Series - Fleabag; by Phoebe Waller-Bridge

January 16, 2024


Don’t worry it does get better. 
You promise? 

I promise. Listen, I was on the airplane the other day, and I realized, I mean, I’ve been longing to say this out loud, so.. Women are born with pain built in. It’s our physical destiny. Uh, period pains, sore boobs, childbirth, you know. We carry it within ourselves throughout our lives. Men don’t. They have to seek it out. They invent all these gods and demons and things, all so they can feel guilty about things, which is something we do very well on our own. Then they create wars so they can feel things and touch each other, and when there aren’t any wars, they can play sports. And we have it all going on in here, inside. We have pain on a cycle for years and years and years. And then, just when you feel you are making peace with it all, what happens? The menopause comes. The fucking menopause comes, and it is the most wonderful fucking thing in the world. And yes, your entire pelvic floor crumbles, and you get fucking hot, and no one cares, but then you’re free. No longer a slave, no longer a machine with parts. You’re just a person, in business. 
Oh. I thought it was horrendous. 

It is horrendous, but then it is magnificent. 
Something to look forward to.


Watched Fleabag to see what's the hype, and kinda excited over Andrew Scott taking a character of a very humanly-flawed priest. The messiness of the whole series is something that I've been appreciating lately because it's too flawed and too human, so I can't stop relating. Very cynical, very capricious, quite memorable.

Watching something so imperfect and flawed is something else, especially in fiction, where things could be better and great and magical - all the time. 

Good writing, Fleabag. 

// it will pass

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