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Work Related : Enamel Pins

May 26, 2018
* Heyy guys,  I just made these new enamel pins available for pre-order : Malaysian | International The pre-order sales only available until 31st May  and the estimated shipping is the second week of June. ...

Little Things 243 : on More Books but Buying Less

May 14, 2018
I'm listening/reading to my 54th book this week.  Here's my current list of books. It's been a while since I can consume as much books as I can. Audio books is becoming my almost-daily habit this year. Most of the books that I'm listening to are non-fiction : biographies, memoirs, self-help, and anything knowledge-based. I found it easier than listening to fiction. From the reading,...

Little Story 227 : Coughs and Herbal Tea

May 12, 2018
In the past 2 months, I got sick twice : viral cough and allergic cough.  The viral cough took 10 days to recover. It infected my throat (so I was having a really bad and painful sore throat), my nose (I can't breathe through my nose at all), my eyes (there was a LOT of discharges and my eyes were blurry most of the time) and phlegm (infected ones). I went to the doctor and he said that...

Plant Project : Grow My Own Mini Herbs

May 10, 2018
Last month I participated in a "Grow Your Own Mini Herbs" workshop by Eats, Shoots and Roots at Riuh in the City, Bangsar - it was my first visit to the beautiful event.  If you are new to this blog - big note : I love plants and animals. That explains my Plant Projects throughout my adult life. When we were small, gardening was a weekly chore with my dad - and plus, he opened a nursery...