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Books : My 2020 Book Challenge

December 27, 2020
My goal is 33 books but I finished 50 books instead !Image by Darwin VegherI'm still on Scribd this year and I've been listening/reading to digital books like in the previous years. I don't buy physical books anymore (except for Murakami's Killing Commandatore this year and books for Sofi). -Here is the list of books that I enjoyed this year :Breast and Eggs by Mieko KawakamoThe Magic of Motherhood...

Little Things 245 - After Midnight

December 12, 2020
Remember my previous curated playlist on Spotify called Wandering Soul ? Well I made a new one since Sofi and I called it After Midnight. I used this picture I found by @michellisphoto , so it is not mine, all credit to her :-There is a phase that started post-pregnancy while I was still heavily hormonal and mildly depressed perhaps due to post-partum depression, stress and recovery. So...

Review : Bookxcess Book Haul (Dec 2020)

December 06, 2020
Right after I got my payment this month I made an online order from Bookxcess !I ordered more picture books for Sofi since she started another phase of flipping-through all her picture books all day (especially before sleep at night). She flips-through it all repeatedly, even though she hasn't started talking yet (she is now 1 yr 4 mo). But she always push the books in my face so I could act / sing...