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Original Illustration : Little Journey

January 31, 2012
* Here I'm selling : original illustration of Little Journey Series on canvas. Size : 15 x 15 cm Material : Ink on canvas Price : RM 50 *free postage in Malaysia * Little Journey 1 * Little Journey 2 * Little Journey 3 * Little Journey 4 * Line them up together and you can see that they are linked together!  In...

Travel : Fraser's Hill 1

* Hello! I just came back from the Lab's family day. My 3 days were fully occupied with activities that left my body aching. *That's the spirit!  One of the activity on the second day was walking through Hemmant Trail, that took about 1 hour walk *plus minus 1 km. It's been a while, the last time I walked in a jungle trail was in back in Bandung last month.  We had to walk...

Little Story 2 : Your word again?

January 25, 2012
This happened last night when I helped my dad with his work.Dad : Reen, can you do this amination for me?Me : Amination..*looking at his laptop screen to see what is amination.Dad : These moving items, I can do this, but it will take longer time. *oh, he meant "animation".*I have no heart to tell him the word is supposed to be 'animation' not 'amination'. I smiled a bit every time he said it. *He...

Study : Animal

January 24, 2012
* Giraffe Studying animals & pencil strokes. * Referred from : Number 300. Animals. Copyright-free illustrations of Mammals, Birds, Fish, Insects, etc. A Pictorial Archive from 19th-Century Sources Selected by Jim Harter. *my mom's really old book that kept thousands of awesome illustration...

Work Related : Petronas Pitstop Mobile App

* At last, after almost a year of development, the mobile application is ready! I was super excited at the launching held by Petronas at The Apartment, KLCC last Monday *even though I can guarantee you I looked super bored - due to my failure in mixing around with the crowds.  Our team, managed to pull it out along with Petronas Coffee Break campaign as well! Congratulation all! :D This...

My Path.

January 22, 2012
*I've been interviewed for a local paper yesterday! Since I've started doodling, I've made a list of what I want to achieve in 2 years time. Those are : TV, magazine, newspaper, online features and exhibition. I've managed to achieve everything in estimated time, and it felt so good :) I still can remember what one of my teacher said to me the last time I went back to school. How she looked down...

Random Thoughts.

January 20, 2012
*I've been collecting little pencil-stroked illustrations of random items. Many set of teapots, stationaries, foods, animals, shoes, toys and such. Several notepads, scrap papers, and sketch books. Now I'm recollecting it in one proper book. A little memory of incidents, places I went to, things that I saw, things that I love. * But still, too lazy to share with the world.*I've been dreaming a lot...

Little Things 9 : Book vs Facebook

January 19, 2012
I found an interesting paragraph while reading The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari :The word I'm speaking of is passion, and it is a word you must constantly keep at the forefront of your mind as you follow your mission and attain your goals. A burning sense of passion is the most potent fuel for your dreams. Here, in our society we have lost our passion. We do not do things because we love to do them....


January 18, 2012
* * I'm resting to focus on personal projects this year! :D ...

Little Things 8 : Moleskine

*Despite their overpriced price tags, I still feel closest to what Moleskine offers to the world. Their sleek, ubercool, simple and sophisticated look. *what an annoying taste I have. I have never really use their products, because I know I'll waste it for sure - having to commit to one sketch book until the last page is quite challenging. I received one Moleskine watercolor sketchbook from my blog...

Little Things 7 : Stickers

**Last weekend, I went to Scrap & Crop to restock my stickers for my travelogue. *it's getting thicker! If you have never been to Scrap & Crop, well, you are missing something in life! Aha. I splurged my money on more stickers, because I was angry with myself! * For not being able to spend my money on anything.Although I can do all these items myself, it's hard to not buy anything...

Little Things 6 : Passing 60 cents

January 17, 2012
I arrived at Setiawangsa LRT station last night. My handphone was out of battery. I went to several public phones hoping for a single phone call to my sister, saying that I've arrived there. Wondering how 60 cents can survive a mobile phone calls. But unfortunately not even one phone can be used. I was sweating, worried. I've never been there before.I walked to the only kiosk at the station and asked...

Lesson 3 : Search for Happiness

January 16, 2012
< Continuation from previous post >I'm currently reading Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francois Lelord.*Taken points from his book, I'm going to share his findings :Lesson 3 :Many people see happiness only in their future.This is a lesson I need to learn. I always, always, always, think I can be happy when I achieve my dreams, so I am working hard for my future....

Lesson 2 : Search for Happiness

January 15, 2012
< Continuation from previous post > I'm currently reading Hector and the Search for Happiness by Francois Lelord. * Taken points from his book, I'm going to share his findings : Lesson 2 : Happiness often comes when least expected People love surprises. I used to think that I dislike surprises, because I've never really experience it so I chose to assume...

Lesson 1 : Search for Happiness

January 14, 2012
It's still new year and I'm aiming for 25 books to read by the end of 2012. I'm putting reading slot for my daily routine, in hope of giving some chances to reading once again - no matter how occupied I am with works.  I just finished reading Jodi Picoult's - Sing You Home last night, after keeping those last 2 chapters for a month. Now, I'm currently reading Hector and the Search...

Random: Difficulty with Constant Reasoning.

January 12, 2012
Choosing a mobile phone has always been a difficult task for me since my early encounter with it. My mom usually pick one for me *easy way out. I've never been obsessed with mobile phone, nor I have any liking towards it. I hardly pick up the phone when people call or reply to text messages, I usually left my phone on the table or in my room. Our relationship has been mutual. I use it when it...

Walk & Eat

January 11, 2012
*I've been wanting to go to the Tokyo Street in Pavilion since I followed Wind Koh's Instagram :D The Pavilion is not really my type of place. The bookstore is super small. There are various of branded stores, yes, I know, but I am not really into branded stuffs, so there's no point. I love Tokyo Street but I think it is too small. Been imagining bigger and longer street >.<*We had some donuts...


I have no idea how old Awan is.I've lost count. It's over 5 months, if I'm not mistaken.Last 2 weekends, Awan managed to yank out one of my Mac keyboard's button *the arrow to the right. And for 3 days, I've been searching vigorously. I didn't scold Awan. I know it was such an innocent act *can't imagine how I would react if my siblings were the one that did that, haa.. But I was sulking with...

What I use to Doodle?

January 10, 2012
Hello, As most people would like to know what I use to doodle, I made this post for you. I spent hundreds for my stationaries over these 2 years *for fun, experimentation and works. Reminder :  This post is done to share my liking towards certain kind of product. You need to remember that everyone has different taste and you should explore that in you. This is not an important fact...


Do you have this sudden realization that your time is not enough and limited and you feel like running  as fast as you can or decide on things that you've been planning for long? 25 is the mark that I've set in my mind and all these plans start to make me feel anxious. I do hope to live another 25 years or maybe until I can see my future children grow independently in front of me. With God's...

First week of 2012 : Doodle

January 08, 2012
* Hello, How was your first week of 2012? I have started a new painting on the same theme : ...

Video : How to Start Doodling

January 06, 2012
Hello, Haven't post any videos for ages. Here I'm sharing with you some basic things before I start doodling : * Back to basic! Doodling is simple, and what materials you use is not so important. :...

Little Story : Our birthday.

January 05, 2012
We celebrated our birthday (*my sister & I) last night at Seoul Garden, IOI Mall. That was my first encounter with unlimited amount of seafood and I was super excited. But I guess I ate a bit too much and felt bloated afterwards. I put up 1.5kg in several hours, so believe me when I said I ate a LOT last night :D Thousand thanks to my family for putting up such efforts to make us feel...

Lesson in my Life : 2

January 04, 2012
*18 years ago, I was 7 years old. On my first day of school, I kissed my dad's hand and he left me with my older sister. She held my hand and brought me to my class. She asked me to find a place to sit and left me alone almost instantly. No tears, no whines. If you cry, you are wea...

Music Video : 2

*Ah, I'm guilty for putting a music video on my blog again. But I don't know where to share my excitement when I found a diamond in the rough. One of my weekly excitement is finding a new artist/band that is not commercialized by the local media. I love to find them in the midst of technology and normally I wouldn't share it with the world *because I found it first! lol.Irma : 23 years old...

Another Doodle Collection.

* I'll be selling these someday soon. Preparing for massive exhibition! These are some of my doodle collection : Picture taken by iPod with filter, hence the quality. Oh, currently my stock for shrink plastic is null. So, I can't accept orders yet for a time being. Be patient ya. ...

Cranky on New Year

January 03, 2012
While munching sugary stuffs I bought from a convenient store near our lab,  I can't stop to ponder on things that happened last year. Yes, it is a new year, 3 days passed already, running so rapidly leaving us by seconds. On new year's eve I spent my day like any other day, I can't even remember celebrating the arrival of a new year before so it wasn't a big deal. I guess it seems like another...

Cliche Post : 2012

* My desk : I'm working on having my own space, someday soon. * My new year started pretty bad :( I keep on getting these bad vibes all over. I hope it lasts just for a few days. And I need your support, everyone. PS : I'm officially 25 today. * ...