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A Note to My Brother

February 22, 2013
My brother turned 23 two days ago.  Happy Birthday ! This is a short post for my top list reader, my brother, a silent reader from the start :  ...

Homestay : Doodle Travelogue

February 17, 2013
* Hello ! Note : I've finally finished my doodle travelogue for the home-stay program. This doodles are mainly on my summarized experience while I was there. It's just a rough fast doodle, ignore my hand-writing. Enjoy ! I had to make a clickable link below to the page because of the 9 pages post of illustrations.  ...

Book : Life of Pi - Part 2

Later I read the book, it took me 2 weeks. I read Chapter 92 : Floating Island , on the 2nd last day before finishing it off the day after. Although I love the whole story, this particular chapter attracted me the most. By far, the book is a long version of the movie, the detailed part. I am thankful for reading it after I watched the movie because if I didn't, I may not find what I was searching...

Movie : Life of Pi - Part 1

February 15, 2013
I took a month to actually be ready to write this, since I watched the movie in January, and decided to read the 428 pages novel written in 100 chapters , so I would have a better understanding. The lack of knowledge in translating hidden meaning from a story *if there are hidden meanings, lead me into making extra effort in reading other people's reviews, and thoughts - all over the world. My favorite...

Doodle : Random Updates

February 14, 2013
Hello, This is my doodle book for the previous Homestay Program in Pahang : Day 1 , Day 2 , other. I haven't finish the touch-ups process, so I can't share the stories just yet. The Sleepyheads stickers are still available , if you are thinking of decorating your own doodle books with my little sleepyheads stickers. Small round : RM 1 each - Big round : RM 2 each - Rectangular...

Little Things 64 : Travel Thoughts

February 13, 2013
My heart pounds lightly when I read other people's stories on their traveling experience. Random tweets on never-ending interesting places annoy me. Countless pictures of different exotic destinations fascinate me.  It is a daily fight. A soft reminder to myself, not to be triggered by the world too much. Take my time to explore in my own pace, my own way and my own money.  Make...


February 12, 2013
* Hello ! How was your holiday ? I bet it was fun ! I stayed at home for 3 days in a row and had a massive headache last night. I guess I need to be in open space every once in a while to keep healthy. My holiday had been productive so far but who would want to read about other people doing works on their holiday, right ?  * Anyhow, I am nominated in Malaysia International Tourism...

Homestay : Day 2 : Kmpg Peruas, Raub

February 11, 2013
Hello ! * Day 2 : Home-stay Kg. Kuala Medang : We woke up early in the morning and had a nice breakfast with our host family, before we started our outing. Our first destination was local little food factory. With a warm welcome, they showed us a demonstration on how they make Sambal Hitam and Mi Sanggul. It was my first time on tasting those Sambal Hitam, and I loved it...

Homestay : Doodle

February 10, 2013
I'll post my doodle's from the home-stay experience soon. For now, please enjoy my long posts on the writing & photos version :D Thank you !  * ...

Homestay : Day 1 : Kmpg Kuala Medang

* Hello ! Last weekend I was lucky enough to join Blogger's Day Out with Pahang's Homestay Program by Tourism Pahang.  Being adopted by random families for a short length of time is not new to me. This was not my first home-stay experience, I joined several home-stay programs with Rakan Muda in Pahang ( Kuala Lipis & Janda Baik ) while I was in Uniten and also to Japan...

Little Things 63 : Curious

February 08, 2013
People make a decision to change, despite the risks and never-ending doubts. For some, out of curiosity, some driven by dreams, and for some people, they longed for an adventure of the unknown. Behind the fear of those blurry visions of the future, Hides something they actually longed for. Hope to make changes, to explore life's mysteries, and to create stories. Human. A curious creature, inde...

Little Stories 38 : Fifth Day

February 06, 2013
It's the fifth day in February.  I checked my Maybank2u account ,   balance : RM 92.80 . How does everyone else surviving ?  It's becoming a routine, on the first week of each month, going down to the basement parking lot to take out all the letters and bills in the letter box. A personal joke, telling myself that it's a strongest motivation to go to work everyday : Check your...