I received this yesterday. A postcard and 2 tickets :I bet this came from my dear friend that went to Paris couple of months ago with his family. Oh this pinched my heart a bit. One d...
It's almost May ! I've been a little slow in making more drawings due to the events preparation, fever, Pekan, laziness, work, distractions and hundreds of many excuses :D
And due to my tight schedule, I can't accept any commission work at this moment. So here I'm sharing with you some of my latest drawings. These are available for sale! I've been meaning to put a proper individual...
This is how I see if I don't wear my glasses on *well, almost.Half blind.When I was small, whenever my parents took us out for dinner and on the way back home, I took off my glasses and stared at the window. You know how us, near-sighted people see the lights without any glasses on? It shimmers in colours, with dark black coffee skies as the background. I'll squeeze my eyes and move my face and those...
Alhamdulillah, my artwork at SATU x SATU exhibition was sold last week.
Thank you !
I watched several series of Grey's Anatomy while doing this *with non-stop tears. Also many other random movies. My mom just gave me "mehh..", after I excitedly showed her the finished work. So much of having real professional artist for a mom =.='
Anyhow, if you are wondering. These little sleepyheads...
It's Sunday morning in Pekan. Cold morning breeze kisses my bones softly. Last night it rained for hours. I woke up several times because it was too cold. My body aches because I slept sideways too long. I am staring ahead at the green scenery. The air is so cold. So clear. So clean. It would be wonderful to wake up every morning to this. Morning coffee, cold clean air, and I think I can work in ...
This weekend will be my reading weekend! I'll finish off the current book I'm reading and I'll start a new one. Since I've been occupied with events preparation, I have no extra time to do anything else. And I miss my reading session.&nbs...
Hello !
You, Me & Us
On Moleskine Cahiers - Ruled Journal
64 lined pages. Last 16 sheets detachable.
9 x 14 cm. Acid-free paper. Inner pocket.
I was waiting for the train. It was raining. It was hot and raining. The first train came, I tried to fight all the barbarous women. They were literally shrieking, squeezing, pushing. I gave-up. I let them pass. The second train came. The door stopped right in front of me. I squeezed in. Thank God for being in the pinkish woman's coach, I don't need to squeeze in with men. The music was...
Do you love to travel? I do!
I love to travel so much, I made a travelogue so I can keep little bits of my experiences while going to places. Somehow along the way, I keep thinking, it would be so much fun if I have my own travel sticker pack, so I came up with this :
In this sticker pack, there are :
Letter + Envelope
and Ice-Cream!
I went to Publika Mall, Solaris Dutamas last weeked to submit my artwork for SATU x SATU group exhibition at Galeri Rumah Terang, Art Row. The launching will be on this Saturday and it will be exhibited until 10th May 2012. So be there!
“We want to open up the arts to the public. Anyone can paint or draw. Everyone can be an artist,” said artist Ade Putra Masri, the co-founder of Galeri...
One of my favorite art suppliers is Art Friend in The Garden! You can get quite a handful types of each things needed. Soooo many papers, so many canvases and colours everywhere. I am very thankful for having reachable art store to restock my things :D
On my first trip to Singapore, I got a chance to visit Singapore's Art Friend at Bras Basah. *Basheer Singapore also located here at the...
This is one thing that I believe in.When I want something, I'll work for it. I put my thoughts & efforts to achieve it. No matter what comes in my way. If something does comes in my way, I'll put it on hold, or I'll do it anyway in little segments. I don't believe in blaming people on something that I choose not to do. I don't care if I am broken hearted, depressed, stressed up, too...
Singing this reminds me of my afternoons after school, playing Tiberian Sun for hours in the hot computer room at home until my eyes ached. The big house did left a huge lonely feeling for a growing teenager like me at that time. Good old days.&nbs...
Last week I watched several book adaptations to movies. Those are :Extremely Loud & Incredibly CloseWe Need to Talk About KevinThe Invention of Hugo CabretThe Hunger GameI used to think Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer was an odd story, because I can't follow the storyline while reading it. It seemed a little bit jumpy and it was hard to imagine scenes when it didn't...
Sometimes I feel like dancing in the middle of the room, while listening to the loudest song in my head and not worrying over what others might think or say. Just be in that momen...
The first quarter of 2012 has ended well.
Here is the sleepyheads in many other sizes. I spent my weekends drawing these precious little sleepyheads to be printed soon. Many asked how I managed to draw in clean strokes without any sketches? I guess you need a sprinkle of obsession and being a little control freak might help. It gives you mild headache and blurry eyes,...