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April 28, 2014
Kadang-kadang ada satu tahap busy tu mengalahkan presiden. Stress level meningkat, boleh jadi depresi tapi tiada masa nak melayan perasaan pun. Lari, makin laju lari. Tengok dunia banyak mana nak uji. Tengok kita mampu lari pecut atau tida...

Doodle : Notebook Weekend

April 21, 2014
* I've been too busy with works, I had no time for my doodle therapy. So I bought empty notebooks from Muji, Moleskine and GoPalm and started doodling since last week. A great weekend escape. Preparing for any upcoming events next month. Got tired of my playlist and slow internet connection. So I downloaded Spotify to my Mac and played 'Coffeehouse Playlist' - oh remarkable...

Doodle : The Sleepyheads Wallet by Dynomighty

April 20, 2014
Good news,  Dynomighty just launched their Artist Collective several days ago.  >> You can now get your Sleepyheads Wallet straight from New York City << About : + 2 large pockets for cash and receipts. + 2 credit card pockets that expand to hold lots of cards. + 2 quick access business card pockets. + 4 writable Tyvek® business cards included. open...

Little Things 121 : Daily

Every month I post an update on books that I've read and short reviews about those books. 4 months = 16 books not including short stories written by writers all over the world. I am deeply touched by the variety of our minds, accumulating imagination and experience into something so deep and beautiful.  I love us, writers of the world. Putting your faithful thoughts into patient words,...

Excerpt 06 : Karma

April 07, 2014
Sebagaimana kita melayan orang yang sayang kita, begitulah juga kita akan dilayan oleh orang yang kita sayang. Setimpal dan seadilnya untuk setiapnya kita.  Cuma ada kala kita akan dapat dua kali timpal dari itu. Mungkin lagi sakit, atau lebih bahagia. - Adi Wa...

Little Things 120 : Loud

I turned off the light so I can be in total darkness. My head ached for the whole day, I had to rest and even sleep during daylight. By 11pm, I tried to close my eyes and forced myself to sleep. Restless, the body wasn't that tired to rest early than intended on my day off.  I woke up between dreams, felt my head thumping hard, and lost in another dream.  By the early morning mist,...

Excerpt 05 : My Father's Suitcase

April 06, 2014
The question we writers are asked most often, the favorite question, is: Why do you write? I write because I have an innate need to write. I write because I can’t do normal work as other people do. I write because I want to read books like the ones I write. I write because I am angry at everyone. I write because I love sitting in a room all day writing. I write because I can partake of real life...

Movie : The Grand Budapest Hotel

Dear Wes Anderson's fans, You can now watch his latest movie :  The Grand Budapest Hotel at MidValley, Pavilion or One Utama.  A special international movie that rarely picked in here, less publicity and advertisement, you can watch it for RM 10 in the smallest movie theater in Midvalley.  For 1 hour and 40 minutes, you will be entertained with interesting story in story,...