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Findings 04

May 30, 2014
1. Charge Card I hate it when I left my USB cable for iPhone at home. We all know how weak smartphones batteries are. So I found out about this cool items called Charge Card. It works as a smartphone's USB cable in card size so you can put it in your wallet. Beautifully designed, simple and small. Apparently they only sell charge card for micro USB nowadays. Too bad I didn't found out about...


May 29, 2014
I would like to pretend that I still have it in me. The sense of individuality, the passion for life, the voice deep within. I reached the conclusion about what this life means to me and how clear it is - that I am nothing but a creature of the moment, given a life for a short duration of time with vague reasons that only God knows why. And all those passions I've been striving for slowly...


May 26, 2014
It is pointless to decipher your imbalance thoughts of things in the past. And it is even pointless to make people open their eyes and see what you want them to see. Or to try to change certain things. When you reach a certain stage of understanding, you can just stop pretending that you want to care....

Excerpt 07 : Older & Younger People

We are all experiencing more or less the same lifetime now.   What is it the slightly older people want from the slightly younger people? They want credit for having survived so long, and often imaginatively, under difficult conditions. Slightly younger people are intolerably stingy about giving them credit for that.   What is it the slightly younger people want from the slightly...

Event : Karnival Belia 2014

May 23, 2014
Hello, I'll be joining Rantai Art at Karnival Belia, Putrajaya this weekend. Remember more than 3 years ago I participated in my first booth with Lorong Seni? Years passed and I'm back ! I'll be sharing my booth with Nerdless Art and his friends. Useful details : Time & Date : 23 - 25th May 2014, 10am - 10pm Useful things : Umbrella ( I checked weather forecast...

Random : Accumulated Little Posts

May 12, 2014
1. I found Spotify App for MacBook and downloaded it.  It opens a door to my daily pleasant life. Current songs I'm lovin : All I want by Kodaline Naked as we came by Iron & Wine I do by Susie Suh * 2. I paid back full my first PTPTN loan. This leaves me with second PTPTN and another 8 years. 3. I am getting really pessimist about my view on life since I work with daily...

Little Things 123 : A Fall

It is exhausting to see everyone I know posting images of their happy marriages, new families and new babies. I would be lying if I say I'm not affected by all of these.  I stopped going to weddings few years back because at one point in life I know that the celebration itself would make me feel somewhat depressed. Those famous questions people keep on bugging are annoying. I would rather...

Little Things 122 : Books & Reading

May 05, 2014
I am currently reading Steve Jobs's biography, the one my colleague brought for the promised book exchange. I took two weeks to start reading it because of the size and thickness *imagine I have to bring it to and fro everyday. This would be my third biography.  As I get older I realized that I'm getting fussier in choosing books. It might be because of the time limitation and I avoid reading...

Books : April List

May 03, 2014
13. Re : Tangerin & Nikotin by Mimi Morticia  I didn't really like the theme. Poetic or not. Things she made into public is simply unacceptable for me. Some things are better left hidden in an old box under the bed. I'm reselling this brand-new-once-read-plastic-wrapped book for RM 10. Text me if you are interested. * 14. Puisi Jalanan by Fynn Jamal I borrowed this book. Decent,...