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Mini Escapism : Sungai Petani, Kedah

May 25, 2016
My dad dropped the bomb several weeks ago in our big-family group Whatsapp saying that he's getting married o.O We didn't thought we would receive the news this way but because I'm so much mature than my 25 year old self, I accepted the way the story goes. All I can say is I'm glad he found someone that can take a good care of him.  * On Saturday : We planned to go to Sungai Petani...

Event : Secret Lies by Fadilah Karim

May 15, 2016
* Last Wednesday, Af asked me if I wanted to go to Fadilah Karim's solo exhibition - Secret Lies at Taksu, KL. I've been planning to go since she shared about the event in her IG, it took years for me to finally she her artworks live in her own solo exhibition.  I'm a big fan ! I bought a postcard pack from Art Expo at Matrade several years back just so I can have that one printed...

Work Related : The Sleepyheads Card

May 13, 2016
♥  * My sleepyheads card is currently available in my Etsy shop. If you are Malaysian and planning on buying this card, you can send me and email : for a special local price. ♥  ...

Little Stories 221 : A Soft Goodbye

May 12, 2016
That Thursday night, we received a news about Af's dad. He complained about his headache, and before he manage to walk out after he agreed on going to the hospital, he fell down, unconscious. The ambulance took him to Raub's hopsital, and they directed him to a bigger hospital in Temerloh.  I was having my usual headache, so I slept early. Af woke me up saying that he needed to go back...

Event : My 23rd Event at I Love Bazaar 2.0

May 04, 2016
Hello ! Written before the event : After a long hiatus from the hooman eyes, I finally booked a booth at the local arts & crafts event. This would be my 23rd booth since 2010 - this time I joined I Love Bazaar Handmade Market by RylDesigns. Never really went to their previous events before, but I really hope it would be fun-fun-exciting as I've been putting a lot of time and efforts in...

Book : Neil, Elif, Haruki and Riley Fizan.

May 03, 2016
Post from 2 months back : I found great books at KL Sentral : 3 books for RM 25, the shop is located at the old Chicken Rice Shop restaurant near Chatime : 1. Purple Cow : Transform your Business by Being Remarkable by Seth Godin. He is a brilliant marketing writer. 2. Make Good Art by Neil Gaiman I posted the commencement speech given by him in this previous post. I love the speech, I found...