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Little Things 144 : Wash up

August 30, 2014
In the organization I worked with, they hire 2-3 cleaners.  Their work mainly focuses on keeping all things tidy and clean ie: wash all the things in the pantry's sink, clean up the toilet, take the rubbish bags down, etc. For each cleaner, they pay roughly around RM1,500 (based on the innocent bual2 kosong with the cleaners - the amount I was paid when I was a fresh graduate).  So...

Little Things 143 : Life

August 29, 2014
It's no longer about the evening sky and the sound of leaves rustle in the hot park on random Saturdays. It's no longer about the heavy rain in the afternoon or wrong innocent turns. It's no longer about beautiful excerpts winding up in perfect time-lapse of yesterdays. I love emotions that make us, human. Now I understand why I don't have to know everything in li...

Little Things 142 : 100km

August 25, 2014
I reached my 100km !  Another 4 months before the end of 2014, so I'll try to add another 50km in my Runkeeper app. I had my 4th run yesterday, and another 2 to go. Other than Makna, I haven't registered for any run to complete my intended list of 6 runs a year.  Mom asked me why I am doing this again? Just for the sake of doing it, somehow it completes me. Just like some people...

Book : Sputnik Sweetheart

August 24, 2014
One of the thinnest Murakami's book I've read; Sputnik Sweetheart (229 pages), this took around 3 days of commuting to work. I bought it from Border's discounted book (*2nd book 50% off) with Dance, Dance, Dance - as the second book. Other than guiltily buying his latest "Colourless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage", the hardcover version with free stickers to put on the cover...

Little Things 141 : A Meaning

August 23, 2014
I love this old letter from a lady to Albert Einstein, she asked him :  “What’s the point of living with what we’re going through here — having one war after another?”  and he replied :   taken from here, brainpickings. * We want answers for every infinite question to satisfy our curious mind....

Little Things 140 : Bad-mouthing Human

"I really don't want to bad-mouth people, but when I do, I can't stop." I have thoughts, I have opinions, I don't talk much, but sometimes when I do, I burst things that I don't want to say. Have you ever done that? I did, and I know I'll do this many times more. This troubles me. I view myself as the second person in the room, and I know I don't want to do it but I'll do it anyway.  Call...

Little Stories 79 : Peculiar Man

August 21, 2014
Every morning on my way to work, I would meet this one peculiar man. A middle-aged man, buttoned shirt and khakis, slinging a black backpack, while holding a newspaper. I would not call him peculiar if it's not for his daily odd habit of randomly tearing up the newspaper into pieces. He would look around, tear some part and turn to the other page.  At first I thought he was interested...

Little Things 139 : Snowflaked Memories

You know how memories come and go? It goes swiftly like a falling snowflake drops on the tip of your nose, too small to give you a chill but you know it is there, for a few seconds, or even minutes, before it melts. Of all the countless snowflakes none shaped the same, or even identical. Memories are like that.  They give you those soft nudge, saying; "hey, it's me", each time they...

Little Things 138 : Heart

August 18, 2014
Heart, I am so sorry. * * Sometimes nothing makes sense at all. And when that happens, heal....

Little Things 137 : Not typical artist's block

August 17, 2014
Nope, it's not a typical artist's block. It's been months, maybe almost a year. Now I even made myself believe that I can't do any doodling or illustrating. I told myself that I can do designing at the office, designing for my freelance jobs, and that's that.  Azreenchan the doodler?  Phhbbt. That's a myth, guys. *Maybe I should just focus on my reading and writing. * ...

Little Things 136 : Live Updates

August 16, 2014
I noticed one annoying trend in my favorite social media application, Instagram and that is :  #liveupdates-anyeventsinthisworldyoucancomeupwith This is as annoying as getting spams in your Yahoo! mail account - if you know what I mean, or never-ending-notifications on Facebook group you've joined and soon regretted. If it's your wedding day and you want to do live updates that will...

Little Things 135 : Time's Up

Maybe the story isn't about the happy ending. Maybe it is about the journey towards it, but without the happy ending. The story that consists of you - putting up goals and dreams in your life, you - working relentlessly to achieve it despite the never-ending problems and challenges, you - trying to figure out ways and solutions for it, you - falling deep down into the world of failures and...

Book : The Goldfinch

August 15, 2014
After 3 weeks of The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt, the 962 pages of slow journey with Theo Decker on surviving his dreadful life after the death of his beloved mother. A painstakingly draggy story with too many detailed descriptions over everything. It can be beautiful, if there wasn't too many tiny mentions of things and if the pace is not too slow. This wasn't my favorite. It reminds me of Lionel...

Little Things 134 : Supermoon Attacks 2

August 09, 2014
Another supermoon guys, "Thanks to coincidental timing of the moon being at its closest approach to Earth for 2014, at 356,896 km away, while in its full phase this week our planet’s companion will appear 16% larger and 30% brighter than usual."  "In 2014 there are 3 supermoons : on July 12, August 10, and September 9, when the moon becomes full on the same day as perigee. Such tight timing...

Little Things 133 : Stack of Books

August 07, 2014
My colleagues are bringing books for me to read. Other than another bunch of books that I got from my brother last months, there are more books on my office table now waiting to be read. I've never been surrounded by so many readers and book lovers in one environment. As a bookaholic, this year has been a blessing. I'm reaching my 27th book and still going wild eating them up :D...

Little Things 132 : Modern Rumi in lyrics

August 06, 2014
I can only see his lyrics as something simple and beautiful, almost like modern Rumi, connected closely to  the love of God. I don't want to decipher his spiritual journey or trying to understand, because one's journey usually only makes sense to him alone. This compilation of mine is more like an amusement over other people's experience, in this case, the legendary musician; Ahmad Dhani. ...

Little Things 132 : Film Directors

August 02, 2014
I've seen many of these movies during my case studies among these 4 film directors ; Wes Anderson, Sofia Coppola, David Fincher and Baz Luhrmann. Each of them is unique in making his/her work of art that I can actually see particular styles and ways in their films. I bold some of my favorite movies from them in the list that worth to be watched. * Wes Anderson : Bottle Rocket (1996) | Rushmore...

Little Things 131 : Pi's Snippet

August 01, 2014
One scene in Life of Pi when Pi asked Anandi about her dance routine : Pi : In the dance, you went from Pataka, which means the forest, and then you did-then you did Samputa, which means something that is hidden, and after that you did this... and then you did Chatura. But at the very end you did this.. None of the others...

Little Things 130 : 10:99

Surat Yūnus (10:99) - And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed - all of them entirely. Then, [O Muhammad], would you compel the people in order that they become believers? Link Dan (bukanlah tanggungjawabmu wahai Muhammad menjadikan seluruh umat manusia beriman), jika Tuhanmu menghendaki nescaya berimanlah sekalian manusia yang ada di bumi. (Janganlah engkau bersedih hati...