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February 28, 2011
* When colors shine under the sun  * * * March is coming.It's been a great journey so far.Many interesting thing coming up.Many new things to discover.♥ Running with a smile on my face.Sweat trickling tasted like honey.Approaching future like an old best friend. ...


February 26, 2011
* * It's been a month since I first started my daily character sketches :D Finished the project just now! It was hard to think of new thing to draw every single day.But I managed to finish it....

Moleskine -

February 24, 2011
Little anecdote&nbs...


* Sophie Madeleine & The Sailor Jerrys * Give a try and listen to the song I just linked up there.It gave me a feeling of fun dancing.You know, your shoulders bounce, your head moves.Those silly moves. Old songs always give me smiles :)...


February 23, 2011
* *Latest doodle on frame :All of us  Size : 4RMaterial : Wooden frame , inkCan customize names to be written. Email me to order


February 21, 2011
* * Hello, Other than I'm currently accepting wooden frame orders,the latest news is :I'm preparing myself for the upcoming events in May 2011.And other exciting stuffs that I can't share yet. So, be ready guys!Join me with another new adventure :DI'll be posting snippets if I can and if I have time :p * PS - Job opening at secretlabmedia & co , and for all readers of...


February 15, 2011
Currently on sale : * Flying with Umbrellas  * On train with Monsters * 26 x 26 cm ( 10 x 10" )Hand-drawn on wooden mirrors Status : Available  Email me :azreen_31@hotmail.comSerious buyers only...


* Inspired by :Muloyoung, astronautboys, Alphonse Mucha. I've been thinking, actually there is no such thing as 'originality'. Inspirations are out there waiting to bloom in our mind. Lurking around other people's ideas, hiding behind nature, silently waiting. It is not ours. Imitations are easy to be done. Copying is much easier.  People are eager to show what each of them can do. We compete.The...


February 14, 2011
* *Hello,I almost finish those six wooden frames thatI've been neglecting for quite a while.Will restock wooden frames soon.Can start ordering by sending me emails


February 10, 2011
Imaginism Studios provides an online learning school thru Imaginism School and you can pick your favorite artist to teach you their technique in drawing. My favorite artist there is Bobby Chiu. How awfully great to get the chance to learn from your inspiration :o Right? ( Considering Alphonse Mucha isn't here anymore to teach me his method ) Well, after putting up hopes in learning from a great...


February 09, 2011
* * I just posted the 14th character :)Although they are just simple sketches,still, I'm having fun thinking for the next character to do. * I miss long hours reading books :...


* ( custom blog's button coloring session ) * Thanks for all the support guys.Currently I'm busy working,stopped drawing seriously on woods.I just started another new proper doodle book. Sharing it with Tulila organizer make it hard for me to share it here( due to sharing space with my daily plans & scribbles )So I created another idea book :) * Hey, it's the 13th day for the 30 days character...


February 07, 2011
* *Hello,this is one of my latest commission work :machine theme illustration on speaker :D That was interesting and it took long hours to finish. *Main part : * Side views : * Mini parts : *I wish to own one too.Maybe one day I'll buy empty speaker myself too :D ...


February 05, 2011
* Hello,That's my current work on wooden mirror :D * Well,just to inform all of you :) Those shoes commissions were given by a friend of mine,and she bought those empty white shoes alongand asked if I could doodle on it. I don't really like drawing on fabric though.But if you are interested,you can send me an email to inform,then you can send to me your empty white shoeand I'll draw it for...


February 04, 2011
*Hello, It's been a while since I did doodles on shoes. These two shoes were commissioned by my ex-classmate : Bubblegummy-coloured shoes.Very yellowish ( Ha-ha ) * * Second shoe :Pink-Purplish Shoe * I hope they like it.I accidentally over-coloured it.  * * Well, how about you? Do you like it? *...


February 03, 2011
* This is my PSP cover inspired by bobsmade and locoroco :D( my favorite PSP game ) * Happy Chinese New Year! I've been busy working on my commission works the whole week!I'll post it later :...