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Little Things 242 : Turning 31

January 12, 2018
I turned 31 last week!  31 on 3.1  💛 Let me share some of the stuffs that I did on my birthday :  1. Af sent me to Mid Valley for a 'Me' time because I know if I stay at home, I'll be doing works as usual. There are hardly any days in my week that I stay home relaxing doing nothing - I don't even understand what that is anymore. Fun is work, work is also work. Basically my...

Little Things 241 : 2017 Compilation

January 05, 2018
As requested, I'm going to share this 2017 compilation that I drafted since the end of last year. Hahaha, lame joke. 1. Read 30 books in a year goal. (Failed) I only read 15 books in 2017, guyyyyyys.  I think the most memorable audio book I listened to was Carried Fisher's - Wishful Thinking, probably because she recently passed away. In loving memory of Princess Leia, one of the most iconic...

Little Things 240 : Things I did before 2018

January 01, 2018
2018, it marked the 10 year anniversary of me blogging publicly on Blogspot ! I don't think I'll stop writing in near future. I know blogging is not so 'in' nowadays, and people prefer micro-blogging or vlogging instead. But I still love the time I spend drafting random pieces and updates of my life to be added into a permanent realm of the internet - this is how narcissistic I can be.  We...