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Little Stories 292 : Fourth Week, Sinusitis, and KK

July 27, 2024
Came the fourth week:I'm writing from my mom's house, and I've been staying here for a week now. Originally I went back last weekend to celebrate Sofi's 5th birthday together. But since then, my health has worsened and I was infected with sinusitis, most probably from the same virus that I've been fighting for over a month now. This was my first sinusitis, it was bad. I didn't know how to manage...

Little Thing 279 : The 9-dots Puzzle

July 19, 2024
 One thing I wanted to remember from Elastic was the 9-dots puzzle.In this puzzle, you are asked to connect these 9 dots in 4 straight lines or less without lifting the pen. Sounds easy, right? Try it. -Apparently, most normal people can't do it impromptu. But the success rate for solving the puzzle is when:we supply with 2 extra dotsor, we draw another spacious box around...

Little Stories 291: Still Coughing, Books I Read and the Library

July 18, 2024
3 weeks:3 weeks, I have been sick with a really bad cough for 3 weeks now. I tried the antibiotic, finished its course and it didn't get better, it worsened actually, I went to the doctor for the second time for a consultation and he said to try another batch of other antibiotics. But I wanted to give it another week and see whether it would improve by myself. I got another batch of cough syrup and...

Little Stories 290 : On Being Sick, Meeting Awful People and Walking

July 09, 2024
On Being Sick:I tried with herbal cough syrup and honey for 9 days, before I finally gave in and went to the doctor to get it checked. My cough was not getting any better after more than a week. The doctor checked my throat and said "Definitely viral infection, your throat is red and inflamed, even after a week". She prescribed me antibiotics and medication for the cough + phlegm. Sofi just got...

Book : The Nerd Talk - About Library

July 06, 2024
Your Library, My LibraryI found WorldCat, a global database of library materials. I would type in a specific book I want to find and the catalog will show you which library "near you" got the book you can borrow. Unfortunately, most books in Malaysia do not carry the books that I'm searching for. I'm saddened by the realization of the limited free resources from our local libraries. Now that...

Book/Movie : All of Us Strangers

July 04, 2024
 All of Us Strangers:In April, I listened to a book called Strangers by Taichi Yamada. I found All of Us Strangers on Hotstar this week, and I thought I would watch it just to feed my curiosity - anything by Andrew Scott or Paul Mescal has been great so far. The movie is loosely based on the book - the rough idea is the same, but the story, the representation, and the focus are...

Book : The Insects and The Question About The Basic

July 03, 2024
The Strange Order of Things by Antonio Damasio.There is this one section in About Life and Its Regulation: From the Life of Social Insects (pg 22):These 2% of insects mainly ants, bees, wasps, and termites are capable of remarkable social behaviors. They are biologically created to have a strict inflexible routine for the purpose of their group's survival in nature. They divide labor intelligently...

Little Stories 289 : Library 2 Weeks Ago & Extending The Borrowing Date (KL Library)

July 02, 2024
I went to the library after the Raya to borrow more books.The first and third pictures are pictures of the books that I picked because I was interested in them, then I sat and read a few pages from each book to test its writing style - to see whether I could read them within 2 weeks. The picture in the middle is the books that I chose:I finished reading Invisible by Paul Auster today (it marked...