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Work Related : New Shop Stickerrific

October 11, 2017
This post was drafted on September :

For those art & craft lovers, you must have heard about Stickerrific in PJ (near JayaOne). Well, I contacted them last year asking for a spot to send my products - and they asked me to come with my products when I have the time. But last year I was super busy with Fin soon after I contacted them and I didn't find the time to make stuffs. So I kinda kept low afterwards.

Until 2 weeks ago I contacted them again, and they were still interested to meet me & my stuffs. So for the past week I've been preparing stuffs to send to Stickerrific. I am the only worker - so I had to do every single thing : designing, preparing file, printing, cutting, packing, bar-coding & sending the items. Imagine if you want to send 10 types of your products and for each of the 10 items, you want to send 10 pieces of it, then you'll have to prepare 100 items. Most of my items are not ready-made stuffs, they are in a way or another : hand-made or needed my personal touch. So you can imagine the time-consuming process.

Of course I can choose to 'just design', mass produce all my stuffs, and not having to think about the small fussy things. But here's the difference between just a designer and an independent artist : independent artist like to give personal touch to each and every item. This explains why I love preparing my sticker packs and why I don't really feel connected to items like my postcards (because I just send it to print and it is ready).

If you are a crafter + hoarder, this is your heaven :


So on that Thursday we went to Stickerrific.
Other than Af, my mom and my brother tagged along as well. I was greeted by the siblings and we discussed about all my items (well they take it all) and I felt oh so happy oh oh ! I prepared the delivery order copies, let them count the stock, and that's it - my items are officially at Stickerrific :D You can now get some of my items at Stickerrific (like the travel journal, Japanese food sticker packs, Kuroneko postcard, enamel pins and some of my other big stickers) - so you don't have to wait for an event or pay the shipping fees.

I did some shopping here as well.
I bought Stickerrific's cat sticker and a beautiful letter-pressed postcard :

Anyway, just a few days later they informed me, telling that all my Japanese sticker packs are sold out and I need to restock +.+ I am super thankful, but I was busy preparing my stuffs for the Jesselton Artisan Market in Sabah so I had to put the priorities first to the event then to the shop.

Current situation : I am preparing all the items I need to send to Stickerrific especially the sticker packs. I'm not sure about the pins (all the pins that I brought to JAM was sold out so I need to prepare the packaging as well). Busy busy week. This weekend we will be having a mom's birthday holiday at PD and next week's weekend I'll be joining Machi Mochi Market at Sunway Velocity - so I don't think I have extra time to rest for now :F

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