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Little Story 232 : Having a Strong Support System

February 05, 2021
It is important to have a strong support system. I feel like this is one of the bad side of being physically healthy almost all my life, I took my health and time for granted. I thought I don't really need a strong support system. when I fall sick, Af had to focus on taking care of Sofi and I was put on quarantine alone in different room. I was sick...

Little Story 231 : The Game that Taught Me About Life

February 02, 2021
I started playing games on Apple Arcade last month (trial version).While I was recovering, I tried Outlanders.Basically Outlanders is a town-building simulation. You'll be the leader in a town, with your town people, resources and different goal for each level. Some leaders want to reach certain success, or population, etc. In the game, I am to decide which sector to focus on, to make sure the people...

Little Story 230 : I Fell Terribly Sick and I Want to Remember This

February 01, 2021
I am overwhelmed by the things that happened this past 2 weeks. I fell sick and here is my story :19/1 - I had a hard time breathing, cold sweat, heart thumping.20/1 - I took my 1st covid swab at a clinic near my house and tested negative.23/1 - I had another attack (hard time breathing, that lead to exhaustion and I hyperventilated because I didn't know what was happening. Af called an ambulance,...