.  Make sure you know how to understand some basic rules like :  yellow leaf means 'please give me more water' and brown leaf especially on the tips means 'too much water'. It's easy to kill a plant by over-watering it compared to under-watering. It's a learning...

Excerpt 12 : The Important Thing About Becoming a Runner

February 04, 2015
From NR Project : What you have to understand is that most runners out there have no special abilities, we all started somewhere and we all struggle – present tense. It doesn’t get easier, not for anyone, but you get better, you always do. If you run – you are a runner, and every runner you meet will respect you and accept you because they know what it is like, they understand what you are going...

Book : The Museum of Innocence

February 02, 2015
Month's ago I posted this. I'm reading Orhan Pamuk's The Museum of Innocence. I didn't start with his famous My Name is Red or Snow. I picked up the book just because I was afraid of buying other Orhan's novel. I assumed it would be difficult for me, considering he won a Nobel Prize before. When I read the synopsis, it mentioned Love. As far as I know, even...

Little Things 166 : Headaches

* Silent morning and lazy Monday.  Ever since early January, we've been running 2 - 4 times a week after work. I tried to eat healthy, minimizing my food intakes to thing that I cook myself or being picky except on my craving-day. I get headaches a lot, a thumping pain between my eyes and a throbbing pain behind my head like someone is trying to crush my skull. I haven't found the cause....