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Singapore Trip 4 : Video post from Af

October 31, 2016
Time flies so fast !  It has been a month since I went to Singapore for the event at Suntec City with Public Garden. I'm still finding reasons to travel again but it isn't wise to travel during end of the year, the weather is bad, school holidays, people finishing up their leaves balance, plus commitment to renovating my now-destroyed-kitchen make me only focus on one future trip alone -...

Work Related : Remaining 2016 with events & activities

October 30, 2016
Reasoning always pushes me into sudden splurging on things; because when I have money - I want to travel, and when I can't travel I want to buy things - just because. Hm. But then, I'm trying to fill my schedule with events and activities that I can do, in hope of making my inner-self understand that sometimes I need to be the adult and be reasonable. Oh well. This November I'll be joining an...

Tutorial : Simple Digital Illustration

October 25, 2016
I'm going to share some of my techniques in digital illustration based on my own noob experience.  There are several types of illustration that I do : Digital illustration using hand-drawn stroke - on Photoshop Digital illustration using vector - on Illustrator Digital Illustration or Painting - on Photoshop My favorite style is by using Photoshop because it will be more flexible to...

Work Related : Some Tips for New Illustrators

October 24, 2016
As a local illustrator, I hate to accept that most local clients/publishers are putting such a low-fees/budget/price on illustration works. And because I wanted to help the industry, I usually agree on the pricing even though I know that I'm also jeopardizing the small illustrator's industry as well. I wish they know that I actually put much higher service fees to other international clients...

Work Related : Old Navy Poster

October 23, 2016
Have you seen it ? I subscribed to Adobe CC for a year, so I got to use Adobe Portfolio. Tried it and kinda like the whole clean curated look of my online portfolio. All images are not auto-compressed like in Behance *even though they are in the same engine - images posted in my portfolios are images uploaded in my Behance, but they are all clean and crisp :F Compared to images I posted in...

Work Related : Japanese Foods & Drinks Sticker Packs

Here are some of my stickers from my previous trip to Tokiyo that I printed out for my Public Garden, Singapore event a few weeks ago. I've been keeping these for almost a year now :F I used these stickers in my personal travelogue for the trip. Sooo nice that I can draw and make my own stickers for my own syok-sendiri travel journal kan :D These are my favorite items while we were in Tokiyo...

Books : Scandal, Boring Fictions and More Books

October 18, 2016
I think I took around 3 weeks with iFlix to finish up all 4 seasons of 'Scandal' by Shonda Rhimes.  I never thought I would enjoy politic/mystery/thriller series these days :F Look how grown-up I am now, I no longer have any patient to watch superpower/fantasy/sci-fiction series or even movies. I've been living in my own world for almost 30 years, now I'm just starting to catch up on the...

Run : The Fitness Story in a Year, July - Oct 2016

The first half of 2016 can be read here. This is the second half of the fitness story for this year : July : Total run : 5.5 km Goal update : 194/250km Super lazy + busy month. * August : Total run : 50 km Goal update : 200/250km We trained for the up-hill track because our 10km trail run in Bromo was getting near. We went to Bukit Jalil park, Bukit Komanwel Park, and Putrajaya for our...

Singapore Trip 3 : Things I Bought from the Trip 02

October 07, 2016
This time I managed to wake up before 4.30am. I went to our small kitchen to make hot Neslo that smells so nice in the morning and ate a banana. It started to rain. Early morning, hot drink and rain, a great combination to start a day. I'm continuing to list things that I bought in the previous Singapore trip - because all items deserve the mention :) * NoemoArt/Pooi Ning Chia postcard : Her...

Singapore Trip 2 : Things I Bought from the Trip 01

October 05, 2016
I woke up at 6.15 am, much later than I planned the previous night. I was having vertigo for the pass 5 days so I decided to meet a doctor last night just to get some advise on the matter because I was planning to start my running training soon. It's almost around 1 month before my 21km run. But the doctor advised me to just stay at home and rest for a few more days before I start my training....

Little Things 224 : New Machine

October 01, 2016
I've been using my MacbookPro-15inch since 2010, my final year in Uniten. The first 3 years was the honeymoon years - no problems, all perfect and nice. Like any digital devices after the fourth year of usage, it started having problems, I sent it to the Apple's service centre in KL to get it fixed. Again after a year forward, it started shutting down again for no reason on random times whenever...