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Little Things 126 : Silencing the World

June 28, 2014
Shy rain and dusty hot wind. Everything looks grey and unhealthy. Another hot season and sleepless sweaty nights, I've aged more than I should in a short time. I can't wait for my time to be away from the city heat.  * I almost finished reading H.Murakami's short stories compilation in Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. In the mid-way through the book, I realized something that I've been...

Little Stories 78 : Morning Talk

June 26, 2014
I had a rough night.  This morning I woke up feeling exhausted. It was too hot, too depressing, and I can't sleep for weeks now. I doodled almost the whole Muji's notebook cover while watching W! interview session on Youtube and my last Youtube video last night was a snippet from "La Vie en Rose" - 2007 acted by Marion Cottilard. I watched it several times by now, those beautiful quotes by...

Little Things 126 : Nothingness

June 21, 2014

Little Things 125 : Health & Body

June 09, 2014
* I've been using Runkeeper since April 2012.  Wrote a review once in this blog, quite a time ago, now it improved so much. I just realized I reached more than 300km since I started tracking my session. o_o This year I'm aiming for 100km, and I am less than half way to go.  * Today I went out for my usual running session.  Other than my brother, I still haven't...

Little Stories 77 : Monopod

We spent our Sunday celebrating my Dad's birthday. After we had our dinner, my sister suggested to take group photos; Aja : Reen, do you have a monopod? my dad half-listened to our conversation and said, Dad : What? Who menopause? Your friend? =....

Doodle : Fall

June 08, 2014
* * I remember doodling these kids in my book last year, I was in my emotional phase of my life and day by day I continued the doodles I did on the previous day and noticed the continuity.  So I scanned and coloured it and make a simple gif last week.  Love the innocent dotted texture for low resolution gif.&nbs...

Little Things 124 : OS X

June 07, 2014
I can't help but to notice this pattern has changed : OS X : 10.0 - Cheetah 10.1 - Puma 10.2 - Jaguar 10.3 - Panther 10.4 - Tiger 10.5 - Leopard 10.6 - Snow Leopard = I'm still here :D 10.7 - Lion 10.8 - Mountain Lion 10.9 - Mavericks 10.0 - Yosemite Why Yosemite ? Why did they changed from an animal to a place after this long ? :F ...

Design : Infographic

June 03, 2014
Another infograph posted in The Rakyat Post's new media last week, click here for the original post. It wouldn't be cool to upload every single thing that I created, but I am super excited over this particular infographic :D About the infographic : 1. The original written information were taken from Savemoney & Jobstreet.  2. Those little buildings were bought and re-edited...

Doodle : WIP

June 02, 2014
I'm working on digitizing my girls for future stickers : Tablet : Bamboo fun super old. Software : Photoshop CS4. I've been using the same old tablet for quite some time. Among all the things that were given to me as a birthday present, this one has been helping and teaching me for years (+4years). I love how we have a mutual understanding :) * Check on the full version...


June 01, 2014
There are certain things in life that I want to forget. Because if I don't, it will keep on replaying over and over again, like broken record play...