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Little Stories 286 : May Walks, Stories and Books

May 31, 2024
The Mini Date with Mini Me:Picked her up early from her school after her school holiday camping activity and brought her jalan2, we went on a train ride but then she wanted to take a nap when she was in a moving vehicle (so macam pointless). Then Aja came by, so we went to Tamarind Square. Sofi wanted to see some books, then we went to see some pets, and I bribed her with a water cup from Mr DIY when...

Little Stories 285 : Just Ride the Wave

May 29, 2024
Last week was a tough week.When I looked back, it was around the same week as last month - so, the hormonal imbalance was understandable, the anxiety, the indigestion, the fatigue, the lightheadedness, then came the toothache, plus taking care of Sofi's sickness the whole week while she's missing her out-stationed dadi were all challenging. When Sofi started to cry at night for missing Af, I...

Tooth Story - My Root Canal Tooth Came Back to Haunt Me

May 21, 2024
 I love tootsie stories, huh.2 nights of waking up due to toothache. I don't often have toothache because I don't think I left any cavities untreated - but this toothache came from the molar tooth that I had root canal treatment in 2020. It was agonizing - I couldn't eat or sleep. By the second day, I had already booked a consultation appointment at a clinic near my apartment for the next day....

Little Stories 284 : Little Mami's Stories

May 14, 2024
On Celebrating Mami's Day:I just packed my bags and went to my mom's to stay over for the weekend. Sofi had a fever the day before so I decided to let her ponteng on Monday so that we would have an extra day to sleep over. There was not much planned, we just had walks in the mall and ate out, that's it. Chill day to spend with my mom and my daughter ♥ -Sometimes I feel like I'm getting...

Little Stories 283 : We Choose Our Battle

May 09, 2024
Here is a post dedicated to nice vibes at Pizza Mansion BB after I walked from the event venue (8k steps!). It was late, and I was famished, so I just chose the spot because I was in the area but I had to wait for my brother to finish his shift. Ordered carbonara pizza and it was ready after 5 minutes, tried asking the guy to keep it until my brother arrived but the policy is they can't keep it, and...

Little Stories 282 : KLIF for the Second Time

May 06, 2024
On Saturday, I was supposed to go to the library again to return the books and get new ones. But on the way there while on the train, my tiny heart said that it was closed that day, so I checked on Google and I found out that it was closed (the first Saturday of the month). The instinct was right.So I had to change my plan. I was contemplating whether I should go to find huge mahjong papers at the...

Little Thing 278 : The Repressed Feelings Part 2

May 02, 2024
 TMI but Important to Remember:I've been missing my period for almost 2 months (It was probably due to being underweight and stressed out and not eating much during Ramadhan). And so, I was trying my best, giving my whole effort in helping my body regulate all the imbalances that it was having these past few months. I'm making an effort:Remember the crying week? (it was done, I cried,...