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Little Things 225 : 2016 Compilation

December 27, 2016
It's the final week of 2016 ! Here is the compilation of 2016 goals achieved and failed, as I do this yearly to remind myself that some things in life matters, even how small it is and years from now, I'll remember this moment when I compile all this every final week of the year. Plus, never trust your hard drive to keep data, if you want anything permanent, go to the internet :F * 1. Read...

Video : Etsy Made Local 2016

December 26, 2016
Af finally compiled the video he took at the previous Etsy Made Local event - read the post here. Thaaaaank you Etsy team and also to Af who has been right at my side in every events + activities I participated since we got married.  These final months in 2016 had been great, fun, busy and exciting, I joined an event at Public Garden Singapore, with Etsy Made Local and also...

Tiny Thoughts : All things random in my life

December 25, 2016
Writing: Other than my personal blog, I write as a Chief Designer of at: Fin's Medium, although I have my own personal Medium as well but I haven't written anything except replying to Mike Posner's posts and liking other people's articles on weekly basis. Note: I write at Medium when I put on my nerd hat.      Data: My new hard disk, Mr. Buffalo *barely 4 months where...

Random : Spooky Art Swap by Aviva

December 19, 2016
Image from Alexia's Twitter So for my Spooky Swap created by none-other-than the famous tumblr : Aviva Artzy last October, I sent my parcel to another awesome illustrator called Alexia Bee. Aviva contacted me and asked whether I was interested to join the arts swap *there was a lot of super-faaaamous illustrators and artists, and I loooove arts swap, so I said yes, yes, yes.  Here...

Events : Doodle Your Day with Azreenchan

December 17, 2016
Well it was not really an event, it was just a day with me and a bunch of kids. In October, I was emailed by someone from one of UPM's faculty : Faculty of Design & Architecture for a "whole day - school kids program" to teach doodling. I'm always up for new things, even though I never really had any experience teaching kids - so I just said yes. I was nervous, but the experience matters,...