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Baby Story: Surviving the First Month

September 06, 2019
I had a baby 6 weeks ago, on the 23rd of July 2019. We named her Ana Sofi (I am wisdom). People always say that the fourth trimester is the hardest phase. I wasn't fully prepared for this phase - it was definitely not as easy as the months during my pregnancy. Although I finally got my body back and it slowly starting to feel like myself, the emotional and physical changes after the pregnancy phase...

Pregnancy : The Last Few Dates before The Baby Comes

July 17, 2019
We had 4 silent years together. We are both introverts and we hardly have any friends, so we were just together most of the time. We fill each other's silences. Those time we spent together next to each other, doing our things and not saying anything. When we walk along the beach, when we hike during our trips, when we explore new places on foot, when we go on dates after dates. I love that...

Pregnancy : 8 Things I wish I'd Bought from the Start

July 09, 2019
I discussed with Af before about how the uncomfortable phases during pregnancy can be avoided/reduced if I had known what to spend on from the start. But it is already too late (for me) because I'm already reaching my final weeks but hopefully this will help new mothers in the future.  This is for you, as a pregnant woman, not for the baby yet :D -- 1. Pregnancy body pillow...

Little House : Our Mini Studio

June 30, 2019
Since we got the news end of last year about my pregnancy, we've been moving and cleaning things around the apartment. Our favorite space is our small studio/playroom where we spend most of the time working, watching movies/series and playing games. We were just 2 people in a 3 bedroom apartment for the past 2 years (not including when we were living elsewhere), so we have the privilege to dedicate...

Pregnancy : It is Okay to Feel Weak and Ask for Help

June 17, 2019
I won't deny that since I got pregnant, I've been feeling a bit 'weak'. I mean, I'm used to feeling strong and energized. I did half-marathons, I ran 10km so many times I lost count, I can walk the whole day while travelling, I'm physically fit (or I used to). Now I can't even slow-walk 2km without feeling pain in my pubic bones, my back and feet.   The truth is, all throughout my...

Pregnancy : All Things Fabric Related

June 11, 2019
Here are some of my experiences during my pregnancy phase - whether you'll be needing more clothes or not, it is entirely up to you and your body. As for me, I stayed at home most of the time and not so fancy with my clothing styles, so I don't need that many. I wore the same thing repeatedly all the time :D By the third month of my pregnancy, I can't no longer wear my jeans (so I stopped wearing...

Big News

May 16, 2019
Note :  This is an on-going post throughout 9 months In December last year I mentioned about the 4th goal in 2018 that I failed to achieve, that is having our own child/getting pregnant. It was the first public statement (online) that I wrote to mention about the situation i.e. we were married for 3.5 years and I've never been pregnant, not even once. We've tried.  For the past...

Food : Healthy Snacks, Fruits and Smoothies

April 25, 2019
I've been splurging on healthy fruits and snacks since early this year - due to my constant hunger, probably *boredom* of staying alone most of the time at home and being extra health conscious. I don't eat-out as much as I used to (due to being at home at least 6 days a week), I make home-made foods and I'm having fun experimenting.  Things I learned : I eat fruits with yogurts...