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October 31, 2010
* * I want to reach the skyand I don't want to stop here ...


October 30, 2010
* * Random doodle :" When I'm with you "found scrap paper on my desk while revising for Image Processing exam tomorrow :( ...


October 28, 2010
*  Title : Our JourneyMaterial : 300 g/m² ( watercolor paper ) - acid freeSize : 10 x 10 inches for each paper *  Exhibited in HIMPUN exhibition from 16 - 30 Oct 2010 at Balai Seni Lukis Negara  * * * It can be combined from both left side or right side * It's not a doodle, it's an illustration.Why does it differs ?Although I drawn it spontaneously using the artline, I've...


October 27, 2010
Hello Again! It's been a while. I made some stickers for last week's event : Here, it's for sale :) *5 cikipikis - RM2(not including postage, sorry) *Lomo camera's fan?Here, I vectorized and made stickers too.A set of 4 lomo cameras : RM2(not including postage price too, sorry) * * Status : Sold Out! Thank...


October 26, 2010
* * KLUE Magazine Oct 2010 Can you recognize the drawing for Squeak Art Asia Project ? :DYeay, I'm happy :) *  ...


October 23, 2010
| selling only : || 20 doodles on envelopes | | 10 miniature paintings | | 5 doodle on doilies || 4 handmade notebooks | | 6 original illustrations | | and limited stickers |  at LORONG SENI , Menara KBS, Putrajaya today starting at 12.30pm until 10pm along with Zamzammee doodles & Azah chan paper craft ( my sister )& DIY batik. So come & support us...


October 20, 2010
Hello guys! Help Maya captures those little Ciki & Piki, tiny cloud monsters! Make a game | CikiPiki | Free games | Pictogame First game done by me with helps from google, various tutorial, and logo lesson from zamzammee. Did you capture all? Post your marks in the comment box!...


October 17, 2010
Hello! So yesterday I went to "HIMPUN"and took some pictures :   * I was pretty excited ! *The artwork was done in a week before I submitted it on Friday.Like usual, my artwork can be connected both from left or right. *  * azah chan's fabric collageArt by Azah Azrina ( FB )  * zamzammee's digital illustration " Wau " Doodles-by-Zamzammee < Fb > * Other remarkable...


October 15, 2010
* * Catch us :( azreenchan, zamzammee & azahchan - my sister! )with Pameran Seni Bertajuk Himpun at Peti Seni, Balai Seni Lukis Negarafrom 16 - 30 Oct 2010. * Free entrance * ...


October 12, 2010
*Miniature Painting * Title : I love us Size : 5 x 5 x 1 cm Material : Hand-drawn on Canvas Price : RM10 including postage Status : Sold out | write your name | by request | Email me : to order....


October 06, 2010
* Why is love intensified by absence?quoted from one of my favorite book :The Time Traveler's Wifeby Audrey Niffenegger * Pencilled-doodle in my favorite brown notebook.Ps - I missed the word 'wife' in the box above :D * * Have you ever read the book?It was a beautifully written and I urge you to read it. * Please please please vote for me in : * Doodle Anonymous* (Hurry! Ends in 5 days) *...


* * Do you think I should share some of my simple coloring technique?Is anyone interested to learn some?I'm not a professional, but I know some basic :) * Has anyone received my special free gifts for random people?I posted some, but I didn't receive any reply from them :o ...


October 01, 2010
*  " Wanting is not the same as loving "quoted from Mercy by Jodi Picoult * In my favorite brown notebookPencilled-doodl...