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Little Things 86 : Keseronokan Kecil 2

June 25, 2013
Antara yang seronok, 21. Balik rumah, ma masak sup daging. *sup daging is my favorite and I know she cooked for me, especially. 22. Random ice-cream yang my siblings belanja tanpa minta. 23. Dedikasi IG photo. 24. Tengok passport sendiri dan berangan. 25. Tanda 'right' kat To-Do list. 26. Tengok orang bawa buku, baca buku. 27. Jiran rumah yang tak pernah tegur tapi senyum je dari jauh. 28. Awan...

Supermoon Attacks !

June 23, 2013
It is today ! 23rd June 2013, you can see the biggest full moon in 2013. It will be at the closest point to the Earth, and will appear about 12% larger & 30% brighter :D Read here.  Tonight we can dance in the forest under the moon light and give offering to the moon spirits! And if you are lucky and the chosen one, you may receive kristal perak khayalan and send off to the moon *Sailormoon...

Event : Evangelione Doll Exhibition

June 22, 2013
Hello, I went to Pipit little shop to restock my sticker sets and good timing, there was an exhibition by Evangelione ! Miss Tako made so many hand-made little dolls playing around the area. So take a visit and hunt their photos :D I met Miss Tako, bought one of her postcard and asked for her signature. "You Pretty Little Thing" Evangelione Doll Exhibition 22nd - 30th June 2013 12pm...

Mini Escapism : Melaka 3

June 18, 2013
Things I love in Melaka : Jonker Walk area I was lost in this area, originally I planned to walk through the Jonker Street but decided to walk farther. It was a really hot day, I was squinting my eyes, trying to walk pass cars in the small lane. I arrived at rows of old shops, marked with the year it was built on the top of the building. Small temples, countless hostels and guest houses, bars...

Mini Escapism : Melaka 2

Things I love in Melaka : Old Buildings I think I yearned for old buildings in my every journey. I feel like I've been living a thousand years, repeating in loops. I tried to remember any encounters from my previous lives but failed. But I know, I know certain things inside me are scraps from the past. Here is to the famous Portuguese fortress in Melaka, A Famosa - 'the famous'.  Reach...

Event : Arts for Grab & KLAB 2013

June 17, 2013
I went to Kuala Lumpur Alternative Bookfest (KLab) in Annexe Gallery, Central Market yesterday. I haven't been to the city by public transportation for awhile so I let my brother lead the way - surprisingly I can't remember any of the routes, it was totally on him.  * We arrived there around 1pm, finally felt the cold air-cond in the gallery and started to visit every small booths....

Doodle : Kawan Lama

June 15, 2013
Boleh jadi hari memperingati kawan-kawan lama. Teringat tiap-tiap hari post gambar donut dengan kopi. Dia kata yang paling best adalah adrenaline dan anonymity. Kita jalan-jalan di tanah asing. Besarnya dunia, jumpa sekali seumur hidup. Mana sekarang ? Lama betul hilangnya. Ini doodle sempena teringat hari-hari itu : * Dan lagi seterusnya : * Bila rasa kebebasan , melukis...

Little Things 85 : Lost Brotherhood

June 12, 2013
Remember when we were all 15, we talked about which one of us will get married first? We pointed fingers to the girls and predicted their age when it will happen. Always to us, the girls, because the boys got too much to do, too many things to achieve. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27.  I'll probably will be married much much later than all of you. No, you'd be the first.  Years went by and slowly...

Little Stories 57 : 080613

June 09, 2013
Yesterday was my dad's 58th birthday.  We went to his house, watched movie, ate lunch+dinner, he cooked for us this amazing nasi minyak special and oven-baked chicken. He also made this delicious red velvet cake with cream cheese as perfect as it is possible. He gave each of us - girls a present, black pearl bracelet.  He took a lot of pictures, he recorded us all. He missed us,...

Mini Escapism : Melaka

I lingered through the old city, trying to find something new that I've never seen before. It was a hot day, sweat dampened the back of my shirt. I held my iPhone on my left hand while my right hand touched the texture of the wall. Mosses dried up on the wall, holding names of the passerby.  I wanted the experience, I needed to feel something to be inspired.  Two hours in the bus...


June 08, 2013
Semalam balik dari office. Dah terlupa kenapa balik lambat. Mungkin sebab hari hujan, lebat. Berdiri tepi jalan, buka payung. Lari-lari anak.  Hujan lebat. Lampu tepi jalan tak buka, gelap gelita dunia. Okay.  Angin kuat,  okay boleh redah. Tolonglah payung ungu, kuat sikit untuk hari ni. Hari ni ja, tak lama dah.  Ranting pokok besar jatuh tengah-tengah jalan,  nasib...

Little Stories 56 : Bus Ride

June 07, 2013
I take the bus almost every morning to work for more than a year now, so I've come to recognize people I see in the bus : bus conductor, ticket man, and the driver.  This morning I arrived at the bus stop when the bus was about to leave. I ran in my kurung and said 'thank you' for waiting. I got this habit of saying 'thank you' to everything even when I buy something at a store ; cashier...

Movie : KIL (2013)

After the long posted teaser in 2011 on Youtube, I finally watched Kil starring Redza Minhat and Suzanne Stocksill at the cinema. That was such a long wait ! It looked different than other local films, it reminded me so much of those beautifully crafted solemnization and wedding videos by our local profesional videographer, so I put it in my 'must-watch' movie list.  * I...

Little Things 84 : Go Local

June 06, 2013
I was trying to find the latest Yuna & Aizat's song : Dwihati that was released on iTunes a week ago, when I saw the latest album. So last week I bought Dwihati and enjoyed the tinkering music, listened to it until I fall asleep and this week I decided to buy Sixth Street that was released early last month on iTunes. Finally, Yuna is up on Malaysian iTunes! There are 5 songs on the EP, for $2.49...

Event : Mines Charity Run

I entered another 5 km run last week. This time I joined the event with Tasya, and without my brother ! It was a Mines Charity Run in the Mines, Seri Kembangan. Phew. It was my fifth run for this year, and I finally reached my 100 km targeted run & walk in 6 months time. I collected so many running shirts, medals and certificates - and I think I need a rest. I've wrote too many posts on running...