Design : Infographic

June 03, 2014

Another infograph posted in The Rakyat Post's new media last week, click here for the original post. It wouldn't be cool to upload every single thing that I created, but I am super excited over this particular infographic :D

About the infographic :
1. The original written information were taken from Savemoney & Jobstreet. 

2. Those little buildings were bought and re-edited from Shutterstock because I didn't have much time when the task was given. But other things were vectorized by me. I am still in the process of improving my vectorizing skill so I happened to be quite excited over the little airport or the little duck, or the grass texture, or the traffic light or the graduation hat or even what to represent a geophysicist. Even the airport was slightly referred from KLIA2 :D

Example of what I did :
  • Google an example of a geophysicist
  • Vectorize equipments and simple landscape using flat design

3. Flat design - it worked best for me so far, yes, it is quite over-used and in-trend but it has been a great starting point for me to learn Ai. A lot of referance from Google's 2014 latest illustrations and Behance.

Learning has been super fun. 

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