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Little Things 267 : Drowning On The Land

June 24, 2023
I'm having a hard time falling asleep, and I keep waking up around 3 - 4 am, a bit too early to start my day. Crampy stomach pain, tense shoulder, dissociation, moody, and a bit too stressed out. This keeps on repeating every few weeks like a pattern. I know myself too much to not notice this - I'm struggling, right? I don't have to talk my mind out of it or try to talk in riddles to lessen the impact....

Random : Who Are You During a Zombie Apocalypse ?

June 21, 2023
There is an interesting field to discuss on the topic of morals and ethics during a zombie apocalypse. A whole lot of philosophical questions that are worth your nerdy brain to pick on, especially on the 'uncomfortable' what-ifs questions, what is right and wrong during extreme circumstances, who you are as a person, and who you 'really' are in an apocalypse.These are some questions on morals or ethics...

Movie : Spiderverse, 2023

June 19, 2023
Standing ovation:First off, congratulation to Spiderverse for a 5-star movie that left me in awe throughout the whole movie, for a top-notch evolution in the visual/animation/film industry, for opening the door to more experimentation, for telling the world that there are more than what is expected from an animation mould (Disney/Pixar) and for showing the world a new higher par to reach. There...

Run - Canceled Event but Exchanged with a Better One

June 14, 2023
 1) I haven't run since the neck-shoulder incident. But soon after I started training again.2) The Malaysia Night Race that I registered for (and the half-marathon training that I am preparing my body for, is officially canceled). They said it is postponed due to unavoidable reasons, but they are returning the money to us back, so it is officially canceled. Suddenly, I felt a huge relief because...

Little Stories 251 - A Day Out Jungle Trekking and Enjoying Food

June 08, 2023
Taman Tugu :It was suggested by Ms Chin in April, planned in May and finally, we went there last Thursday on the 1st of June. Taman Tugu is located near Taman Tasik Perdana (one of my fav parks), how come I didn't know about this place before - that's a mystery. We arrived there and started our first trekking around 8.30 am and finished it after around 2.5 hrs. There are 5 trails in Taman...

Little Stories 252 : That Conversation in White Lotus

 Daphne asked Harper whether she likes being a woman and Harper said she’s fine with it, 'usually'. She then said she loves being a woman and would hate to be a man : "It’s so lonely. I mean, they are so competitive. It’s like, can they even be friends with each other? Cameron and I went on a safari and on safari, you see all these pods of elephants and they all like, bathing in the...

Event : The Weekend Event at CAFKL 2023

June 06, 2023
Last weekend I joined CAFKL at The Starling Mall. It didn't even make any sense. I didn't manage to create any new pieces of stuff like I planned, I felt like I made a mistake by booking 2 tables, and didn't feel like going anymore. I was physically in pain and couldn't draw, so there were no last minutes drawings. -I took care of the booth alone, so I spent most of the time reading...

Little Things 266 : My Numbers

June 03, 2023
 On my odd Thursday :I paid my first bill at 11:13 am, which subtotaled RM 113.00, and the net total was RM 131.10.When I saw the watch during our lunch stop, my step count was 11,313 steps. Later I was bragging to my brother about it and coincidently when I looked at the watch again, the time was 01:31:31 pm.Later that day, I paid some bills and my balance was RM 1,313.15. I even texted...